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  1. Enjoyed the panel, guys. I thought you did a good job of pimping the site and the remix community in a way that would connect with the PAX audience-- it seemed like you focused more on the tie-ins to gaming and the industry than, say, explaining "rearrangement." You should start all your panels with Music of my Groin... it was like a rite of passage for the uninitiated in the audience, a litmus test to weed out people with weak stomachs or good ears. I was terrified that half the audience would walk out (I was a split second from requesting Toyota Disco, so who am I to judge.) ... and me in brown laughing at the "We've severly overestimated the average size of PAX attendees!" comment. That "buy two" bonus was a good call-- I didn't hear anybody buying just one item.
  2. Very cool, I like this a lot. Thanks for making this, and thanks OCR for posting it. Props to DJP for C&J reference.
  3. For your amusement-- Street Fighter 2 Boss Medley: http://olremix.org/mp3/stig_the_horsethief_-_Zangief_Battles_Alcoholism_(BVSM_Dungeon_Run)(Streetfighter_2).mp3 (headphones highly recommended)
  4. Beautiful and fun, I love the style and the performance, one of my all time favorites. I play this mix for people who think they won't like "remixes," or think "remixes are all techno." I hope to hear more! (Also, makes a great ringtone.)
  5. One of my favorites-- very dynamic, love the transitions (especially 2:31), love the variety, love the melodies even though I'm not familiar with the source. Hope to hear more!
  6. My #1 guilty-pleasure mix. My favorite mix to run to. This song was playing in its full bass-heavy glory when my upstairs neighbor banged on my ceiling and screamed "people are trying to sleep, here!" It was 9am, he should have been goddamned awake, and this song is goddamned awesome. Congrats to Jovette on his work outside of OCR!
  7. Certainly the most unpretentiously-named remix ever made. If this is just "Theme," I'd love to see a song bazooie owns and renames to makes his/her own. This remix is beautiful, compelling, and charming-- as unexpected as DJP says in his writeup, and unparalleled since 2003. One of my all-time favorites. I hope bazooie is still remixing, I'd love to hear more!
  8. Definitely an all-time favorite. A great example of layering-- I love the buildup as it adds instrument after instrument, dives into solos, then adds more-- only to take them away for dramatic effect. The moment when then bass kicks in still kicks my ass, and the lead hasn't even shown up yet. Very well put together, and very rewarding with a great progression. Would love to hear more like this! (tho I must admit the climactic 2:36-2:39 and 3:00-3:06 buildups now reminds me of (link) Trenthian's "have-to-do-the-same-damn-thing-again!")
  9. One of my all-time favorites. I love the instruments chosen, the buildup and progression from acoustic to electric, and most of all the vocals and the vocal performance. The performance is emotive and honest, and (for all its criticism) adds a rawness that absolutely compliments the lyrics. I wouldn't change anything in this song. I'm really glad I have this song and can listen to it regularly, and I hope silent keeps making remixes.
  10. 2002? I saw this get posted, and after all these years, it's still my favorite remix on OCR. Game Over, thanks so much for this song (and for your others!)-- I really hope you keep making remixes.
  11. Reuben made some of my favorite remixes, and I was very sad to hear about his passing. It really says a lot about his talent that so many people who never even met him were saddened by his death.
  12. I think this is a really, really great feature that will help the remixing community as a whole by encouraging feedback (and "rewarding" it by making it more visible). I was just saying over on OLR that I don't think the fans of the remixing community fully realize the effect that positive feedback has on remixers. Many people feel they should only comment on a song if they can offer constructive criticism-- they don't realize that a simple post of "i liek this" might be enough to encourage the remixer to keep making music. I've never commented on a change before, but I think this one (simple as it is) is a great step in the right direction for the remixing community. I hope it encourages more feedback, no matter how trivial. And I hope more changes down the road focus on feedback, comments, artist encouragement. nice job djp, appreciate the effort, as always
  13. I did this once and had a lot of fun. I made by far the worst entry, but everybody was supportive and I had a blast in IRC. I definitely encourage everybody to try it.
  14. Three years ago I robbed and killed a man. This username was in a cookie on his computer, so I've been posting as him ever since.
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