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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. I think a probleme also comes from the expected audience. When you play a game that is 16 or older, you color the language differently. On TF2, I can say whatever the hell I want on my usual servers, and the people I play with don't take it personally, however, dominate a 11 year old kid, and you'll hear whining. (Most of the time the servers I hang out on are all talk when there isn't that much people on, so it makes for easier gloating and more annoying whining.) Also the one kid that comes to mind spent a lot of time narrating what he was doing... "oh no, I got shot, better get healing now..." in that annoying high pitched squeal... I can deal with an immature adult simply by calling him a douchebag, but telling a kid to shut up leads to more arguing than anything.
  2. Yes, because ships tend to have tall buildings set up atop the mast. They may have kept some eras blurry to keep an options for some sort of "Batman Secret Journey Through Plothole Filling Devices" series. So they may start 5 or 6 series set in different eras because only Bruce Wayne can be Batman and he can be it in 25 different series at once. He'll probably come out of this BS younger than before, stronger and be Batman and Robin at the same time. And I'll read it... and love it...
  3. I think Pump Man would be a more logical first boss, his pattern is predictable and avoidable.
  4. Especially since Wily designed his first virus...
  5. I'd like to see a fast paced orchestral version...
  6. (Well, you need to clear easy for achievements...)
  7. OCR is about all the music, you can't simply write off a song because of genre, you have to listen to it to see if you like it or not. And for that I think OCR is doing a good service not just to videogame music but music in general.
  8. No, easy should not be Barney's Hide and Seek. I mean, the way they could have made it easy is this: make the weapons use less energy, enemies have half the life, and do half damage, and replace death spikes by damage spikes. Boom, that would be easy. We get thrown full refils after every mid boss, respawn points and then some, more lives and E-tanks than we need, and pits with floating platforms over them that negate all the challenge. There were a total of 3 tricky jumps in there, but I never had less than 8 lives, Etanks and W tanks in Wily's castle, and once I was done with the gauntlet, I was rewarded with an E tank, W tank, and full refill. You know how we say easy a pie? Well this is pie for dummies.
  9. Finished it normal megaman earlier today and just played Easy protoman just for the hell of it. Easy is not easy, its neutered. It's what megaman should not be. It's insulting.
  10. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=11586
  11. The pain, horrible pain HORRIBLE HUMILIATING PAIN. Not gonna use easy mode though.
  12. My theory is that in 2008 he became president of the United States. It might not be solid, or even realistic, but I stand by it.
  13. Well, I did work on a 3 temple for OoT medley along time ago that had more vision than skill behind it... I also worked on a cyan's theme remix and again, too much vision for too little talent.
  14. This sounds way too close to the source material. Get some originality in your "about" statement, this just sounds exactly like what djp wrote. NO.
  15. Well, you have to agree that a game in hell, especially on a floor designed for lust, no amount of nudity is gonna be over the top.
  16. Yeah, I feel some of you guys are gonna have to resubmit a lot... since you will be sending of mixes before they get satisfying... There, happy? I made this whole thing seem pervy now.
  17. Been trying to actually put it in the fruity speech synthesizer, but its too long and I'm lazy.
  18. Actually, OCR is gonna shut down at remix 1999.
  19. The judge sausage fest levels are no longer critical. Hurray! And congratulation on getting the job, say goodbye to any free time.
  20. White page anxiety is when you have to write something, but the page is blank and is trying very hard to remain that way.

  21. I wish I had your balls for the publishing thing, I have some ideas, but haven't been able to write recently because of a feeling of futility.
  22. Hell, I still remember pre-cross server battlegrounds, I got people message me after I left the 30-39 bracket sad about losing their shammy flag runner. I did kinda introduce the http://thottbot.com/i7375 Green Whelp Armor strategy to that specific roleplay server. I even had an alliance guy create a horde alt to contact me saying that he'd miss the competition. I guess that armor would also fix Straziante's issues...
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