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  1. I am a little hesitant putting this on here because I know I am very bad at music samples and I am not a musician and a majority of people here are very good it becomes intimidating. I wanted to try to take a stab at editing and sampling, I been practicing for a long time now and I am still in the beginner stages of music. I really want to get decent first then good, but I have a long way to go. I go by the name of Hypnotikid, and I like to experiment with DWS (Digital Work Stations) and sound splicing. I hope to one day become a remixer, and I will strive to be that in my lifetime. But until then, I have to prepare myself for criticism (hopefully constructive) in order for me to get better. Now for the moment of truth. I recently made an album and released it to the public. This is my first of what I hope to be many. I wanted to try ASMR and Ambient because I find those most interesting to experiment with. I went ahead and made 13 tracks and took some of my old tracks and combined them onto it because it matched the mood I was looking for. I hope I did okay, and I am looking for ways to improve. Thanks for taking the time to listen. My sounds will always be free and this album is no exception to that. https://hypnotikid.bandcamp.com/album/the-soul-of-the-darkness
  2. Hey, so I kinda don't post here very often, and I'm a total dweeb lurker usually! Way back last year I started working on an album of like 90s RPG-type music or whatnot, first real big personal project, and I released the whole thing this past June. I'd really love to get some feedback on it - I'd been working on it so long that it's painful trying to go back and re-appraise it. ^-^; I originally wrote a lot of the music using samples from authentic SNES games, but chickened out and recorded/bitcrushed my own instead, so I'm totally worried that I did badly trying to rework them to use the newer samples. Also really -really- bothered by the post-production and mixing, but again - I'd been working on it for a year straight, and I'm kinda tunnel-visioned by it still, so I'm not sure if it's just me after working on it for so long. Everyone I know kinda just goes "Woah, sounds rad" or whatever, so it wasn't very helpful in the weeks right before release, haha... ;>-> Sorry if I'm coming off a bit candid - I'm kinda always like this. I just don't feel comfortable just showing off my stuff while keeping my own thoughts to myself, is all. <-<; Long story short: I made a thing over the course of year, I'm not sure if it's any good (or ever was...), and some input or critique would be great. https://mairujyat.bandcamp.com/album/shadow-of-the-lich Thanks in advance, hope you all enjoy it! And if you don't: be honest and let me know what I should work on next time, alright? ^-^
  3. Hi everyone! I recently completed my second album, Twilight Spectrum! You can download the album either here...: https://mikedeweese.bandcamp.com/album/twilight-spectrum or here: https://soundcloud.com/mikedeweese/sets/twilight-spectrum My goal for the album was that I really wanted to learn more about electronic music, something that I wasn't very familiar with. Thanks to multitudes of tutorials on YouTube, I was able to learn a lot about sound design, synthesis, mixing, production, genres, among other things. After a little more than a year, I put together 9 tracks, utilizing what I have learned thus far. Now that the album is finished, I do want to change focus a bit and try to get back to contributing more to the OCReMix community. For the time being, I hope you enjoy Twilight Spectrum! Thanks!
  4. Hey guys, a while back we made an 8/16Bit SEGA era remix album (http://opussciencecollective.bandcamp.com/album/the-magical-sound-shower-project). Well, here's our SNES effort, so people can have playground wars arguing over which album is better . Have a listen, if you like it, download it (it's free obviously), and tell your retrogaming friends . http://opussciencecollective.bandcamp.com/album/opus-science-entertainment-system In other news, there's a new show starting on Monday (31st Aug 2015) on RadioSEGA at 8pm GMT. We teamed up with Dr. halc to make the intro theme for the show, so make sure you tune in and check it out. Much love and keep gaming and making cool music fellow remixers.
  5. When I first started remixing VGM years ago, I started remixing Ridge Racer tunes. So I always wanted to assemble a proper tribute/remix EP related to the Ridge Racer series. Well finally I've been able to release it for the public and I couldn't be happier. ENJOY! (click on the image and it will take you to the release)
  6. Introduction You've just completed your archaeology degree. You're about to take your experience into the field, where your daily life will include whipping living mummies, breaking ancient pottery, jumping out of airplanes, dodging spikes, and stealing priceless golden artifacts from Nazis before they can use them to take over the world. It's a dangerous job, but you live for thrills, fame, and riches (and, to a lesser extent, the study of past human civilization). Regardless, you're going to need some background music. Sources Definitely approved: La-Mulana, Tomb Raider, 1001 Spikes, Uncharted, Indiana Jones (no tunes from the movies). If you have a different idea, we’re open to other sources. The protagonist of the game needs to be an archaeologist or archaeology-related adventurer primarily; if the character often fills various other roles, their games are not currently eligible (i.e. Mario, who only occasionally appears as an archaeologist). If you’re wondering whether a certain game will be an appropriate choice, listen to the soundtracks listed above and see how well your idea fits in thematically. Check the tracklist or ask one of us for specific recommendations. Style Mysterious temples, heart-pounding action, and everything in between. World instruments and/or influences are highly recommended, but not required. You can be totally serious, you can be a little silly, just keep it in the theme of adventure, exploration, danger, wonder, etc... Deadlines On an individual basis, we'd like to hear from people once a month until they're done. That could mean an extra minute of arrangement, a tweaked snare, or an occasional "my whole family fell to the mummy's curse and I didn't get a chance to work on it." If you don't show any progress or cannot be contacted for three months in a row, we'll remove you from the claims list, though you can come back if your source is still open. We'll work out final deadlines once the project is well on its way; it's possible you'll never have to worry about it. Claims To claim a source, send Hylian Lemon or Mr. Bottle Rocket a private message describing how you plan to approach the arrangement. If you aren't a posted remixer, we'll need some recent examples of your work first. Make sure you're ready to get started on your track at the time of your claim. Goal Official OCR status Other Notes This project is headed by myself and Hylian Lemon, don't hesitate to contact us about any doubts or updates you may have! Tracklist View it through our Google Document.
  7. Here's something new and exciting. http://v-jams.bandcamp.com/album/v-jams "Formed in 2015, V-Jams is a collective of musicians that share a unified vision in the creation of diverse taste tingling grooves using Video Game songs as a medium. The group is comprised of multifaceted musicians ranging from classical to jazz backgrounds and everything in between. Brace yourselves for a shockwave of enticing jams to please listeners with varied musical inclinations. " Featured artists Aeoxis (Tovaun Anthony) Guitar, Production, Website Development Luciopro (Robert Baldomero Warner) MC Detective Tuesday (Anton Corazza) MC, Alto/Tenor/Soprano saxophone, Co-Production Travis Morgan (Aka Travis) Co-production Rekcahdam (Roger Hicks) Drums, Co-Production James Alexandre Hadley (Aka Lethal Weapon 5) Guitar, Album Cover Art, Logo Art Tracklist 1. I Saw The Demons Junk (Doom) 2. Ballad Of A Winded Fish (Link's Awakening) 3. Stormy Day In Clock Town (Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask) 4. Killer NSYNC (Killer Instinct) 5. National Pork (Pokémon Gold and Silver) 6. Living On The Deck (Metal Slug 2) 7. Aquatic Ruined Zone (Sonic 2) 8. Happy Endings "The concept behind the album was to rearrange songs in completely different genres from the original source material. From Sonic to Zelda to Doom. From Samba to Go-Go to Jazz! We went cray cray!!! GAMES GAMES GAMES!!! All instruments were played live." Hope y'all enjoy this http://v-jams.wix.com/vjams#!home/mainPage
  8. Hey there, I just released an album titled "cytociel", a nine track trek to massive dystopian soundscapes. You can get it from Bandcamp at an affordable price of "pay-what-you-want", or just dig it in Soundcloud or Youtube. Oh, and the Bandcamp version includes bonus wallpaper versions of the artwork. Happy listening!
  9. November 13th, 2015 Update: THE WAVS ARE IN!! All six tracks have been mastered by timaeus and they've been given to Liontamer. Thank to all the remixers and their pals that worked on the remixes with them. And thanks again to Odai for his work on the cover art. The only thing we need now is the website. I was thinking we don't really need a video, as that's really more for building up hype. We don't have that much time for that, so forget it. Besides, OCR itself is all the advertising we need for this album. The release date is still aimed for December 5th, so on Dec 6th, it is out for Iwata's birthday. Celebrate his life, not his death. October 11th Update: Thanks to Odai for the awesome title, which is now "Heart of A Gamer: A Tribute to Satoru Iwata" and for the album cover. ANYWAY! As you can see below, we have four remixes complete and submitted in WAV Format. Yay us! September 8th update: Talking it over with Liontamer, I have decided to push the album to mid October. Why? Because I like the idea of releasing for early December. That gives us over a month to get everything together, which means more time for you remixers to polish your remixes, and time for us to kidnap an artist or two. More time means more effort and that gets us better music. Take your time, make those remixes awesome, and don't worry. We got more time now, and we can easily meet this. Also, I'm adding Dragon Warrior 1 to the list. If anyone wants it, feel free to claim it. As usual, posted remixers can be accepted without any try-outs, non-posted remixers will have to submit some samples to prove themselves. Project: Saturo Iwata from NIntendo has passed away, and because of his involvment with NIntendo and a multitude of games and series over the years, we're going to do a tribute album. This album has to be out somewhat quickly, though. If it's released too soon, the overall quality will suffer. Too long, and the tribute will lose some of its emotional punch. To that end, we're looking at a smaller album of about ten remixes or less. As much as I'd like to do a four-disc compliation album, we don't have the time or resources to pull that off. As he was listed in hundreds of games (http://nintendo.wiki...ki/Satoru_Iwata and http://www.mobygames...eloperId,52462/), there is a lot to choose from. However, I think we should look at the games he was directly involved with. As some of you may know, he started out as a programmer, not management. He didn't just make games, he made games. To show that, we should remix from games that he himself worked on. He has dozens upon dozens of credits as a producer, but there are some games that he had more involvement in. He was in the trenches, sitting with the staff and designing or consulting. Fixing this, solving that. That's the guy that we should be remembering. What We Need: A website. Right now, we could use the expertise of someone that can get a website together before December 1st. I know it's a tight deadline, but we don't need anything super fancy or complex. Staff: Director: Me, of course Assisstant Director: Themysteriousassassin Artist: Odai. And apparently, Title Creator Extraordinaire. Tracklist: 1. The Fading Children (Earthbound) by Kwix 2. Cuban Vacation (Kirby's Adventure) by Chernabogue, featuring Tuberz McGee and kroasta 3. Menu Theme (Super Smash Bros Melee) by Sbeast 4. Sky-High Rollers (Rollerball) by timaeus222 5. On The Wind (Balloon Fight) by Brandon Strader 6. New Horizons (Pokémon Gold and Silver) by PokerusVGM This list covers his earlier years, from pre-Nintendo to HAL Labs to just as he was becoming a big name at Nintendo.
  10. Hi everyone, just wanted to say the new Chrono Trigger album is now live on Kickstarter! In the background of the video is 'Dreams Of The Virtuous' aka Schala's theme featured in the album, with a free downloadable full preview of the track on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/samostudios/dreams-of-the-virtuous The main function of the Kickstarter is to allow for physical printed albums alongside the wide digital release on August 1st! if you dig the soundtrack of Chrono Trigger, or like symphonic music or any of my previous work, please consider checking it out- all supporters get an early digital copy at the end of next month! Thanks for listening! =) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/samostudios/chrono-cinematica-symphonic-chrono-trigger-tribute Also feel free to check out the official Chrono Cinematica Website And lots of music previews on the Facebook Fan Page Looking forward to sharing this with y'all!
  11. Hi! I'm the lead reorchestrator of Metroid Reorchestrated (MREO) and I'm recruiting for a reboot/revival of MREO. This reboot will be called Metroid: Orchestral Fusion (MOF) and will be a fusion of orchestral and electronic elements. We're moving beyond just orchestral because a lot of Metroid music incorporates electronic elements that are incredibly difficult or impossible to replicate with orchestral instruments. The overall goal of this project is to arrange/remix every Metroid song from every game. If I can find enough talented, passionate individuals (6-7 people besides myself) we will start with Metroid Fusion. The goal of the album would be to arrange/remix every song as if Fusion had released in 2015 on the 3DS. So essentially a high-definition audio upgrade with some original music/embellishments. Tracklist: Please let me know via PM or reply which track(s) you want to do. Title - DarkDjinn Sector 1 Environmental Sound (Silence 1) Environmental Sound (Tension) Environmental Sound (Shock) Facing a Huge Reaction - Light_of_Aether Tension Before a Confrontation Vs. Arachnus - DarkDjinn X Invasion Detection Navigation Room Vs Fake Chozo Statue Environmental Sound (Disquieting) Sector 2 - Chernabogue Vs. Cyclops Environmental Sound (Silence 2) Sector 4 Aquatic Level Control Zone Vs. Serris - DJ Galvanization Sector 3 Vs. B.O.X. Sector 6 SA-X Appears Sector 5 Low Temp Area Sector 3 Emergency Situation Sector 3 Restart the Cooling Unit Timer Mission Environmental Sound (Intrigue) Vs. Mother Plant Vs. Nightmare - Chernabogue Sector 4 Underwater Area Vs. Ridley - DJ Galvanization The Final Command - Coaltergeist Vs. SA-X Station Escape Timer Mission Epilogue (Part 1 and 2) Ending/Credits Appearance Jingle Get Item Jingle SA-X Chase Timeline: Get team together and begin working by mid-August - Still taking team members! Have 4-5 tracks ready as a teaser for release on December 25, 2016 Release full album on November 17, 2017 for Metroid Fusion's 15th anniversary This project will be entirely volunteer-based. I'm looking for talented, passionate individuals who periodically spend some of their free time on making music. The capacity of your involvement would be arranging music, critiquing music, and making new electronic elements. Don't worry about deadlines. I'm working on my Ph.D. in mechanical engineering and my research/coursework comes before any of my hobbies. It would be quite unreasonable of me to expect anyone else to meet hard, specific deadlines when I wouldn't meet them, either. If you would like to join, please either comment in this thread or send me a PM. If you have comments, concerns, or suggestions, please feel free to comment or PM me. Thanks!
  12. I'm proud to announce the release of SoTSS15: Tropical Paradise! this new album features 20 remixes from 12 games by 13 of the Sonic Stadium's community artists - and I couldn't be more proud! Clocking in at 1hr20min just under 200MB, it's 100% FREE and ready for you to download! You can pickup the album right now at: http://projects.sonicstadium.org/sound-of-tss-2015/ ENJOY! Sound of The Sonic Stadium is a twice-yearly musical showcase of SEGA & Sonic Remixes from members of The Sonic Stadium.
  13. Hello, fellow game music fans! ReMixer Peach here with a special game music soundtrack I wrote for a published indie game! It is available for listening on and SoundCloud, and we have plans for a physical album release. Game Description "Seraphim", a different kind of arcade shooter by Studio Ravenheart, is an indie title for the PlayStation Vita (Mobile), iOS, Android, Nook, Kindle, Windows Phone, and Blackberry. Taking place in an abstract celestial realm, you assume the role of a great otherworldly being known only as The Seraph, defending the worlds from invading constructs with blasts from your six mighty wings. Tracklist 1. Hail to the Seraph 2. Our Protector 3. Fragmented 4. Our Protector Empowered Hail to the Seraph This song features as the title menu, high score, and instructions theme, invoking the sound of imminent battle. It is a derivative of the song played when fighting against the incoming threats, played at a slightly slower pace for a different feeling. Our Protector This song features as the main theme, heard while fighting against the incoming threats. Borrowing some ideas from "Strength of a Thousand Men" by Two Steps from Hell, this piece shows influences from Super Smash Bros., Final Fantasy, The Legend of Zelda, Castlevania, and perhaps some other game soundtracks. Fragmented This song features as the death/game over theme for version 1.1 of the game. Taking some cues from a minimalist piano piece—not written by me—found in version 1.0 of the game, this composition embraces both ambient and minimalist styles. A familiar melody plays for the final third of the song. Our Protector Empowered This song features while in the effect of one of several power-ups for version 2.0 of the game. With the temporary ability, the environment changes in appearance as a continuous dance beat plays. I originally wanted to use Vocaloid Prima for the standard version of Our Protector, but time did not allow it. Thankfully, the idea was implemented in this energised version of the song. Disclaimer Seraphim logo, soundtrack, and all other game material are ©2015 Studio Ravenheart. All Rights Reserved.
  14. Hello folks! My fourth album of retro rock video game remixes is finally done! It has songs from games like Turtles In Time, Duck Tales, Mega Man 1-3, SMB3, Psycho Fox, Ilomilo and Rokko Chan, some of which has been posted here in the WIP forum before. You can listen/download by clicking the album front and back covers above!
  15. Hi, folks. I asked about making a thread for the album I am working on to keep people updated and get some feedback, like any other normal project thread, they said to put it here. I basically want to keep people updated on the happenings instead of doing it secretly. I'll be posting 2 finished songs here that will be set to post before the album comes out, or whenever the panel gets to them (could be 2 years after the album comes out!) and the rest will likely be 30 second clips. And some bloopers, out-takes, and other goodies, like this choir recording for Embrace the Night. First off, here is which will be near the beginning of the album and has already passed the panel to be posted! Secondly, here is which is a collaboration with Cheryl Norfair on female vocals. It has been submitted to the panel but I have pretty good hopes it'll make it. In conclusion, I won't share the track list because I might submit other songs to DoD. That just gives you MORE REASON to subscribe to this thread. You can also follow my progress on Youtube, and twitter following the hashtag #shadetheday (older tweets aren't showing, no idea why) That is all! Hope you enjoy! Trailer: Tracks Revealed: Aquaria - Lost to the Waves Portal 2 - Exile Vilify The Nomad Soul - New Angels of Promise Xenoblade Chronicles - Beyond the Sky Max Payne 2 - Late Goodbye Guild Wars 2 - Fear Not This Night
  16. SNATCHER: THE SCORE FROM J.U.N.K.E.R. http://youtu.be/Y0F1feEQba4 ATTENTION: June 6, 2017: First, my big fat apology to anyone affected. First started on the 25th anniversary of the original release of Snatcher, I was certain my personal busy-as-hell situation would prevent me from following this project properly, and I wanted to recruit and set up a staff before that happened. I failed miserably, and this ended up being put off for years. June 6 is an important date in Snatcher lore, and I decided I would stop the nonsense on this date. I have people to help me, and I'm actively recruiting, but bear with me a little while on claim status as I contact interested parties from before. I'm also available on our discord chats and willing to answer questions and take constant nagging (to a point, of course). My other projects related to Snatcher's music are on again as well, for those that know about it; if not, see the above video for details. Further clarifications are forthcoming within the week. “Let’s go, Metal!” PERSONNEL: José “Bronx Rican” Felix (Project Creator/Director); additional Staff TBA INTRODUCTION: The Cyberpunk Adventure that helped put Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima on the map: less a 'game' and more an interactive sci-fi 'noir', inspired by Hollywood storytelling, with a compelling tale influenced by (or “stolen from”, depending on your viewpoint) Blade Runner, Terminator and other films. Snatcher saw several releases in Japan, but also one exclusive English-language release that went largely unnoticed, but that I like to think is remembered fondly by everyone who experienced it. The original soundtrack is one of the early masterpieces from the Kukeiha Club (Konami's revered sound team), accomplishing cinema-style atmosphere out of FM synths. This album project is after the same thing, but on a much larger scale. CONCEPT: The operative word is "CINEMATIC"... any genre is allowed within the overriding vision: each arrangement should convincingly function as a score for a major motion picture. Naturally, this calls for a commitment to production quality. Anything emulating 60's-style library cuts to today's orchestral pieces will do, but ‘cyberpunk’ touches will probably help. Tunes can follow a more traditional song structure, like our established ReMixes, emulate opening titles, credits, montages, or scenes where music is being played (such as in a club), or serve as 'music cues' that act as a complement, establish a mood, and follow the action for whatever 'scene' the artist wishes to imagine. Some sources may be better suited to themes and some to cues; I intend to ensure the finished product will emulate a complete cinematic score, with a healthy variety of themes and cues. A large soundscape and a wide dynamic range is encouraged: the loudness war is not to be waged here unless it’s absolutely essential to the track. The following posted ReMixes are good examples of the album’s possible direction: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01302/ | http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01387/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01505/ | http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01594/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01772/ | http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01856/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02020/ | http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02037/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02051/ | http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02126/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02274/ | http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02315/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02318/ | http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02343/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02368/ | http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02374/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02515/ | http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02567/ GUIDELINES: Claiming artists must show arrangement, production and engineering experience in the implied style, either as a posted ReMixer or with satisfactory works elsewhere. Only one claim for each source, so please commit. Incorporations of other sources can be done, but only if you have a good reason for it (as a sort of leitmotif, for example), and, as explained later, some incorporation may be needed. Any claim should include details about the arrangement’s concept/mood/direction to help me shape the album's vision: basically, answer the question of its hypothetical use in a motion picture. This is likely to reach a minimum of 100 minutes of music, so a maximum of 150 minutes gives a range consistent with a so-called 'two-disc' release, and also with a movie's soundtrack. No tracks will be designated as 'bonus'; either finish to your satisfaction or drop. 5.1 SURROUND REMIXES!: Furthering the 'cinematic' experience, I'd like many, if not all, of the finished arrangements offering a special '5.1 surround' mix as extra content. If any artists wish to have a surround mix, they may either do it on their own – if they are suitably skilled – or allow a volunteer with more expertise to have it done instead. Methods, formats, personnel and procedure have not yet been determined, and I appreciate feedback in that regard to help make the best decisions. I strongly suggest artists make efforts to keep from losing any important recordings, stems, samples and project files for their arrangement, in case the determined approach to 5.1 requires them. TIMELINE: Two possible release plans for this album include having it out ahead of the holiday season, which is relevant to the game's setting, or releasing on June 6, to correspond with the date of the “Catastrophe” depicted in the game. 'WIP' and 'FINAL' schedules are to be determined, but I will likely agree to let artists go at their own pace, yet check in once a month for progress, then will kick it up further depending on the amount of finished work. We will attempt maybe two to three years of music development. SOURCE TRACKLIST AND CLAIMS: See below. The majority of non-exclusive source tracks composed specifically for the first four Snatcher releases are listed. All versions linked to youtubes or files, along with a full mp3 zip, in order to appreciate the variations in arrangements. Each source's composition will be attributed to the platform of origin, unless specified by the artist. NOTES ABOUT SOURCE TITLES: Deep research has been done because of Konami's disgusting inconsistency with track titles for this music. None of the 'official' sources of info could be relied on fully, so I compromised and consolidated the titles as best as I could, in order to put away confusion for this album. It's impossible to come up with a standard that would be satisfactory to everyone, but I guarantee you will not find better, more accurate title 'guesses' anywhere else. FULL TRACKLIST MP3 ZIP LEGEND Determined Track Title~ ['A.K.A.' Track Titles <<Approximate English Translation>>] YOUTUBE or file links: PC88 (NEC PC-8801) | MSX2 | PCE (NEC PC Engine Super CD-ROM²) | SCD (Sega [Mega] CD) | ZOOM (“Zoom Tracks” arrangement, some used in CD releases) A short track description for original context and/or guideline for arrangement Current Artist Claim, Status [early, progressed, substantial, completed] Bio Hazard ~ Snatcher [“PROLOGUE DEMO” (Bio Hazard_Snatcher); BIO HAZARD; BIO HAZARD (<<Catastrophe BGM>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | ZOOM The introduction, detailing history's deadliest disaster (the “Catastrophe”) and the 'body-snatching' menace occurring half a century afterward. Artist: timaeus222, completed Twilight of Neo Kobe City [“THEME OF OPENING” (Twilight of Neo Kobe City); TWILIGHT OF NEO KOBE CITY; TWILIGHT OF NEO KOBE CITY (<<Opening BGM>>)] PC88 | MSX2 The original opening credits sequence: Neo Kobe City, an establishing shot straight out of Blade Runner. Artist: Argle [tentative] Theme of Snatcher, Part 1 [THEME OF SNATCHER; THEME OF SNATCHER [PART 1] (<<Spinner Demo BGM>>); Theme of SNATCHER (PART 1)] PC88 | MSX2 | ZOOM (Unused) Gillian Seed's first day on the job as a runner, and he's called into action immediately, along with his 'navigator' and eventual sidekick, Metal Gear Mk II, to help his colleague Jean Jack Gibson track down possible snatchers. Creeping Silence [“PURSUER PART1” (Creeping Silence); CREEPING SILENCE; Untitled part of DANGER DANCE…& JUSTICE ALL (<<Intrusion ~ Shooting Mode>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD The first of the four main “Pursuer” tracks making up the bulk of the game's BGM usage, helping to create mood and build suspense. This track usually accompanies the establishment shot of a given scene. Criminal Omen [“PURSUER PART2” (Criminal Omen); CRIMINAL OMEN; Untitled part of DANGER DANCE…& JUSTICE ALL (<<Intrusion ~ Shooting Mode>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD The second “Pursuer” track follows our heroes after the investigation is fully underway. Pleasure of Tension [“PURSUER PART3” (Pleasure of Tension); PREASUR OF TENSION; PLEASURE OF TENSION (<<Intrusion ~Battle at JUNKER HQ>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD | ZOOM The third “Pursuer” tune is everybody's favorite. At this point in the investigation, 'it', as they say, is going down! Artist: Nutritious [tentative] Endless Pursuer [“PURSUER PART4” (Endless Pursue); ENDLESS PURSUER; Untitled part of PLEASURE OF TENSION (<<Intrusion ~Battle at JUNKER HQ>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD The fourth “Pursuer” deals mostly in aftermath, the result of an action or discovery. The protagonists are in “Okay, what now?” mode. Danger Dance... & Justice for All [“ACTION” (Danger Dance...and Justice for all); DANGER DANCE...& JUSTICE ALL; DANGER DANCE…& JUSTICE ALL (<<Intrusion ~ Shooting Mode>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD Action sequence! Open fire with your Blaster™! ATTENTION: The following four source tunes feature variations on Snatcher's original “TITLE” melody - basically the game's theme song – heard in most of the important non-gameplay scenes. Any arrangements of each track must be as distinct as possible from one another. Theme of Snatcher, Part 2: Faded Memories [“TITLE PART3” (Faded Memories); AD 2042 NEO KOBE CITY; THEME OF SNATCHER [PART 2] (JUNKER HQ <<Arrival After Jean's Death>> BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE Theme of Snatcher, Part 3: Peace of Mind [“TITLE PART5” (Peace of Mind); THEME OF SNATCHER [PART 3] (ACT 2 Opening BGM); Theme of SNATCHER (PART 2)] PC88 | MSX2 | ZOOM Faded Memories: Theme of Randam [“TITLE PART2” (Theme of RANDAM); FADED MEMORIES; FADED MEMORIES (<<RANDAM Appearance BGM>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | ZOOM Theme of J.U.N.K.E.R. [“TITLE PART1” (Theme of JUNKER); THEME OF JUNKER; THEME OF JUNKER (<<To>> JUNKER HQ)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE Theme of Jaime [“JAIME” (Theme of JAIME); THEME OF JAIME; THEME OF JAIME (<<Jaime's Theme>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | ZOOM (Unused) Gillian exchanges pleasantries with his estranged wife Jaime (Jamie) over the videophone. Innocent Girl [“KATRINE PART1” (Innocent Girl); INNOCENT GIRL; INNOCENT GIRL (<<Katharine BGM>>); THEME OF KATHERINE #1 (<<Katherine's Theme 1 BGM>>) ] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD Introducing Katherine (Katrina), the beautiful young daughter of Jean Jack Gibson; how young depends whether you cared if Selena Gomez or Hayden Panetierre were adults or not. Decadence Beat [“JOY DIVISION” (Decadence Beat); DECADENCE BEAT; DECADENCE BEAT (<<Joy Division Store BGM>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD Joy Division, the store with everything, however odd or perverted... right up Gillian's alley. Kind of a 'Cantina' vibe in the source tune. Theme of Izabella, Part 1: The Entrance to Hell [“OUTER HEAVEN1” (The Entrance to Hell); THE ENTRANCE TO HELL; THEME OF IZABEL [PART 1] (<<Outer Heaven Club BGM 1>>); THE GATES OF HELL (<<Outer Heaven Club BGM>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE The Outer Heaven club, where VIPs come in masquerade to watch major stars shake their talents. Theme of Izabella, Part 2 [“OUTER HEAVEN2” (Theme of IZABEL); THEME OF IZABEL; THEME OF IZABEL [PART 2] (<<Outer Heaven Club BGM 2>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE The famous Isabella Velvet gives a description of a suspected snatcher, if Gillian can stop ogling long enough. Theme of Katherine, Part 2 [“KATRINE PART2” (Theme of katrine); THEME OF KATHARINE; THEME OF KATHARINE [PART 2] (Katharine <<Reminiscence>> BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE An embarrassing bathroom episode segues to an important clue, revealed by Katherine, to the location of the snatchers' hidden network. Spreading Diehard [“SEARCH LIGHT” (Spreading Diehard); SPREADING DIEHARD; SPREADING DIE HARD (Searchlight BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD Metal's flashlight is needed while searching for clues in a pitch-black area of Queen (Queens) Hospital. Blow Up Tricycle [“BLOW UP TRICYCLE”; BLOW UP TRICYCLE; BLOW UP TRICYCLE (<<Runaway>> Spinner BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE Sabotage! Runaway-vehicle-with-no-brakes-do-something-before-we-crash!! Source tune's probably begging to be shredded in some fashion. Morg [“MORTUARY PART1” (Morg); MORG (Morgue BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD A nasty, yet important, find in a hidden area of Queen Hospital: the rotted corpses belonging to the snatchers' most recent victims. Restoration [“RESTORATION”; RESTORATION; RESTORATION (<<Corpse>> Restoration BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD Metal Gear shines in a pivotal scene, scientifically uncovering the victims' identities. Artist: José the Bronx Rican ATTENTION: The following two source tunes cover two scenes depicting great, heroic sacrifice; the titles on both make it impossible to leave out spoilers. Each track's arrangement should distinguish itself from the other. Eternal Promise [“GOODBYE RANDAM” (Eternal Promise); ETERNAL PROMISE (GOODBYE RANDAM); ETERNAL PROMISE [GOOD BYE RANDAM] (<<Battle with Chin>> BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD | ZOOM Good Bye Harry: For Harry [“REQUIEM” (For Harry); GOOD BYE HARRY (Harry's Death)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE Beyond Sorrows [“EPIROGUE” (Beyond Sorrows); BEYOND SORROWS; BEYOND SORROWS (ACT 2 Ending BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | ZOOM Formerly the tragic epilogue, it's the closing scene of Act 2, the realization that our heroes are only just beginning to fight. ATTENTION: The following two source tunes accompany the original credits. There are similarities between them, so either two distinct ReMixes or one incorporating both sources are suitable. At nearly 20 minutes, the PC-8801's “Theme of Ending” was (is?) probably the longest original non-medley track composed for a video game. Nothing stopping an artist from approaching the same run time, but I will have album length considerations, so be careful. Master of Puppets Among the Disease [MASTER OF PUPPETS AMONG THE DISEASE (Ending 1 BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 Theme of Ending (We Have to Struggle for Our Future Against Our Doubt) [“THEME OF ENDING” (We Have to Struggle for Our Future Against Our Doubt); THEME OF ENDING; THEME OF ENDING (Ending 2 BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 One Night in Neo Kobe City [One Night in NEO KOBE CITY] ZOOM On the CD-ROM releases of this game, this track replaces “Twilight of Neo Kobe City” for the opening credits sequence. Artist: AngelCityOutlaw [tentative] J.U.N.K.E.R. HQ [n/a] PCE | SCD Business in and around the headquarters of “Judgement Uninfected Naked Kind & Eliminate Ranger” or “Japanese Undercover Neuro-Kinetic Elimination Ranger”, whichever sounds less silly to you in your native language. Kremlin: Moscow [n/a] PCE | SCD During Act 3, the truth about what happened in Moscow leading up to the Catastrophe. Kremlin: Elijah [n/a] PCE | SCD Elijah's tale of unrequited love, a “forever alone” kind of waltz. Kremlin: Sleep [n/a] PCE | SCD How cryogenic sleep pods, among other things, figure into the story. Act 3 Ending, Part 1 [n/a] PCE | SCD Metal comes to the cute, little, high-pitched rescue - and helps deliver Neo-Kobe’s final solution! Act 3 Ending, Part 2 [n/a] PCE | SCD One last heroic effort to save our protagonists, not to mention all of humankind. Tears Stained Eyes [Tears stained Eyes] ZOOM On the CD-ROM releases of this game, this track replaces “Theme of Ending” for the closing credits sequence. Instantly memorable. ATTENTION: These remaining source tunes are important elements of the original games that can't be arranged on their own, so I would like artists to consider incorporating any of these into their own works if possible. Squeak!! [“SNATCHER TITLE” (Squeak!!); Untitled Part of BIO HAZARD (<<Catastrophe>> BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE (also SCD) The chilling title logo sequence. Evil Ripple [“TITLE TELOP” (Evil Ripple); EVIL RIPPLE; EVIL RIPPLE (Telop BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE (Unused) The original telop music (titles for Acts 1 and 2). Sting Collection [n/a] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE/SCD The original game had one sting, usually following a horrible or life-threatening discovery. Starting with the PC Engine release, up to three more stings had been introduced. Merry X'mas Neo Kobe City (Jingle Bells) [“JINGLE BELL” (Jingle bell 2042); MERRY X'MAS NEO KOBE CITY (Altamira <<Arrival>> BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD Various arrangements of “Jingle Bells” had been used in the Altamira (Alton Plaza) scenes for every release. A ReMix of any of these is not allowed, obviously, but I wouldn't mind a small taste of “Jingle Bells” somewhere, to acknowledge the game's setting (the approaching holiday season). Virtual Image [“TRANSFORM RISA” (Virtual Image); Untitled part of CREEPING SILENCE ~ CRIMINAL OMEN ~ DANGER DANCE...& JUSTICE ALL; Untitled part of DANGER DANCE…& JUSTICE ALL (<<Intrusion>> ~ Shooting Mode)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD Lisa Nielsen reveals herself, but not in the way Gillian would've wanted; another hollaback to Blade Runner. “DIE, Junker!!” Clue [n/a] PCE | SCD Starting with the PC Engine release, this jingle rings whenever a relevant clue or plot point is revealed.
  17. Shonen Remix Jump! Volume 1 ALBUM UPDATE Shonen Remix Jump! Volume 1 is COMPLETE and is wrapping up towards its release . The Anime Universe is quite large indeed. Giving artists a variety of sources to choose from (Much thanks to my Co-Directors for pitching this idea)! Album Status: Album Artwork & Website Procurement . Overview: This is Shonen Remix Jump! Volume 1. The focus of this album is to bring attention to the amazing music that's in Anime Based Video Games. Some anime games can be seen as obscure, but by all means this does not mean that the music is any less awesome! Shonen Remix Jump! Volume 1 pays homage to the Anime universe. Director: Cosmic Sounds Co-Director: Tuberz McGee Co-Director: SkyRiderX Song Evaluator: Darkesword Genre: There are no genre restrictions. The album(s) will be formatted into Editions; 1st Edition, 2nd Edition, Special Edition, and so on. This will also allow for the possibility of a greater variety of remixes. Check-In Dates - COMPLETE Album Outline __________________ Album updates: (Claims Removed with No Progress) - Opening Song: Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories OST - Preliminary Duels (Tuberz McGee) - One Piece Grand Adventure - Skypiea [Angel Beach] (Guifrog) - One Piece Unlimited Cruise 1 - Iceberg Isle (DaMonz) - Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories OST - Password Menu (Timaeus222) - Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2: Ancient Mystery (Malcos) - Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Duel Transfer - Ending Theme (Radiowar) -Closing Song: Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2: Crisis (Malcos) --------------- Expert Resources: -Mixing: Argle -Drum Programming, and Mixing & Mastering: Timaeus222 -Orchestral Production: Niefion -Male Vocals: Orangedragan -Male Vocals: Xarnax42 -Female Vocals: wildfire -Female Vocals; Soprano & Lyrics: Analea -Male Vocals (Baritone), Live Guitars & Ethnical Instruments: Tuberz McGee -Male Vocals, and Bass Guitarist: Furlias -Violinist: Chris|Amaterasu -Violinist: TeraCMusic --------------------- Progress: Claimed WIP Substantial WIP Completed Song Finalized WAV --------------------- Sigs: -These sigs were made for the Shonen Highlight and the Shonen Jump Album. -Interested in a sig, then feel free to grab one. -Big thanks to Doulifee! (Marik and The Winged Dragon of Ra)
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