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Everything posted by WesPip

  1. WAY TO SPELL, NO-SPELL. I stand corrected... ...........douchebag. Heh. On an unrelated note, my dad's gone this week, so I'm more likely to be online, as I prefer playing with Surround, and it's hard to restrict the volume with him in the house. SO, if anyone wants to play, hit me up on MSN. cruelangel01@hotmail.comTEAMOCR [minus the obvious bit, JUST IN CASE SPAM IS EXTRA RETARDED] would be my MSN dealie, for anyone who doesn't know. I usually get home ~12:30am or so from work [CST] and sign in basically right once I'm home. So..yep. Cool. Is this all weekend? Because my parents are leaving this coming sunday for Alaska and I have full reign of the house (Meaning I can be up as late and as noisy as I want). Count me in! .........Just make sure you follow through with it It is/was since Sunday the 23rd through Thursday the 27th. He's back Friday sometime during the day.
  2. WAY TO SPELL, NO-SPELL. I stand corrected... ...........douchebag. Heh. On an unrelated note, my dad's gone this week, so I'm more likely to be online, as I prefer playing with Surround, and it's hard to restrict the volume with him in the house. SO, if anyone wants to play, hit me up on MSN. cruelangel01@hotmail.comTEAMOCR [minus the obvious bit, JUST IN CASE SPAM IS EXTRA RETARDED] would be my MSN dealie, for anyone who doesn't know. I usually get home ~12:30am or so from work [CST] and sign in basically right once I'm home. So..yep.
  4. OMGZ ... I'll listen to it tomorrow, though.
  5. Geez man. Chill out. Hip hop is just another way to present, and I think can give the listener the feel of a 'good beat' just as much as (and often more than) techno. Just cause a song has five more 'layers' doesn't mean it has a better beat. Check your logic, bro. The thing is, it's too basic. 9/10 POPULAR rap songs [i emphasize popular because most of the people who use that logic are only interested in 50cent and all that bullshit] are just a PAINFULLY simple beat that...I can't even think of a way to describe how simple most of them are. Too simple to have any artistic merit, anyways. Some RESPECTABLE rap and/or hip-hop doesn't fall into this category, of course. Also, simple beats can be overcome by lyrics that arent about bling, bitches, and drugs, ie: actual artistic prose, essentially. I stand wholly by my comments, but I suppose they also weren't as specific as they should be.
  6. I think that depends entirely on its useage and stuff. If the final product will be free or very inexpensive, then yeah, it should be free. But, if whoever you're selling said beats to [ie: anyone an an actual label] stands to gain financially from the final product, then by all means, charge away. Keep in mind, this is if they're actually profiting, excluding the amount of work they put into the album. For example, if they were to put in days upon days of work into the album, then sell them at $10/copy and only sell a couple of hundred tops, I'd say don't charge them. BUT, if it's a real label and they sell 10K+ @ $15/disc, by all means, charge them as much as you think you can get out of them. I'm sure they can afford it, considering the cost of producing cds professionally. e: all IMO of course. And I dunno specific numbers. Though on a small tangent, I've always, ALWAYS hated when peoples' reason for liking rap is "It's got a good beat!" That's bullshit. You want a good beat? Listen to techno. Rap beats are techno beats only minus 4/5 layers. God I hate the normal person's sense of logic.
  7. Bitch! Also, sorry to anyone who was expecting me on Saturday. Apparently, I said i'd be on. When I said it, it was a good dozen drinks or so in, so I tend to forget small details.
  8. wtf guyz NOT ONE COMMENT. ITS BECAUSE WE HATE YOU That's pretty harsh pixie.
  9. You know, I wasn't even gonna bother saving this week's stinger, 'cause it was kinda meh, but the little pixiegiggle at the end was all..cute-like and stuff. So now I have to. IT'S THE LAW. For the record, I'd say I've saved about half of the stingers up to this point, give or take a few.
  10. wtf? how do you lose your xbox? O.o I imagine it's quite similar to losing an SUV.
  11. Yeah, I was busy getting drunk all weekend. Normally, that doesn't stop me from playing a little Halo, but...*shrug*
  12. I've been AWOL for a few days, but you'll be glad to know, one of the first things I did today when I got on the comp was vote. So...yeah.
  13. Drum: sass-KAH-chew-ahn. AH as in APPLE. e: How much booze was there at that party, out of curiosity? 'Cause...if none, I've got the number of a good psychiatrist, and uhm..yeah. e2: ...that stinger hurt my brain.
  14. I was gonna call into the line and say this, but I figure it doesn't warrant 30 seconds of air time, so..yeah. Anyways, I agree with whoever. That little squeal of delight when pixie actually WON a die-roll. Adorable. BUT anyways...I plan on winning m'self an SGX album, even though I ordered them earlier this week. IT MAKES SENSE.
  15. Here I thought he was some random guy who was like...bot-esque. I SEE HOW IT IS. Also, where's that list Deej? And, for that matter, MY POGO NINJA?
  16. This sig makes me feel dirty. not your fault though, BD
  17. You wouldn't by chance be on to pimp your new album, would you? OMG SGX SOLD OUT. *cough* From what I've heard of it though, it deserves all the pimping it gets. Excellent to see you as well, Mr. X. ^_~ Yes, he was on to talk about the new album, Chroma. We asked for the interview, so don't give him poo for it! Abadoss: yeah, that kid is apparently the little cousin of... Robert Reese? Hilarious. Makes sense. For whatever reason, the first thought that came to mind was him calling the 1-800 line to hawk his album
  18. You wouldn't by chance be on to pimp your new album, would you? OMG SGX SOLD OUT. *cough* From what I've heard of it though, it deserves all the pimping it gets.
  19. A reminder in thread form: DO NOT INVITE PEOPLE INTO THE CLAN IF THEY ARE NOT ON THE FORUMS. Someone invited like 20 people. Not cool.
  20. Yep, still quite a few open spaces. I forget how big a clan can get, but we're definitely not there yet. Someone, send him an invite. Failing that, I should be on Friday night/EARLY saturday morning [ie: sometime after 12 and before 6].
  21. Obviously, the following comment is not meant to reflect negatively on past shows, as I enjoyed those, as shown by my VGDJ tshirt, but: Best. Show. Evar. That's all.
  22. Oic. That sounds useful. Thanks.
  23. That means Lazy can't do it. GET IT. AH HA.
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