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Everything posted by Dahlia

  1. As constructive as your criticism may be, I feel it'd be best served in private discussion with GrayLightning. I know this is the review forum and I believe in telling people the absolute truth about their arts, but no matter how good the intention it is somewhat lacking in the "politeness" factor to rip apart one's collective works, methods, and skills in front of the entire community. I always appreciate it when one musician does his best to help another, and Gray might welcome that help with open arms. He may have needed to hear that, but there are more courteous methods in which to communicate the message. To make a distinction, it is of course within every reason to pick apart one's work in a public forum, pointing out any number of flaws and potential improvements. After all, the one who submitted their work was prepared to have it endure the utmost scrutiny, especially considering the relatively high-standard environment of OCR. However, when it is your intention to communicate to somebody that their artistry as a whole requires a complete overhaul to be anything of respectable quality, it may not be the best choice to make a public message stating that you feel everything they ever produce is poorly written and is given the illusion of quality only by superficial means. Please excuse me if my consideration for human relations is too prudish for the cold, dark streets of the review forum. You may very well completely disagree.
  2. I heard this in the WIP forums and predicted it'd make it past the panel, but here it got the honour of a direct post. Good job, Harmony!
  3. RAWK!!! I don't have to say anything else.
  4. Great work! Can't stop listening. If you can get me to write in the comments topic, you can rest assured knowing that you've rocked thoroughly. XD
  5. You've been hanging around Larry Oji and/or Paris Hilton too much. Great work, guys! It must feel nice to finally have it all over with.
  6. I sure am sorry I missed that show live. That's surely the best one I've heard. Star Ocean and Miki-Chan, great stuff. The Maury sketch was hysterical, though it did thoroughly desecrate the face of Valentine's day. XD
  7. ...and hopefully soon. I gotta seed it, cause' my other lonely VGF seeds ain't gettin' no action. I think Compyfox sabotaged the trackers out of bandwidth frustration. (I actually missed the show.)
  8. x1000?
  9. Just tell me which one has the most popular demand and I'll start seeding it right away.
  10. I particularly liked the guitar stuff that was going on up until 0:40. (Though it was still great all the way through!) Everything is really well produced. Actually, by coincidence, the song I'd listened to before this new one happened to be DJP's own "Castlevania 4 House Party". Quite the transition.
  11. Excellent! This is very enjoyable to listen to, and IVor Tower has always been one of my favorites from SoE. Good work! (...I was just about to submit the first Secret of Evermore ReMix. )
  12. I definitely agree with the special Star Ocean 2 Indalecio one. My favorite is Tiamat from Xenosaga Ep 1. You really have to make full use of your strategic options to fry him. I love that sort of challenge in a game. [Funny how I happened to play FFX for the first time right afterwards...
  13. Wonderful. Jeremy's music has been an inspiration to me ever since I first heard the haunting melodies of Secret of Evermore's "Gothica" as a pre-teen, and this is no exception. (Though I adored even the SNES' MIDI version ) This is surely the greatest gift that OCR could ever recieve.
  14. My first experience with "Team Gato" is certainly one of the few times I've laughed that hard in my life. Brilliant work, guys.
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