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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/2023 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone! I don't usually post here, just in the remixes sub-forum when I make a new arrangement. But I want to share the news of a new piece I'm going to Premiere on YouTube this Sunday. It's a four-movement Serenade for String Orchestra which I have recently completed. I have been wanting to write one for some time now, and after hearing the Serenades by Elgar, Dvorak, and Tchaikovsky, as well as other String Ensemble pieces such as Grieg's Hohlberg Suite, Parry's Lady Radnor Suite, and Holst's St. Paul Suites, I decided now was an opportune time to write one. I have managed to complete the music, and create the video. It's been uploaded to YouTube, and the link to the video is here: https://youtu.be/0PbFZCP9Avc The premiere will begin on Sunday 13th August at 8PM UK time, 3PM EST, Midday California time, depending on where you are ? There is also a FB event set up, the link to which is here: https://www.facebook.com/events/183569654617778 If anyone wants to share, then by all means do so: Really looking forward to seeing you guys there if you go
    1 point
  2. I shall gladly join Team SNES. As I was saying on Discord, I have never, ever done anything like this before and my grasp of the musical theory is laughable at best. But I have passion and I love me some SNES FF. Let's see if I can help!
    1 point
  3. I'd like to put my interest in for this too on the PSX side!
    1 point
  4. I have no preference so you can use me to balance the scale.
    1 point
  5. Wow, OCremix has this Song!!!! Yeah! I remember, surfing the internet one day, I searched for Zelda tunes, curious in a way. And as I searched, I stumbled on, A web page with lyrics to a song. Rabbit Joint, the page said. A weird name, I know, and I shook my head. I read the lyrics, Link, he come to town And on my face, protruded a frown. I need to hear this! I yelled aloud. Unfortunatly, finding it was like walking on a cloud. No luck... till one day, I visited a friend, who as doing okay. He turned on a CD... and Rabbit Joint he played! Zelda... Alas! He had made my day. I asked him to copy it for me... but he told me no! And I tried to hurt him, And step on his toe. Until finally he gave in, Copied it for me.... And so I went home, smiling with glee! Ever since, I listen to that song, and think to myself... nothing could go wrong. It is the best song ever, And always will be.... Yeah.
    1 point
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