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  1. I'm eagerly awaiting this project. There are quite a few really good tracks that often go overlooked and unremixed. I'm kind of sick of the whole "One Winged Angel" remixes, though. It's a REALLY OVERRATED song.
  2. I wasn't even aware that this project even existed. Good on you! I'm really liking what I hear.
  3. I remember hearing about a Koelsch mix being accepted by the judges, and I thought it was a joke. Now it's actually on the damn site. Honestly, it could do without those noises in the beginning. The strings synths could be a bit better, too. The sax playing is a lot better than I would have expected. Closing in on the end of the song... *more noises* ...without the noises, I give this a good score. ...with the noises, it gets a worse review.
  4. Overall, the music in this project is quite nice. I ended up just downloading each song individually. Good on ya!
  5. The .flac files of the torrent really are a pisser. As such, I have to download each song manually. If someone could zip (or rar) up all of the mp3s of the project to be hosted, that would probably be a lot better.
  6. All my friends are all like "BUY AN UPPERLEVEL CHARACTER FROM EBAY BECAUSE THAT'S WHEN THE REAL FUN BEGINS!" I be all like "what the hell are you talking about?" As you can tell, I don't play WoW.
  7. Hi. I'm new to this forum.
  8. A very odd remix to be sure. I was under the impression that there was no actual soundtrack for the game, so I suppose he went on game-audio rip or something like that. It's the first Abe's Oddysee remix, and it's a goodie.
  9. "wang dang sweet moontang" It's a pretty good mix, though not the best.
  10. No Shael Riley? pffffff.
  11. How come only 2 songs have links?
  12. Prizm really outdoes himself yet again, and the best part is that it's with a game that hadn't been remixed thus far.
  13. why...I had no idea!
  14. I love how upbeat it is. I also appreciate the fact that it's a remix from a rarely remixed game. The synths really are the high point in this piece.
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