Ayres Posted September 7, 2006 Posted September 7, 2006 How about a better way to select pages in the forums? Useful, really for the big ones (i.e. ones that post over 100 pages). Something like a drop down, rather than only being able to progress 6 at a time like now.
Nineko Posted September 7, 2006 Posted September 7, 2006 How about a better way to select pages in the forums? Useful, really for the big ones (i.e. ones that post over 100 pages). Something like a drop down, rather than only being able to progress 6 at a time like now.Your browser has an address bar for this reason.Just start the "&start=xxx" section in the URL, where xxx is 15*(page number -1). For example, page 11 is "&start=150".
Vilecat Posted September 8, 2006 Posted September 8, 2006 What about a link to Chipamp in this page, in the "Game Music Emulation (NSF, SPC, etc.)" section?another page that would fit well in that section and is currently missing is http://www.smspower.org/music/ http://project2612.org/ would work too, it's all Genesis games, and in a better format(vgz) than what Zophar currently has... or had, they haven't really updated in quite a while.
Gollgagh Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 Can we not look at the judge comments on remixes anymore or am I just stupid? EDIT: NVM I was just stupid.
Dhsu Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 That reminds me...couldn't the "view decision" link be integrated as a tab as well? And if it was direct-posted, then the tab just won't show up, just like the link. Or maybe you could have both the tab and the link. Bah, I dunno. Just an idea.
Gollgagh Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 Cool, I get to witness a change in forum format as it's happening.
Nineko Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 Cool, I get to witness a change in forum format as it's happening.djp, while you are at here, you may remove Protricity from being listed as a moderator of site projects
Arek the Absolute Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 I was looking for the "site projects" button on the forum list for 5 minutes. Nice covert swap.
supremespleen Posted September 11, 2006 Posted September 11, 2006 Whoah, the forum movey aroundy business confused the hell outta me.
PumaJones Posted September 16, 2006 Posted September 16, 2006 Since you've redesigned, whenever I click download on ANY remix, I get a 404. What gives?
Nineko Posted September 16, 2006 Posted September 16, 2006 Another point concerning original soundtracks... From djp's review on this remix: Speaking of .gbs files and chiptunes in general, we've been working on getting more of them directly available here on OCR; there's a dozen new RSNs for SNES games, we've switched our Genesis files from RGM (rar'd GYM) to zipped VGM, and we've added zipped VGMs for Sega Master System titles as well, where available. I'm really happy to read that, I've been bugging Larry about VGM files since a lot of time ago, so I must say a big "Nice Work" to you. Now please complete the work by adding the VGM files for the Game Gear games hosted on ocremix, being "Ecco 2: The Tides Of Time" and "Sonic The Hedgehog: Triple Trouble" Both of them are available on SMSpower VGM music archive, that seems to be the source also for the Master System VGMs you recently uploaded. I would post direct links here, but I don't think that the guys on SMSpower would like that Again, nice work with the SMS soundtracks, you made happy a lot of SEGA oldschool gamers. For sure, at least one Regards.
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted September 17, 2006 Posted September 17, 2006 Three questions; -What's gonna happen with the announcements section in the bottom drop down. Is it going to form? -Is that competitions section coming? If so, safe bet a stickying a thread essentially saying 'pm a mod before creating a comp' would be wise. I've got a great idea for another one but I'm not gonna ever post it unless someone's willing to run it for me. Lord knows I miss enough deadlines for FunnyHaHa. -What happened to the OCR4-Tan thread? How'd it manage to go from stickied to deleted (as far as I can tell) so fast?
Nineko Posted September 17, 2006 Posted September 17, 2006 -What's gonna happen with the announcements section in the bottom drop down. Is it going to form?wait, can't you see it?
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 -What's gonna happen with the announcements section in the bottom drop down. Is it going to form?wait, can't you see it? Ok, scrap that one... what about the other 2?
Nineko Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 -What's gonna happen with the announcements section in the bottom drop down. Is it going to form?wait, can't you see it? Ok, scrap that one... what about the other 2? -What happened to the OCR4-Tan thread? How'd it manage to go from stickied to deleted (as far as I can tell) so fast?Stickies can be purged just like standard threads. No posts = death.Only announcements and active polls aren't pruned. That's why we can't post polls in unmod.
Dhsu Posted September 20, 2006 Posted September 20, 2006 Alpha list by game = キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!!
Ab56 v2 aka Ash Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 I posted this in Help & Newbies: "Somtimes when I click Reply to Topic I get sent back to the front page of the forums. This is either a sign or OCR is teh broke. Someone is eventually going to say both." Herro, this is still probrem. I need HERP!! Any clues?
Smoke Posted September 26, 2006 Posted September 26, 2006 I posted this in Help & Newbies:"Somtimes when I click Reply to Topic I get sent back to the front page of the forums. This is either a sign or OCR is teh broke. Someone is eventually going to say both." Herro, this is still probrem. I need HERP!! Any clues? What browser, what version, does it always happen to the same topics, is there a pattern noticeable, have you checked for viruses and spyware? Just the basics .
Ab56 v2 aka Ash Posted September 27, 2006 Posted September 27, 2006 I already talked to Smoke about this. Ironically, my browser sent me back to the front page of the forum as I tried to reply to this thread ;( This seems to be a Firefox issue. I have no problems in IE. My antivirus is off, so I don't know what the problem is.
Czar Diego Posted October 15, 2006 Posted October 15, 2006 What's with that tacky E-starand ad in teh remix write-ups? Isn't there a less intrusive place to put that?
Vortex Posted October 28, 2006 Posted October 28, 2006 I'm having a bit of a problem with Chipamp. It works fine and all as far as playback goes, but it seems to have screwed up winamp's supported file type recognition. Whenever I try to open a new file, the dialog box is always empty and I have to manually go to "all files" in the drag down box to see anything. When the default "all supported types" is selected, it displays nothing, not even normal audio files like mp3 or wav. All the correct file types are set under file associations in winamp options, but I have to manually open files through an explorer window or do the previously mentioned drag down to all files every time I try to open something. Has anyone else run into a problem like this?
Nineko Posted October 30, 2006 Posted October 30, 2006 Has anyone else run into a problem like this?it's not because of chipamp. winamp randomly fucks up with the file types in the "open" dialog, especially if you have lots of plugins. someone found the cause some time ago, but I forgot. it has something to do either with the number of registered file types or with the lenght of the filter string. there is something too long anyway.
Antipode Posted November 6, 2006 Posted November 6, 2006 Hey, just thought I'd mention this one: I know there used to be an F-Zero GX remix called "Dr Stuard 'Jeff n Toad Air Team Challengers", or something like that, and I'm also aware that said remix was removed - but it appears that the category for GX, now empty, wasn't. http://www.ocremix.org/f/ http://www.ocremix.org/game/fzerogx/ I'm sure this had to have been mentioned, but I thought I'd put it out there.
Nineko Posted November 6, 2006 Posted November 6, 2006 I'm sure this had to have been mentioned, but I thought I'd put it out there.Nah, I already pointed out this some time ago, when I noticed that the page for Sim City is still there even without remixes. I believe that Larry told me "these pages are still there to keep a trace of the website's history" or something like that.
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