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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Olivier Bariou
  • Location
    Razgriz Straits, North Anea.
  • Occupation
    SigMaker, Frenchie.

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  • Collaboration Status
    1. Not Interested or Available

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  1. Got a book from my secret santa, so it arrived safely. I didn't read that book, so thanks for finding something i didn't read. (yes i have a pretty extensive sci-fi book collection)
  2. I'll buy the postal package today and the gift will be sent in the following days.
  3. I got some pretty cool memorabilia from those.
  4. from the last album of poets of the fall.
  5. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zf4u9u2acd4bgtx/AACGJ-XLOxAtBoCRdtB6viDua?dl=0 ocremoved is back via dropbox.
  6. i think i'm fluent enough to listen to that. need to find the damn interview on that radio webpage.
  7. for all jojo fan out there, this shitz is addictive.
  8. i enjoyed a lot completing the small diary to help people around the town, but never went back into the main game and didn't finish it. fun concept but to annoying to play for my taste.
  9. very catchy tune there Rexy. ok i'm a little biased about sonic remixes, but i enjoy the instrument, the starlight theme fealing and bits of green hills in there.
  10. that's a damn nice addition. also the visibility on the right of the forum page.
  11. Si j'étais tombé sur un faisan, je ne serai pas en train de me la péter comme ça.

  12. a catchy tune usually played with Nobutsuna Kamiizumi appearance.
  13. it should be controlled on both end. i'm not myself a great fan of youtube embedding when i browse a forum, i can go to youtube with one more click to check what you want me to see. On the opposite embedding soundcloud is very interesting
  14. what is going on in your sig brandon? what is that thing hunting the dog?

    1. Brandon Strader

      Brandon Strader

      Plastic bag in the wind, lol

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