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Everything posted by WesPip

  1. Sorry, that's all I saw.
  2. Ah, was wondering what happened to you James. And yeah, Evilhead, you're more than welcome to join. Just..uhm..sign up for XBL first. THEN INVITES SHALL BE HAD.
  3. Bump since I've been away for a few weeks. *shrug*
  4. Awesome.
  5. Wow. I was gone from OCR for, like, 3 weeks or so. And I missed HOW many posts? Seven. Also, analsperm pancakeslol.
  6. OFF-TOPIC OFF-TOPIC! ... Who else has Conker L&R? Ahh, so NOW you get Conker. Yes, the one game that you didn't say was bad for me. Unlike Splinter Cell. And DOA4, with "Kasumi boobies." *nod* And aya/mo0, I sent that invite ages ago, so..yeah. I didn't send an FL invite, but the clan invite's been long-since sent.
  7. OFF-TOPIC OFF-TOPIC! ... Who else has Conker L&R?
  8. Speaking of not being on much, is it just me, or has Deimos been pretty much AWOL lately?
  9. Size-wise, I'm sure an L would do me, but length-wise, particular in my arms, I think XL would be better. So...XL=my vote.
  10. Is it HAUGHT?
  11. It should work, I play Halo 2 online with my 360 all the time and its fine. I actually prefer it because of the widescreen support. You've downloaded the xbox emulator update for the 360 and all that right? If that's all done it should work quite smoothly. Its about the only backwards compatible xbox game which actually works without bugs. Except YOU DONT TALK.
  12. I still see the Xmas special every year, but that's it.
  13. Is it you?
  14. How..is that heresy?
  15. Oh, so THAT'S where Marius has been. Also, if anyone's curious, Sliver Demon is actually Fang. He's not technically on OCR anymore, but he's a long-time UnModder, though now it's on .org. I say that still counts, and I AM OVERLORDZ. *cough* And yeah, I'll send Aya's new invite and jive's too next time I'm on [probly tomorrow night].
  16. Funny, 'cause I'm leaving as of tomorrow for just over a week. OMG COINCIDENCE. So tonight'll be the last time I'll be on 'til at LEAST the 13th. But, I'ma be on in a few minutes, so I'll send the invite once I go on. Lol, until the networks boots us off anyways , god that sucked. I wasn't doing all that great anyway. Seriously, on both counts. Stupid network. Oh, and invite sent.
  17. Yeah pixie, GET WITH THE TIMES. All the cool kids already voted for you.
  18. Funny, 'cause I'm leaving as of tomorrow for just over a week. OMG COINCIDENCE. So tonight'll be the last time I'll be on 'til at LEAST the 13th. But, I'ma be on in a few minutes, so I'll send the invite once I go on.
  19. I was gonna say, at the part right before the Compo report, as well as and right after fat man meats magic turtle, Jill sounds....unusually squeeky. Strange business, that.
  20. Cool. My GT is Bonerbot (I'm still not sure why Bungie allowed it as a gamertag...), but I'm currently a part of another clan. Can I be a part of two clans? If not, do I have to cancel my membership with them first, or will it automatically cancel my membership with the first one when I accept the second? I think it's automatic, but it's been a long while since I've switched clans. If it's NOT automatic when you accept the invite to ours, then you'd just have to go...quit the first one, THEN accept it. Yeah.
  21. Whoa, episode 50 was LONG. I'm just at the "last week's contest" segment thingy. edit: and yeah, he definitely deserved to win. srsly. But yeah, awesome episode so far. Also, I must start watching CBC's weather every now and then...
  22. ^ Yup, so long as there's room in the clan, we'll keep accepting new members. Just post your GT and someone'll invite you sometime in the not-too-distant future. Pfffft. What do you think I am, some kind of...easily..offended person? Just count the number of tasteless "your mom" jokes I make every time I play. I mean really now. Hell, I'm more offended by the fact that you think I'm THAT easily offended than I was by the...thingy. THINGY.
  23. Uhm...not that you ADDED them under my name, but yeah, Chizniz.
  24. ^ That Yomi one is awesome. <3
  25. I KNEW there was a thread I forgot to keep bumping.
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