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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Did a little experiment, but if you play it faster (Windows Media player can do that) it does sound a lot better.
  2. Actually, I somewhat expected this trend in genres, the source really lends itself to electronica... It ain't so bad, and hopefully now the people will be more daring with their remix (Looking at you DarkeSword). Also, thankfully people will also view this as a chance to try something new genre wise... As for the "bonus slots" well, I think I'll stop accepting people on Sunday so that we can get moving with this.
  3. So we have 7 slots filled. Still wanna participate? No problem. However, we will be more picky with the genre so at this point, all I can really say is: No more electronica.
  4. In fact it may bite them in the ass, if Sony forces 3rd parties to at least look seriously at motion controls, it'll help the Wii.
  5. Real men use the flare gun to take down buildings.
  6. Actually there is a huge difference between the wiimote an the move stick, The wiimote tracks where the sensor bar is, where as the camera tracks the sony stick. The difference may seem simple, but it is far from it.
  7. Well, right now we have a trance/dnb thing from Zeroboros, and well, at this point I think it might be too close...
  8. BTW, if you see a Fatedreamer pop up, its me.
  9. Added to the list. By the way, to get the Wave invite, send me a PM with an email address to send it to once you are included in the list. Hopefully it'll work well enough to avoid having to find forums for a short term project.
  10. So, is the update tonight? It doesn't seem that likely at this point in time that the patch would be released today.
  11. Well Coop, you are totally qualified to be on this project, just pick a genre and I'll place you in the first post. Also, to everyone who was contacted by Arcana via PM, please indicate what you want to do as far as genre as fast as possible, I'd hate this first come first serve approach to cause undue conflict. As a rule of thumb, I'll give more importance to the submissions made in this thread over those in PM because it's a little more transparent this way.
  12. Well yeah, a collab track would be half as much work as a whole track would be, you should totally work together, should I put you down for Polka?
  13. Good question. Well, we want something that sounds good, obviously, but I don't think we will be placing an emphasis on making it to OCR level of quality. (If we can get some songs to actually reach the OCR bar, more power to us.) So basically, there will be a minimum bar on quality, but it won't be too high... It would be easier to listen to a sample of the music participants can produce, but I don't think it'll be that strict, especially considering the timeline of the project being discussed with the co-director.
  14. For a little background, I recommend reading this: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=28108 But the short version is: A challenge was issued, and we've decided to rise up to the occasion with a quick project that will hopefully be interesting to enough remixers. So, this project is to remix the "too hard to remix" song Hurry! from FF10 ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KrLQKMMESE ). You might say: But one song does not make an album. Well, here's the twist, one song, multiple genres. So if you are interested, you can just manifest your interest and mention the genre in which the remix is gonna be. That remixer is then the only one who can remix in that genre. Also, if the submitted genre is kinda narrow, it may also prevent remixers from picking another narrow genre in the same family. So, at this point we have 7 slots, although some may already be filled and this post will be updated reflecting who picked what genre. Another thing to keep in mind is that in respect to the title of the source material, time will be of the essence in this project. While the exact time line will be defined after we get a number of people on board, we would like this album to be released before the summer solstice. And by now you may be wondering what the free gift will be. To coordinate the project, we will be using Google Wave. I have enough invites available for everyone who will be a confirmed part of the project. It might not be the most glamorous of gifts, but at least you'll get the street cred associated with being in a google beta thing. To get the Wave invite, send me a PM with an email address to send it to once you are included in the list. Hopefully it'll work well enough to avoid having to find forums for a short term project. In addition to google wave, we have forums! http://kngi.org/phpbb3/viewforum.php?f=75 Thank you KyleJCrb. 1. The Coop / Piano + Orchestration (GW Invite sent) 2. Brandon Strader / "ethnic instrumental" 3. Gario / Minimalist? 4. Hy Bound / Dubstep (GW invite sent) 5. ZeroBoros and Swann / Trance/DnB (GW invite sent) 6. Rozovian / DnB/Jazz (GW invite sent) 7. AaronD / Orchestral Techno (GW Invite Sent) 8. HitoriJaNai / New age 9. DarkeSword / world/contemporary If you have a WIP or a completed track: Please post your track (pref. in MP3) on KNGI's forum for sure so we can listen to it and get a sense of it. The Author will update the track list accordingly with your status. If you have a completed track that's done: If you do have a lossless WAV file ready and uploaded on the Internet, PM the location to me, I'll grab it and let you know so you can remove it. If you have issues with uploading a WAV (maybe your Internet is slow, you don't have remote hosting, or similar), PM me and I will set something up for you. Also, if you are a visual artist and would be interested in providing art for this project, contact me, we could use at the very least a CD cover. Progess: 1. The Coop / Piano + Orchestration WIP 2. Brandon Strader / "ethnic instrumental" Completed 3. Gario / Minimalist? Completed 4. Hy Bound / Dubstep WIP 5. ZeroBoros and Swann / Trance/DnB Completed 6. Rozovian / DnB/Jazz Completed 7. AaronD / Orchestral Techno Completed 8. DarkeSword / world/contemporary Completed. 9. Chernabogue54 / Rock/Metal Completed Yes, we have a 10th track... because someone proved to be not only insistent, but provided a strong WIP while asking to be part of the project... Hurray for a crazy successful surprise project. We also have a visual artist and web designer on board.
  15. Well, working on a first post for the thread in the recruitment forum. then we can make it a bit easier to communicate. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=656631
  16. Dude, if you're serious about the album thing, I'm in. I don't think I'd know where to start on my own but if we're two we can maybe make something magical happen.

  17. So are we making this a real thing then? One short album for one song, all in the name of an ego fight? Guess we should talk together and try to setup a real thing then...
  18. Actually, I really hate that Mac, who is offering a great product, needs misrepresentation to sell... seems abnormal. Where as Microsoft uses a truthful approach with what is understood to be an inferior product and it works. Makes you think.
  19. Actually, I'd like to co-direct, ya know, to have somewhat of a hand in this. Wouldn't need to be official too, I'd just like to say that we responded to that statement with a freaking album. Also 4 tracks? I dunno, seems not enough. Off the bat I can think of more than 4 ways to remix this: Chiptune, Jazz, Rock, Electronica, Orchestral (slow), piano only, acoustic guitar centered, Metal, and well, I don't have that much of an imagination when it comes to music.
  20. No but the FaN has been getting slowly gutted... It used to have much more knock back, it was a more reliable 3rd jump, and well, it's been tweaked a lot... I think it should shoot three times. A third shot per reload would change a lot of the dynamics of the gun and make it more viable.
  21. Wow, giving this song a listen, it seems rather simple on the melodic side... Meh, it's not like I could remix it anyway, but yeah, the simplicity means that it could be used with a variety of genres IMHO. But yeah, I don't think a 1 source song tribute album to Larry's ego would fly here. Too bad though, would have made for the perfect response to "no one can remix that" "Oh yeah? here's a 7-10 tracks album proving you wrong, personally, I find the chiptune remix the best, but the jazz and polka versions aren't bad." ... I even have a title for the project: FF10 Hurry, songs for petty arguments and ego inflation. Also, what's this?
  22. Pokemons as post apocalyptic mutants, if I remember correctly.
  23. What about this: an album project dedicated to that one single song?
  24. Yeah, I'm thinking about bringing my scout back to vanilla. The FaN is not my favourite upgrade, and I'll take the pistol over the can any day. Since I can't aim with the freaking ball, might as well go all original. The one item I really want now is the freaking sword for the demoman. My friends keep getting them and I'm still stuck with the lame whisky bottle.
  25. Actually, I play Équipe Forteresse Deux... I hang out on French Quebec servers with my friends.
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