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Angelus Laminarum

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  1. Amazing work by everyone. This mix was an instant save after I heard it. The mix of heavy guitar work with the classic, epic feel of the viola really reminded me of the works of Apocalyptica for some reason, although they're playing cellos, and there was significantly more guitar in this. Either way, I suppose that's irrelevant. Excellent work on all accounts. Seamless, unified... keep it coming. I'm looking forward to hearing more like this.
  2. As far as heavier rock/metal goes, I'm really getting into the symphonic rock genre. The fusion of rock with orchestral elements really brings the music to a whole new level, in my opinion. To that end, check out the Finnish band, Nightwish. I haven't gone as far back as their first albums, but from what I've heard, they have a pretty neat sound. There's actually two lead vocalists, the second having been hired for the most recent album after they dismissed the first. Try not to get caught up in the fanboy war between their followings as you look for their music. =) Also symphonic rock, Within Temptation is from the Netherlands. They're a little bit closer to a more typical rock sound than Nightwish, but still unique in their own right.
  3. After watching a few clips of the gameplay from it, I'm really interested in getting this. Haven't gotten around to it yet, though.
  4. I rather liked this remix. My favorite parts would have to be the violin solo starting at 1:12 and leading into the main theme at 1:40, as well as the organ from 3:37-4:25. Very neat, solid interpretations of the theme. I think the organ reminded me of a sort of /Phantom of the Opera-esque gothic love-child, whereas the stringed solo reminded me more of something from Queen of the Damned. Both are very dark, twisted, and rather fitting for one so insane.I think any complaints I have with the piece stem directly from the choir, and not from the manner in which it was written, as that is very, very true to the original style of the piece and the period it was inspired by. Namely, anal-retentive nitpicking that I've picked up from having an amazing choral professor as my choir director, such as restatement of the vowels on slurred notes, less force on higher pitches (particularly in the soprano parts), and lack of enunciation (which tends to make lyrics more distinguishable). But, I also notice that those small things (because they are rather small when faced with the quality of the piece as a whole) are almost entirely (if not completely) related to samples. Either way, I understand that there's very little you can do about them (and I wouldn't expect you to, seeing as they are already phenomenal compared to many samples out there), so it hardly detracts from my respect of the remixers or my enjoyment of the piece as a whole. All in all, amazing work. I'm really looking forward to hearing the next one.
  5. Although I usually get more of a kick out of the reviews of games I've played before, most are at least relatively funny on some level. I'm currently in the middle of a full computer lab and watching the Heavenly Sword(s) one... I've come so close to making an ass out of myself here. I think they're having a class, too.
  6. Ubisoft apparently announced the PC version would be released in early 2008. Definitely on my list of things to get.
  7. Accurate or not, these are interesting to come by. It makes me wonder just how many popular artists (or their respective songwriters) have knowledge of the video game music genre. But as far as sampling goes, I think my soul died when Mario Winans used Enya's Boadicea in I Don't Wanna Know.
  8. Any eloquence must be foregone in the wake of a single word... ... wow...
  9. Quite impressive, Darangen. This ReMix of Magus' Theme brings out the darkness and ferocity portrayed in the character quite well. Although at times, certain elements were questionable, primarily how the guitar squeal sounded out of place in many moments, I believe you did quite well, and produced a fine result. This is an excellent tribute.
  10. Wow... absolutely beautiful... Excellent job, Ailsean.
  11. Wow. This is magnificent, Kailem. I have one of two speakers on either side of my computer, and I noticed how your piano flows flawlessly back and forth... not choppily, but gradually fading in one as it pronounces in the other. That was an awesome touch, and almost added a feel of personality to the song. Your interpretation of this is awesome. You added magic to the Upper Lands, but also kept it fun, as it was meant to be. Wow, the ending caught me off guard. It just kind of... echoed away... almost as if the entire song is the hero chasing something through the Upper Land, and at the last second, it escaped. Rather interesting, and I think I like it. Magnificent work, Kailem.
  12. This is outstanding, djp. I always appreciate "Orchestronic/Electrestral" music... whichever you prefer to call it. This has that power to it that seemed to be conveyed in the original, only with a little bit more... force? Oh. My. God. [2:09]... that is a beautiful violin, sir. Clear, emotional, powerful, independent, yet supportive. I love violins, and you have placed one perfectly. Awesome. This is, once again, excellent, sir. Awesome job.
  13. This is truly beautiful, Nigel. I love the epic feel to this entire piece. There is a sense of nature, almost, within this. The song would fit perfectly to wandering through a lush forest, peaceful, yet grand. Powerful... yet tender. Not to mention that it loops flawlessly. Put the song to be the only one on the list, and set your player to repeat. It's just... wow... Awesome job, Mr. Simmons. P.S. I'm now a Red Mage. Better than an Eggplant Wizard, anyday.
  14. My only two complaints about this mix are the repressed presence of the percussion section, as djp remarked, and its length. JAXX, you have excellent talent with the orchestral genre, and I would have really liked to hear this song play out a long while. I did like the stringed sections in the song. There is something about stringed instruments that just appeals to me greatly. I hope you keep reaching out in this genre, JAXX, you definitely could pull off some really good songs. Keep up the good work!
  15. This is a rather interesting ReMix. It flows in rather effortlessly, quite akin to a cloud as it rolls in, unnoticed, unheard. As the bells gradually become more pronounced, I value this song more and more. Although this particular ReMix did not increase the foreboding mood as much as Distorted Star did, that is not the point. This particular ReMix has its own way of expressing the same tune, and I find I enjoy it. Good job, GrayLightning. Keep it up!
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