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Meteo Xavier

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Status Updates posted by Meteo Xavier

  1. I take responsibility for my actions.

  2. Where do you FIND all these crazy images you use constantly? I've never seen anyone photopost like you. :P

  3. I'm dropping by and saying Hi again. What are you to these days?

  4. Hey, I just got a new speaker system and REJOICE sounds like it has WAY WAY WAY too much bass in it. Is yours the same?

  5. Ok, I can't find the box and instructions for it. I think its at my brothers' house, but I haven't seen it in a long time. Would you accept $15 for it in a good generic case?

  6. Ok, I have to ask, are you male or female?

    Frankly I can't tell, and that becomes difficult for me.

    No drama or anything else is needed, I just want an either/or, so to speak. No judgment will be given (if any is expected) and thats all.

  7. When are you going to remix music again, you beautiful bastard? I'm turning 40 or 50 or something this month and I won't live forever.

  8. Hey. Have you worked at all on that Waltz MIDI I gave you?

  9. Dammit, that doesn't help me. I can't do anonymous for a number of reasons I'm not comfortable telling you right now.

  10. Honey, its really not good for me to have friends of whose gender I cannot differentiate.

  11. Do your k240s headphones come off as boomy as mine do? I haven't been able to sit down and really listen with them until now but I'm surprised how bass-heavy they are. Are they supposed to come off that way?

    I don't mean to bother you with this, but I don't know anyone else who mixes with them.

  12. The disc is virtually scratch-free. It has a couple minor lines and a smudge, but I can wipe that off and it should be fine. It worked just fine the last time I played it and I haven't touched it since, so the disc condition is pretty good.

  13. Did you ever get your SNES? I found some games I failed to sell upstairs that are some good collector's pieces.

  14. Hey, have you heard anything on that game we (individually) were working on last Winter? Ye Olde Panic? I've tried emailing them and haven't heard back yet.

  15. Thomas, when you goin' to hit a brotha up? You too good to talk to me now that I'm half-black, half-white, half-asian and half-Samoan? Only one man in the history of assholes can accomplish being FOUR halves at once, and that man is Meteo X!

  16. I don't really have prices for my stuff anymore - I tend to scare a lot of potential buyers by doing that.

    Anyway, its Gradius III, Tetris II and Joe and Mac 2. They all worked the last time I used them. I think I paid about $40 for all three of them. Send me back a reasonable offer if you're interested.

  17. Is that right? I've been wondering about that "official" title in your sig there. Are you full on working for them?

    What is their website again? I thought I had it bookmarked but its not there.

  18. Hey, which electronic label are you getting signed to?

  19. I'm just playing with you in my topic, btw. Let's have some fun. :)

  20. Attaboy. Always one step ahead of me somehow. Must be that common sense thing people say I don't have any fucking of. :P

  21. Speak the King's English or GTFO. >:P

  22. Howdy Chris. Sorry to be the Project nag, but how's your SD3 track coming? The deadline is coming up soon.

  23. Seriously, thank you very much for the Secret Santa gift of manga. I greatly appreciate it.

  24. You need to stop talking to me all together. The few times we have had exchanges, you have been antagonistic towards me and I do not appreciate it. Do not talk to me again.

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