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Everything posted by Dahlia

  1. Oooh, the Second Act & Final Act...two of my favorites from ToP. All of you better work pretty damn hard on your remixes, or you'll live in hell for mediocrity! I'll love ya for trying, but come on, with the lack of rearranging ToP's soundtrack, I want the best out there possible! There's no way this can be a mediocre project! I'll have to personally ensure that it accomplishes at least the quality of Kong in Concert. Er, well, that's Kyle's job. XD For such a thing that takes months to organize and complete, it should definitely be worth all the effort in the end.
  2. Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? Very funky! I love to hear interesting basslines, made all the more interesting by the fact that I am considering a purchase of Trilogy. Seems like a nice little package! Back to the mix, I enjoyed the flowing feeling of it, and particularly liked the way you closed it off. Great use of synths as usual.
  3. Now I regret not having jumped onto this project when I first saw it, and all because of your awesome cover. XD
  4. It would be cool if "Euclid" or "Harmonious Moment" could somehow be worked into the album, providing there are enough mixers. PS: I'll definitely be willing to do more than one song if some of the slots remain empty long enough. PS #2: This post was not just an excuse to bump the topic. I would never do that. Never.
  5. The blue and red is very subtle, very classy. Nice work, at least for a prototype!
  6. This is one of my favorites so far this year. I particularly liked the use of woodwinds in the song. They really perfected the "airy" feeling of the piece. I hope you'll be submitting more songs in this lovable style.
  7. Hey, quiet you! I haven't submitted mine yet. Fortunately, my own is of a song that hasn't been done yet on OCR. EDIT: I nearly forgot the point of this thread; nice mix! Very enjoyable. I share Djp's affinity for cool hi-hat patterns, and was very pleased.
  8. Yes! Breath support was exactly what I was talking about. I said to sing using your stomach to indicate that using it would allow the vibrations to come into your lungs and give your voice a fuller, rounder tone without the use of vibrato. It was more or less a layman's term that I used, not knowing your experience with singing. Now, I don't claim to be a vocal instructor, but I do know a few things from spending time with the professors at the institutions I've attended. My limited knowledge of the instrument has helped more than a few vocalists, but having heard your performances from the site you pointed me to (I enjoyed your performance of Handel's "Bel Piacere", very nice) I now see that you are certainly not in need of my rather rudimentary vocal instruction. PS: I must also say that it's refreshing to hear a classical vocalist who does not make the mistake (or 'stylistic decision', as some say) of applying a ridiculous amount of vibrato to each and every note to achieve a 'large' tone by superficial means.
  9. We ToP people know that 16-bit is better. Here's a visual representation of my WIP. XD
  10. I have no clue how to put a flash object in my signature. XD
  11. Oh, sorry Usa! Each time I posted I forgot to say something about them. They're really nice, especially the third one. If Kyle doesn't mind, I guess we should put them in our signatures? He did say, ...so I'm not sure if he wants to leave that entirely to Lea.
  12. Hey, you're welcome to do a ReMix of a different song, right? Right.
  13. Ouch! Hehehe, no, I understand. (And aren't we just the king of typos?) I don't know if you're a professional vocalist or how long you've been singing, but I'll just throw out my impressions. Hope I don't offend anyone! I found your performance in "Schala and the Queen" to be better than in "Far Away Times". Your accuracy is good, though you were a bit sharp on the high C a couple of times. Of course, that's above typical Soprano range so it's not uncommon for the pitch to waver around there. Your voice seems to be geared towards a high and clear tone, so make sure you sing strongly and from your stomach. I also thought the vocal track could have been a bit louder so as not to be overshadowed by the piano, unless the artistic point of the track's volume was to signify the "far away" part. Anyway, very nice work everyone is putting into this! It'll be a lovely finished product for sure.
  14. I'll probably be composing a symphony for strings and winds in sonata-allegro form. With short songs like "Treant", having any kind of length relies on a form with strong thematic development. Treant lends itself to the form especially well because it has two pretty memorable melodies in it. Anyway, that's what I'm doing, just in case any of the people around my track would like to know. Speaking of the "progressive" genre, I hope Christian makes a piece as great as his recent Secret of Mana ReMix. That's definitely one of my favorites on OCR. (Hey, PriZm, let's have mine fade into your "fast metal shit". XD)
  15. Ah, I didn't really mean to ask about what was already answered, I just found some sort of technical problem with how it would work that I can't remember now. XD The mixers should make some sort of private forum in which to discuss what one another are doing. I think the overall quality of the project will increase if everyone is on the same 'wavelength'. (I know I might be getting ahead of things, here. )
  16. Just wondering, if we don't know how the tracks are going to be arranged on the final product, how are we going to make track cross-fades possible? PS: I'll definitely put the project banner in my signature when it's available!
  17. I wonder if there are really remixes done with Mario Paint.
  18. Mario... Paint? o_O
  19. This should be cool!
  20. I may be able to handle the Epoch theme, so if someone could point me in the direction of the project's rules/guidelines, (which I don't think are in this thread anymore) I'll see what I can do.
  21. Pretty enjoyable work! I haven't heard the original or even touched FFX-2 for that matter, but after hearing the melody in this mix I'm inclined to check out the soundtrack. I've always liked Matsueda anyway.
  22. I guess you don't listen to Japanese music much! Download "Silent Jealousy" by X Japan for speed metal with all the compositional sophistication of one of Brahms' symphonies.
  23. Yeah, that November Rain solo is great. It's a shame that poor Slash is incapable of performing it live without severely screwing it up. It's strange, for such a good guitarist. Who knows, maybe he was doing it just to spite Axl. Anyway, nice remix. It's great to hear guitar playing on OCR. Ninjascape was one of my recent favorites. Keep it up, goat!
  24. I was only ever around for a few shows since I'm usually busy Saturday night, but the ones I saw were really entertaining. Specially' that Valentine's day one. So, great job on the 60 radio shows!
  25. I wonder if that'll end up happening. Hopefully Beatdrop isn't in any sort of serious medical trouble though, as it was mentioned he had "health issues".
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