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Meteo Xavier

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Everything posted by Meteo Xavier

  1. Yeah I was pretty puzzled by that too. The EWQLCC I got came in their nice-looking box but was packaged kinda strangely and cheaply. The discs were fine though (although my Stormdrum 2 has some the instruments only play extreme right, though I'm told I just need to reload the samples onto my hard drive). Hard to tell what the hell's going on over there.
  2. Seriously for or seriously against? Your post isn't too clear on which way to favor.
  3. I actually turn to music from the Resident Evil games when I'm doing a hardcore writing assignment and need some "environment".
  4. To me, it's not bad. It's certainly kinda thin sounding, but I'm sure that can be fixed in the real aspects of production.
  5. Yeah, I got the Minimoog too, but when I try to run the .exe I got, it tells me its not a "Valid Win32 application". What? How do I run it then?
  6. I was actually being facetious for that exact meta-purpose. It's cool though, most of the time people don't even see it.
  7. Of course I do. It's called a joke, Kyle. I make many of them a day. Just because they're not funny does not disqualify them from being jokes.
  8. I think someone smells easy money. No offense, Hob.
  9. rBrn just turned in his final for Decision Bell and it is abso-fucking-lutely amazing. This album is going to be saturated in epic orchestra and we're all the better for it. Put him down as final, Roz. Instant win, rBrn!
  10. It's two days before the deadline and no one's signed up on it?
  11. Good luck trying to find a cute blonde character in a video game or cartoon or anime Tara Strong doesn't voice.
  12. Deia, would you say this ubiquitous butt of yours is more Philistine or Macedonian? This is for science.
  13. That just reminds us that God really is quite merciful sometimes.
  14. I spent $2,000 on lessons and I still can't play keyboard live... Can compose decently on the piano though.
  15. For those of you studio-philes, this is by far one of the most impressive setups for making game music I've ever seen. I've been dying to see his studio for a couple years now, but it's still even more impressive than I imagined. Worth checking out for studio-philes and Sakuraba fans like me. Also, I knew he was a kickass keyboard player, but I had no idea he could play the drums too.
  16. Da. Oa. Doa? HEY HEY HEY. You respect another man's woman's buttocks. You will have to do with your imagination as to the propriety of that posterior just like the rest of us.
  17. Money talks, and sooner or later they'll find out how much profit they can make doing little more than shuffling some ROMs onto a disc with some archive content and a shitty museum to hub it all together. Seriously, I love collections and I'm damn well going to buy this Kirby one. I don't see why more companies don't do them for these old classics. You just gotta shovel some ROMs onto a disc and make sure it works. If my $200 laptop from 3 years ago can do it, I'm sure a major game company can too.
  18. I'm still waiting on the aforementioned Castlevania Collection - and while I'm thinking about it: Final Fantasies I-VI for Wii with museum, extras, and all that shit. Unlockable soundtracks, art, Japanese versions/NES versions/updated versions, that N64 Final Fantasy VII demo with Terra, Locke and Shadow, etc.
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