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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2016 in all areas

  1. A chill remix I made of Q's theme from SF3. Youtube: Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/bluerhythmz/street-fighter-3-third-strike-q-theme-remix
    1 point
  2. What? Like I'm not kidding around when I say I literally have no idea what you're on about dude. It's like you're trying to go all SJW on the thread, but failing because no one is "complaining" about anything. No one's saying this shouldn't exist or something. It's just a weird marketing tactic that doesn't stick the landing and instead comes off as creepy fan service rather than serious marketing. Like, I'm sorry for poking fun at that? Hypocrite, thy name is Meteo Xavier. GOD DAMN I MISS WHEN EVERYONE ON THIS SITE DIDN'T TAKE SHIT SO FUCKING SERIOUSLY AND HAD A SENSE OF HUMOR
    1 point
  3. 6/8 and 12/8 are pretty much the same thing, it's just whether you think of the "bars" as having 2 or 4 beats. It's more natural for me to think in 4 beats. I've done 2 songs in 12/8 and have one more that's on-hold. Everything in that meter feels super bouncy and fun, even if it's in minor key!
    1 point
  4. This fits the laid-back internet worlds of BN SO well. More. Please.
    1 point
  5. This assessment could not possibly be further from the truth. As for the rest of the post, I'm sorry you didn't like the song. It is, looking back on it after ten years, probably not up to the standards that any of the five of us would shoot for if we were to make it today, but if I were to go back and redo the song all over, I wouldn't have wanted to do anything different.
    1 point
  6. those poses look pretty standard for modern modeling. don't really see the issue. i think it's sorta fun that a game character (from a game that a lot of people didn't like, too!) is being used in a pop culture ad. nice to see the market penetration. remind me what the issue is here? is it because a character that's notoriously not girly being used for a purse ad? or is it because louis vuitton's overpriced? i don't think anyone disagrees with the idea that those purses cost more than they should, but supply/demand blah blah blah. they sell at that price because they can sell at that price.
    1 point
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