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Meteo Xavier

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Everything posted by Meteo Xavier

  1. A lot of composers need to get day jobs too. I'm trying to get take on more work myself in various jobs and otherwise to pay for it.
  2. I'm hoping to not need any more music stuff for quite some time. The only reason I'm looking at OE in the first place is I'm starting to get call for using some of that stuff and EWQLSO just takes too long in my present state of things. I'm not going to be that composer who has $12,300 worth of elite samples and only makes a total of $700 in his quasi-career.
  3. I still won't be able to afford it by the time that deal goes up. And FUCK, ProjectSAM is finally offering their Black Friday sale and it's all for Symphobia. :S
  4. I think it would be a long-ass time before I get into any serious orchestral work, if I ever did at all, but I do have orchestral needs not requiring hardcore orchestral skills to be addressed, so I need something to supplement my EWQLSO and OE1 seems to be the ticket. Looked fairly easily in my opinion.
  5. I was both exaggerating and forgetting there was something in there that costs roughly the same as OE. I think it was the shock of seeing orchestral suites and bundles costing upwards of $10,000 that overwrote anything else I saw in there. Well, maybe I will look at Albion One again. The problem is that sale won't last too song methinks and I don't think I can save up in time. OE is $350 anytime.
  6. I'm not enrolling back into college just to save a couple hundred bucks on an orchestral set that's still more expensive than OE1 and 2 combined. Nice of them not to have that restriction all the same though...
  7. Good call. I really had my eye on OE2 but OE1 has got what I'm actually after. Good thing I asked, thanks Mo.
  8. I've looked at Albion's stuff and that's a LOT more than I really need. I've already got my sights set on the Orchestral Essentials, I'm just wondering what the real difference between the two is as I haven't found anything giving me a good idea as to what those differences are.
  9. I'll only be able to afford one of these and they're both at $350. OE2 is a much larger product, much more modern and it says it's a "deepening" of OE1... whatever that means, but I can't actually really tell the difference between the two. Anyone in OCR who knows the difference between the two and can help a jack-of-all-trades-and-master-at-none composer like me decide which one to go with?
  10. Nothing but fanservice? Can you name for me a game when a character's giant tits were actually important to the story and also wasn't just used as a strawman "message" for or against feminism? The other option is just making sure female characters only have modest-sized breasts which becomes a problem when talking about "diversity" as you call it. And I'm not sure if you're aware, but part of acting requires a person to be able to, watch out, pretend to be something they are not. Last I checked, there weren't any asians being dragged out into the street and beaten to death just because Shredder in the TMNT cartoon was played by a black guy (twice), or any disabled but promising women of color denied entry to a high-ranking job just because Dr. Hibbert is played by Harry Shearer. Obviously it's another thing for a white guy to get all blackfaced up and portray a slave who is thankful to work on a plantation while a rich white guy whips him and having it played totally straight, but that's not what goes on What you social justice warriors fail to understand is that you're so supersensitive to these things that you can't even tell them apart from genuine problems anymore. You think a JRPG not having a strong black character on the roster is the same thing as Apartheid. You think some insecure girl who doesn't like how well-endowed the girls on Dead or Alive are is the same thing as the Salem Witch Trials. You know what gets hurt when there's not enough diversity in an IP? It's not your face from a brick being hurled at it for being different, it's PRIDE. These people get offended because their PRIDE got hurt and get other people, like you, to come along and defend it. It's not even YOUR pride! Let's take you off the liberal hivemind grid and reinforce that art, as a concept, cannot be held responsible for encouraging people to be sexist, racist, etc. any more than it can be held responsible for school and theater shootings among other violence. This precedent has been scientifically proven, thus rendering any concepts that real world values plummet as a result of big, awesome boobies null and void.
  11. That's not a sale, that's a cry for help.
  12. Just hire prophetik to build you a computer. I did that years ago and it worked out pretty well for me.
  13. Our generation hates being criticized. For anything. Ever. This same generation also has no problem throwing accusations and criticisms of sexism and racism around freely for things like a female character, gasp, having big boobs, or a non-white character being voiced by a white voice actor. This sort of thing is a major vein in the body of the Gamergate scandal. That's a far more troubling double standard, which is what many of the anti-gamergate people like to utilize and either fail to acknowledge to acknowledge their PRIDE in it. Garbage on both sides, like I said.
  14. Best advice: don't quit your day job. Music success is a lottery ticket. Do it for the art instead of the money until the money starts matching your paycheck. And even then, don't quit it. Now you have two paychecks twice a month!
  15. I'm quoting you quoting this. You PC people are so ***damn redundant.
  16. Feminism, in theory, is very different from religion and spirituality too - yet they seem to be practiced to such the same degree that those differences have vanished.
  17. Pretty wild stuff, this topic. I'm still in awe not only on how the subject really brings people out of the woodwork, but also inspires them to ignore whatever facts don't fit their partisan views on said subject to maintain loyalty for their side. Due to its similarities to how people approach religion, I hypothesize that something about this subject hits that same part of the brain or human experience where the subject of spirituality is stored and wish to study that hypothesis more as people continue to fight the stupidest cold war ever devised.
  18. HO. LEE. SHIT. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-11-07-zoe-quinns-memoir-crash-override-picked-up-by-ghostbusters-producer Just when you thought the circus freakshow that is everything Gamergate-related was dead and couldn't possibly be any more batshit insane, THIS happens. And it's even going to be done by the lady bringing us the thoroughly unnecessary Feminist vehicle Ghostbusters remake. You know this thing is going to be completely one-sided vag-power that seems to be a big selling point in Hollywood these days. Kinda makes me want to puke. Disclosure: I didn't and still don't support Gamergate, so don't take my criticism here as a show of support for them. I pretty much think everyone taking a side on this, those siding with Gamergate and those siding with Zoe and FemFreq and all that are all garbage. The whole thing was two types of single, small-minded people with victim complexes fight a war that didn't exist and see who could take home the Gold for being the most useless group of primates to ever soil planet Earth with their unnecessary existence.
  19. I'm not sure, but why don't we get the ball rolling on that anyway and see if it helps. MeteoXavierSD3Funding@gmail.com - Paypal account. Disclaimer: Donations may not reflect or influence project speed or progress, but if you're silly enough to believe this money will go towards anything Seiken Densetsu 3 related except funding my weekend meeting ladyboys in Thailand, you can just disregard this disclaimer.
  20. Well it's good to know this topic was and is such a hit - one can't help but wonder all the same why y'all aren't as active throughout the forums too.
  21. I wonder when "Neil DeGrasse Tyson: The Movie" starring Denzel Washington is coming out.
  22. I've got a mix in there somewhere! Post it Dave! Been in there since June 2014 dashitall.
  23. I'd want to check this game out if the art style didn't turn me off so much.
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