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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/2020 in all areas

  1. Results Only HoboKa voted. AxLR wins by default, because reasons. Lmao. AxLR please PM me the source pick for round 116. Comments With 3 entries, this could've been a good round, unfortunately, Silverpool64 had to submit as a BONUS. It's a shame only I voted. Participant votes are awash in a 2 entry round. But I'm fine with handing off the source pick to AxLR, because I think he's earned it.
    2 points
  2. Daam... I’ve been busy as hell lol Congrats dude!
    1 point
  3. It wouldn't have mattered, the only viable vote would've been Silverpool64's and/or someone who didn't participate this round. Needs to be 3 non BONUS entries minimum, otherwise the vote is awash.
    1 point
  4. Lol, didn't have time to vote sorry mate I'll pick the source in no time, no worries !
    1 point
  5. Haha yeah I get it. I've just been working on originals for myself just to get better, and I feel I've made a lot of progress over the last year so just trying to get back into remixing
    1 point
  6. Lava Reef's music is my absolute favourite of any Sonic OST, and having this gradually building from chilled-out up to a *slightly* more frenetic interpretation is just beautiful. Excellent work, Eladar.
    1 point
  7. So I guess it's time for an update, huh? The majority of people have gotten back to me regarding my statement and the majority of those people have decided to stay on, so the project will continue as is. I won't be actively recruiting anyone else, but will accept anyone who wishes to join. As such this album will likely be a single 'disc' affair rather than a double, but at this point I'm just looking to get it finished and out the door, so to speak. A few people asked that I make it abundantly, 100% clear that anyone who is participating in this project does not support or condone the actions of Jeremy Soule, alleged or otherwise, and that the content is a celebration of the Secret of Evermore soundtrack as an art-form and nothing else. In happier news, we've got our first finished track! @about:blank has finished his Fire Eyes remix which has now been passed over to @Chimpazilla for mastering. Massive thanks for getting that finished so quickly, Chris So, in closing, things are little bit sombre here at PLT HQ (which is just me now...) but we're going to soldier on regardless. Thank you to everyone who has agreed to stay on, and thank you to everyone who is taking the time to read this message. *EDIT* Well, I should probably read all my messages before making a forum post because we do in fact have TWO finished tracks! @Manji has finished his Elephant Graveyard remix as well! Big thank you to you as well, Chris (two Chris', what are the odds?!).
    1 point
  8. Welcome to the Voting Stage! There are 2 entries this round. There is 1 Bonus entry(s) this round There IS NOT a voter bonus this round. T_T Silverpool64 has a vote worth 2x. Don't vote for Bonus entries please. Participants may not vote for themselves. Vote ends August 4th Tues @ 1 PM Vote here https://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP115
    1 point
  9. Submitted my bonus by the skin of my teeth! The most awesome feeling is when the clock changes just as you click submit and it goes through anyway!
    1 point
  10. Alright, I'm going to have to chime in on this one as well. After Meteo stepped down, the duty of finishing this project had fallen into my hands. I've made steps behind the scenes to make sure things will progress - gathering as many WAVs as possible, getting in touch with artists who had prior claims, and figuring out ways to get more tracks in. As of right now, there are some updates to be done with the roster. Firstly, all but three WAVS had been gathered together - the Dual Dragons lost theirs, OA wasn't happy with how his track turned out, and PacificPoem has been unresponsive. Secondly, I got interest from Eino and Sagnewshreds in keeping on refining their work. I have contacted all others who had a claim, but no response - so any other claim will get freed up. Thirdly, a massive thanks to Artem Bank ( @redshojin ) for not only taking on Boundless Ocean, but getting a full track and WAV prepared in less than a week! Nevertheless, if you the web surfer - yes, you - is interested in claiming a track and can do so in the space of the next 6-8 weeks, send a PM to me in the Discord, or here in the forums if you don't have a Discord account. I share my sentiment with the artist collective on board with letting it see the light of day
    1 point
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