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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/2015 in all areas

  1. *WIP*WIP*WIP* Very Messy Progress shot
    4 points
  2. Hello! Some time ago, i made a cover about very sensitive song. This song is from the game, that is very memorable and still one of the most important games i have ever played. Chrono Cross - Singing Emotions. It's pretty simple rendition, but i like how nicely acoustic guitar fits in...at the end i mixed it with the same kind of sound, that plays in the original. It kinda express the sensitivity of the cover more . Here is the cover: And here is the original:
    1 point
  3. Sorry, but at this point it's blatantly obvious these people are just milking money from their fans/followers by over-blowing the problem. I don't know how anyone can not see that.
    1 point
  4. That's more of a different thing than what I was refering to. I'm talking about the mindset that somehow Zoe and Anita are just as bad, they are opportunists who relish in the attention, etc etc. Mostly just comes down to thinly veiled victim blaming in my eyes. It's both disheartening and fascinating watching both this and several concurrent social trends unfold the past years. That includes stuff like the countless internet lynch mobs out to shame people and even ruin their careers (anything from Zoe Quinn, to that poaching dentist, to that "dongle incident" at a tech firm), and the rise of xenophobic attitudes shedding their taboo with the European immigrant crisis, etc. Perhaps in 15 years or so we can look back at these things as a whole with some historical clarity and put it in a better understood context. What I find particularly interesting about both gamergate and the immigrant crisis (and I suppose also MRA) are the connections found to extreme right wing organizations, how they actively fan the flames and use these sentiments as a means to boost recruitment. In particular with gamergate they have better success at reaching out towards young, liberal-leaning men who would otherwise not sympathize with their ideologies. Inbetween the downtime of this thread there was also an interesting video series released which I think did a good attempt at dissecting the underlying psychology behind the gamergate movement
    1 point
  5. I know I missed the deadline here, but I will have the update to you tomorrow night if possible - If not, Sunday. I kinda realized that the key change was throwing epic/seductive vibe off - so I'm re-doing that part with original composition. So it should be like 60/40 source : original
    1 point
  6. I could finish the Traverse Town arrangement I started for the MnP round.
    1 point
  7. Tuberz is coming here to say again that I will support this wholeheartedly. Like seriously. Favourite game series. pls guiz lets do this One more thing. Can I put a tentative claim on... um... everything?
    1 point
  8. For those wondering about progress... we're inching on. I've been writing writeups/track notes, and will probably do the same for artists, just so we've got something to put on the website before trying to down every remixer for their thoughts and bios and stuff. Also, don't pay Meteo. I think he works better when he's starving.
    1 point
  9. Bruce Faulconer is the man when it comes to classic DBZ.
    1 point
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