In light of the strong arrangement and performance, the clutter in this track wasn't a dealbreaker, but it was a negative for sure (e.g. 1:38-2:08). The timing of the rock from 2:31-2:34 sounded slightly off, but it was brief. Some of the thumps on the acoustic sounded like they were distorted and too close to the mic, but that also wasn't a big deal.
That said, I loved the piece, and this was a dense, rocked out treatment of one of the best themes from the Genesis version of this soundtrack.
It's been a long time since I heard of Mauricio self-project of ThePlasmas "band", and Nitro Game Injection's KyleJCrb has been a great advocate of his and really put him on my radar as he developed into a stronger performer. It's awesome to finally have you on board with an official OC ReMix! Definitely send in some more of your work, Mauricio, and welcome aboard.