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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/2018 in all areas

  1. I like to mention @AeroZ for both the chippy, lofi elements of his arrangements that have been directly inspiring for my own arrangements, but also the amazing cello stuff, 7th Saga album in particular. Shnabubula has been an inspiration for many things, amazing musicianship, improvisational capability (showcased through his VGM Cast streams) and for me as a ReMixer, in particular the creative arranging. Same goes for @djpretzel, his arranging unsurprisingly embodies the interpretational aspect of OCR approach, on top of that I appreciate him showing his love for Sega and also doing less-arranged games (like everyone I'm mentioning). Additionally I've been incredibly inspired by my regular collaboration partners @Jorito and @Tuberz McGee. Additional shout-outs to all the album directors and also compo-organizers such as @Bundeslang, @HoboKa, @DarkeSword, @FenixDown and Brandon Strader - I very rarely finish any tracks that don't have competition or album deadlines at last at one point, and/or collaborators to actively work with. So in a very direct way these people are an inspiration to the tracks I ever end up finishing.
    2 points
  2. Merry meet my dudes. Thanksgiving is near. I've been a fan of ocremix since early 2000s and been on and off participating in the community since probably around 2003. Good times and bad lol. And since then I have witnessed many beginners and amateurs grow into quite capable artists, musicians, sound designers, producers, composers etc... even in the within the professional gaming industry. The ocremix community has been a big part of my amateur musical training and learning, and I'm sure it has been a big part in many others. I'd (and hopefully others) like to know who were the OCRemixers/OCR Staff that you found inspiring when you were a newbie here. I'd like to know the details of your memories, experience and feelings about being a newbie here too. It is my intention that I would like this thread to be an outlet for fans and matured remixers to express their thankfulness, experiences and love to the talented people who have contributed their works and support to the community. In other words ego food for the deserving contributors in the spirit of Thanksgiving.
    1 point
  3. I've been told I've inspired many people... to leave/quit Ocremix. I'm so anti-charismatic, I've gotten offers from several prominent astrology labs in Europe to study my personality as a potential gravity field. Oh well.
    1 point
  4. The technomanga "don't fuck around" guy was also pretty inspiring.
    1 point
  5. Void. Now now, I know what people think when Void comes to mind. Yes, he was a liar, a music thief and he basically fucked himself right out of the remixing community back in the early 2000s. However, what his dishonest actions caused indirectly was something of a good thing in the end for me; something that I've basically run with for a long time. He shed light on games that few had heard of and ran with the facade that he was making remixes for those games. However, I chose to actually make the remixes I posted, and not plagiarize like Void did when he claimed other peoples' work as his own. Everyone and their grandmother knows Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, Sonic, Mario, Mega Man, Zelda, Castlevania and their brethren; games with soundtracks that many artists have remixed in dozens of genres. But what about games like Master of Monsters, Raiden Trad, Hellfire or Thunder Force IV? They didn't get much attention back then, which seemed like a real shame considering how great their music was. In fact, when I first came OCR, those four Genesis games had nothing on the site... and three of them still don't. So, I kept my attention on less-often remixed games for the most part. Yeah, I've dipped my toes into well-known franchises like Castlevania, Chrono Cross and Mario, but I've come to really like digging father down into the world of game music and pulling out games like Darius, Arcus Odyssey and Moon Patrol to focus on. So while Void's actions were nothing to praise, it had the inadvertent affect of steering my remixing "career" in a direction that I've enjoyed.
    1 point
  6. I definitely want to; I just don't have anywhere to set up for recording right now.
    0 points
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