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So, i have looked through, and did not see a single topic about anime. So, I decided that us otakus start talking about the new upcoming animes.

I have looked at Kanon, and it looks really good. Anything made by ADV films is going to be awesome. I also really like Air TV.

So, i have looked through, and did not see a single topic about anime. So, I decided that us otakus start talking about the new upcoming animes.

I have looked at Kanon, and it looks really good. Anything made by ADV films is going to be awesome. I also really like Air TV.

ADV Films doesn't make anything. They're a licensing company.

And making a topic about "Anime" is like making a topic about "Movies" or "Books." It's so broad.


Anybody who calls themselves an otaku doesn't even know what the word means in Japan. That aside, roping people who watch anime into a group is so restricting. So, you watch a few cartoons from Japan--it's a little bit nichey, but how's it different compared to watching a TV show from Britain or Canada?

Uh, in any case, I've not watched much anime or much TV in general lately. The last good series I've seen has to be The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Anybody who calls themselves an otaku doesn't even know what the word means in Japan.


Also, just because it's anime doesn't mean that it's good. I've been studying Japanese for almost 10 years now (meaning that I understand and appreciate the culture) and can't stomach most of what American "otakus" claim to be gold.


Also, just because it's anime doesn't mean that it's good. I've been studying Japanese for almost 10 years now (meaning that I understand and appreciate the culture) and can't stomach most of what American "otakus" claim to be gold.

Good point. I remember when I first started watching a few anime shows and felt like it was going to be some kind of a passion for me. I can't believe I watched and own a copy of the Love Hina anime. The manga is not bad even today, but wow, I can't stand more than a minute of that cartoon any more. Yet it has such a following...


I've made it a life mission of mine to own all of Love Hina. The manga, not the 'anime'. I wouldn't even call it that. It's a downright, ridiculous failure. I can't stomach the music, which is awful. It can't hold a lit fart to the original manga.

That is all.

Uh, in any case, I've not watched much anime or much TV in general lately. The last good series I've seen has to be The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Funny, because I'm still looking for that one along some series called "Bokusatsu Tenshi" (Dokuro-Chan). I only hard of the latter from my twisted friends and they referred to it as a "quick laugh". Googling it barely did me any justice.


Anything made in the early to mid 90's and before are the only ones that I can really stand. New anime is just the poster said above, "Cookie cutter storylines and characters with piss poor production values. It really disgraces the artform of animation in general."

The only real exception to this is Cowboy Bebop, though I know that that anime isn't really anything "recent" or "new".


I really wouldn't say they are piss poor. Like TV shows today, they are a million to choose from. Besides, anime now is drawn alot better than it was before, so it looks even better.

I don't watch alot of old stuff, mainly because the artwork is not near as good as it is now.

I really wouldn't say they are piss poor. Like TV shows today, they are a million to choose from. Besides, anime now is drawn alot better than it was before, so it looks even better.

I don't watch alot of old stuff, mainly because the artwork is not near as good as it is now.

I'm not talking about the artwork. I'm referring to the animation, how much motion and emotion are present from the drawings. Most of what I've seen are just static heads with blinking eyes a mouth that just moves in and out and maybe some hair or a cape blowing in the wind. If it's an action sequence then it's just blurred fists and feet against a speed lined background. And I hate how some shows will completely change the art style on the fly for 'comedic' effect.

What? You don't like anime?

Anime's alright. But calling yourself an otaku is like calling yourself a fanboy and being proud of it. Which is like calling yourself a half-retarded driveling biased moron and being proud of it. So don't do it.

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

I'm just going to say that if you haven't at least looked at this series, you should go do so. Now. Not everyone is going to like it; it's a bit hit-or-miss. But it typically hits pretty hard when it does. :-)

As for production values and storylines... yeah, there have been a few recent ones that are poor in those departments. But not all of them. As far as animation is concerned, Haruhi was superbly animated for most of the series. It wasn't extremely detailed with the artwork all the time (though it was when it was needed, like during the "concert" scene), but it flowed really well and the little things were paid attention to. Its story, I think, was pretty good too, but then again, it was based off the novels and not produced first as an anime. So I'm not sure if that can count.


I've enjoyed Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, Full Metal Alchemist and Trigun - that's it. Those four shows are absolutely incredible and are must-watches, as far as I'm concerned. I don't believe I've enjoyed any other show nearly as much, though Evangelion is in there trailing behind.


One new show that may potentially become a new favorite is Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, whose 2nd season is going to be airing in the Spring. The major reason it's good (and different) is that the main character starts out with noble intentions but is going down the path of evil as he leads a rebellion against an Empire. For those of you who are Death Note fans, it might remind you of Light, except whereas Light just becomes evil at the end of the 1st episode with his talk of being the "God of the New World," the main character of Code Geass (Lelouch) actually develops over time into someone who is bad. It also helps that all the other major characters are not flat and you have a feel for why they are doing what they are doing.

Yeah, most anime is cookie cutter. Especially now that so much of the new stuff is either based off of dating games or is harem crap. I mean really, how many shows can you make about some dude living in a house with 5 girls or some guy who comes back to some town after losing his memory of a bunch of stupid girls that used to know him. Out of the 10-15 big name shows that get fansubbed every year, I usually only follow 2 or 3.

The only real exception to this is Cowboy Bebop, though I know that that anime isn't really anything "recent" or "new".

I've never understood why so many people are enamored with Cowboy Bebop. It's pretty episodic, and I personally never could really relate to the characters. The storyline just didn't seem all that compelling.

One new show that may potentially become a new favorite is Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, whose 2nd season is going to be airing in the Spring. The major reason it's good (and different) is that the main character starts out with noble intentions but is going down the path of evil as he leads a rebellion against an Empire. For those of you who are Death Note fans, it might remind you of Light, except whereas Light just becomes evil at the end of the 1st episode with his talk of being the "God of the New World," the main character of Code Geass (Lelouch) actually develops over time into someone who is bad. It also helps that all the other major characters are not flat and you have a feel for why they are doing what they are doing.

Yeah, most anime is cookie cutter. Especially now that so much of the new stuff is either based off of dating games or is harem crap. I mean really, how many shows can you make about some dude living in a house with 5 girls or some guy who comes back to some town after losing his memory of a bunch of stupid girls that used to know him. Out of the 10-15 big name shows that get fansubbed every year, I usually only follow 2 or 3.

That's why you watch School Days, which actually stays true to its H-Game source by having the main guy sleep with everyone. Plus they actually had the balls to combine two of the most violent bad-endings in the game into the ending of the series. The show starts off so innocently, but in the end is so dark and twisted; it really gets under your skin.

I've never understood why so many people are enamored with Cowboy Bebop. It's pretty episodic, and I personally never could really relate to the characters. The storyline just didn't seem all that compelling.

People like Cowboy Bebop because it's quite unlike any other "cartoon" they've seen before. Because it's older, it's one of the first shows people watch, so they get drawn into the sophisticated atmosphere.

Also, Yoko Kanno did the music, and you really can't beat that.

Anime's alright. But calling yourself an otaku is like calling yourself a fanboy and being proud of it. Which is like calling yourself a half-retarded driveling biased moron and being proud of it. So don't do it.

Quoted for emphasis.


Titles I can think of that I'd recommend would be Mushishi, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Honey and Clover, Hikaru no Go, Death Note, Code Geass and so forth despite what qualms with each of them.

Some movies are good too. Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo was the latest one I've seen. Pretty satisfying.

Titles I can think of that I'd recommend would be Mushishi, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Honey and Clover, Hikaru no Go,

Death Note,

Code Geass and so forth despite what qualms with each of them.

Some movies are good too. Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo was the latest one I've seen. Pretty satisfying.

QFE. One of the only shows, much less anime, that I was compelled enough to watch all the way through, without missing an episode even.


Death Note is very flashy and 'mature' themed so I guess that makes it go down well for western audiences. I can count at least a few dozen shows in 2007 I liked more than Death Note.

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