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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/2016 in all areas

  1. Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone. With my four-day weekend (I'm not used to so much free time) I'm going to work a bit more on my tracks.
    2 points
  2. The VGM community fragmentation is but a relic of the past that needs to go. Participating to TS compos is a process far too convoluted for its own good, especially in this day and age. Too many signing-up / signing-in and out of different sites to join/upload/vote, too much back and forth, which isn't user friendly. Add to that the fact PRC is a relatively small event with modest following, focused on obscure games and taking place on 2 different websites dedicated to a relatively niche and often misunderstood hobby. Think about how these barriers of entry potentially restrict the compo and might discourage aspiring participants. OCR compos are successful in no small part due to covering popular games, which help attract a bigger crowd including well-known remixers, which in turn create anticipation and emulation. Addtionally, compos are being run entirely on site, including discussions, submissions and voting. Last but not least, their existence is being relayed via social medias, which helps spread the word about them. On the other hand, TS main site has been in limbo for a while, with no new mixes posted on RTS, next to no news posted on TS and no community interaction within the website proper. The life of the party comes from Compos, which are sadly being run in the back room in relative obscurity. It's nobdy's fault of course, but without some kind of promotion, participation remains limited to whoever already knows about PRC, is familiar with the current round's game, or is ok with the convoluted submission/voting process. Kevin, man: the sheer dedication/hardwork you've put into running this compo for so many years is awe-inspiring. But these events need to be consolidated/integrated into a common hub where people interact regularly, not relegated to a dark corner of the web alongside those who make TS compos a reality. A bit of social media advertising might also do some good, cause unless you spread the word or go actively fishing for new blood, people aren't gonna magically show up in droves on your doorstep. Another idea could be to release yearly abums with the winning remixes or themed compilations of PRC songs, to promote the event. Lastly, getting in touch with VGM radios/hosts could help raise awareness for the compo and in turn improve participation. Been slowly getting back into remixing, so I will do my best to join the compo again in the near future, whenever life permits.
    2 points
  3. GUYS. I GOT THE MIDI. LET THE MIXING COMMENCE. First part (mine) shall be pure rock.
    1 point
  4. Slight quasi-tangent, though still related: I've followed your band on YouTube for probably a year now and LOVE your guys' work. If you can bring that polish to this project, I'm all for it, as subjectively unimportant as my opinion may or may not be. xD
    1 point
  5. I'm not the kind of guy to create a vision, but I am the kind of guy who can drive a vision and gets shit done and works with other people to get their shit done (ask Black_Doom or check the Sonic album thread where I was a co director for a reference). I feel I did a good job at the Sonic album giving feedback to artists, helping tracks to be the best they can be and assisting with all kinds of stuff where needed. I also collab'ed with Aaron before with great pleasure and success. If there's a gap to fill and you guys think my skills would be an asset, I'm happy to step in and work with Aaron in seeing this through. If not, no harm no foul
    1 point
  6. I think FLS is the best DAW for reading midis. But that my own opinion, of course.
    1 point
  7. I remember seeing some of these extended techniques in my college orchestration class. Sadly I've never played this piece, but it sounds pretty cool. Here's a link to a paper that explains the symbols. http://www.anthonybannach.com/uploads/2/1/6/7/21674290/pendereckipaper.pdf It doesn't explain the slashes very well (he says hit the string with the nut, which is impossible), but if I were playing this I would hit the fingerboard/strings with the wood or maybe the screw of the bow. That is what it sounds like in the recording, and I'll bet it is the main percussive sound you are hearing. High frequency pizzicato decays very fast, and is not very loud, so I doubt that is the "percussive" sound. Gario's way of doing it looks good. If you are limited with libraries, try a Bartok Pizz for the percussive effect, or a col legno patch if you have it. Happy sampling!
    1 point
  8. Hello, all. I would like to throw my name in the hat for helping to direct this thing. As I told @pu_freak and @Bahamut in a message, if you look at my profile, you won't find very much, I know. HOWEVER, I am very familiar in coordinating many moving parts at the same time being a full time middle school music teacher. I have been in the OCR community for a while, but got WAY back into it three years ago when my band Lonboxofchocolate formed in its current iteration - I linked our soundcloud page for reference if you want to hear how we sound. We have, since then, published our own Undertale album on Overclocked Records (its almost posted), had multiple submissions accepted and posted by OCR, and have kept a regular arranging and recording schedule in addition to all of us having our varying adult responsibilities. I love helping and seeing things through, so if I can help this thing get traction again, I would very much enjoy getting to know everyone's work so far and seeing where it needs to go from there! Peace and love - Hank "The Spank Tank" Jankerson -
    1 point
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