Even a two-note melody is remixable, IMO, as long as it's recognizable as the source, and the source isn't marginalized. Parts of this song do both those things for me, namely:
I intellectually see the connections you're making with the source in the other places but when you change the rhythm of a four-note source, it doesn't sound like that source anymore. The rhythm is almost everything defining it. Above, I only counted the parts where it played straight. Though you used the source straight at 0:43-1:15 and 3:06-3:18, I didn't count those because the source was buried under other synths. That puts this at about 43% source usage, which is pretty close but hard to say YES to. I bet you could make some quick modifications to this and get my vote. But as the other two votes show, it may not be that easy to get four people who think this is an acceptable arrangement.
By the way, if you do another version, you really should do some tempo increases as the song progresses.
NO (resubmit)