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OverClocked ReMix Chess League TEAM TOURNAMENT!

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irc.enterthegame.com, #ocrcl --- Yahoo! Chess, Advanced Lounge 7

Welcome to the first OCRCL Team Tournament!

10/10 clocks.

No teammates in the room with you.

3 pts/win, 2 pts/draw, 1 pt/loss.

Two games (once as white and as black) = One match.

Reports are +1/-1. Report deadline is Super Bowl Sunday (Feb 4th, EST 9:00pm)

No undo turns.

The team earning the most points at the end is declared the winner!!



kamoh (captain)

keegan the fox


rainman dx

Rusty Buckets



john derrilll (captain)







margoute (captain)


So far I've got salaxzar, JD, and myself looking at administrative roles (captain, arbiter). Everything's still cool, we've got plenty of time, and I think damathacus is willing to captain as well...

...but the more the merrier :)

So far I've got salaxzar, JD, and myself looking at administrative roles (captain, arbiter). Everything's still cool, we've got plenty of time, and I think damathacus is willing to captain as well...

...but the more the merrier :)

Why would I want to captain?


Okay I finally downloaded WinXP.

All the chess stuff is gone and I need to do it from scratch again, which shouldn't be too big of an issue, but is gonna suck.


I'd love for you guys to recruit as much as you could - the more players we have the more fun it's gonna be

Oh, and some details on this:

Everyone will be assigned two matches, with no halfmatches getting in the way. You will likely play one opponent from each of the other two teams (unless your team has less players, then you might play the same team twice). Rules are the same as usual for OCRCL matches, but you're fighting to get the most points for your own team.:)


Hey kids, bumping this one.

Deadline to register is on Friday, so make sure you tell your friends. Also, who wants to captain again? I would rather not captain if at all possible (I wouldn't be at the same level as the other captains), and it makes the most sense for me to referee the damn thing.


Here are some of the important rules for team play:

Your teammates will not be allowed to watch your game to assist you - use private tables, and only players from the non-playing team may (and should) enter - however, you may consult them outside of the table if you wish.

For the reason above, 10/10 clocks will be used. This means that play-calling is increasingly difficult, and coaching is generally going to be your best bet if you'd like help from a teammate.

Of course, it's likely that you won't have teammates around to coach you through your matches, so there's no requirement that you recieve help - it's really the way that it ought to be, anyways.

But I can't stop everything that goes on, so instead of making it cheating to consult, I'm going to make it very very difficult for JD or Keegan or Uranus to basically dictate the entire match out to their teammates.


Grayfox has joined, bringing the number of players to 12, making the teams even. At this point, bringing more players in is NO PROBLEM, so if you have people or you want to join but don't want to affect the balance of the tournament, don't worry - I have a plan for uneven teams. I'm just glad that there's at least this many people.

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