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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. When you write a polished story (or a polished turd, really) you create a world bigger than what you show. It's kinda like you're looking through a window, there's more to outside than just what you see, and a good author knows that. It is in no way amazing, because if they hadn't created that backstory, they would have used another element. They could make an amazing dating sim right now and make it fit with the game's bordello and tropical resort. And you know what, it still doesn't make FF7 great writing, it's above average but not by much. So many plot elements in there were tired when they were used, it's not funny. Amnesia guy, traitor but actually an ally, tragic hero, lost his wife, tragic hero, lost his parents, tragic heroine, loves main character, tragic hero, lost everything. They reused similar stereotypes in the same game for Christ sake. And the whole "we know you're lying but hey, you might have amnesia so lets accept your lies" that was BS. The whole Cloud / Zack storyline was botched just to keep a semblance of surprise for the player, but that's piss poor writing since it forces characters outside of who they were. Tifa knew the truth and she said nothing until Cloud remembered? She's portrayed as brutal and impulsive. If you were to look at this with a critical eye, you would see that the game is pretty much swiss cheese.
  2. Isn't it amazing how every CD ever released fits in a CD drive?
  3. I've been playing it, and it aged well. And I finally own it. Take that mom with your "you already own enough games"
  4. It's a japanese man, pleasuring himself in the rear half of the technodrome while a bald man's statue is launched over a background of Greek inspired masculine statues. Not uncommon at all, happens all the time at my neighbours' place.
  5. Then I find out I'm stuck in Geno's maze...
  6. Aren't you Claire? And aren't you not real, since you're a girl, and videogame music liking girls don't exist?
  7. Behind the digital justice project terminal...
  8. She's a transvestite, ok? Some people, like DS, just feel more comfortable wearing the other gender's soft, comfortable clothes...
  9. For all we know you are a girl, such is the nature of the internet. You gotta trust people.
  10. I've also never seen you with Paris Hilton. Hmmm...
  11. prot = virt = gray = djp = shnabubula = wingless = mustin = eccles = claire There... In fact: {Any member of OCR other than you} = Digital Justice Project = Eccles = Claire.
  12. Everyone complaining about Cho Aniki secretly wants to buy it.
  13. Ì listened to a few, haven't found much similarity, however I'll admit I did not listen to everything. He may have taken songs from other sites, or (gasp) he might be uploading stuff that he produced in the past.
  14. Basically, this album, while it will be shared, was made for one person in particular. The rush was to get it to him, and from that point, the fact that everyone else will be able to listen will be a nice present. It'll be ready when it's ready, and when it is ready it will be enjoyed. No date is set for release because it's not just a side project, but it is also a side sideproject.
  15. August first. No year planned though, so it can be early or late.
  16. He wanted to share something cool, and maybe get some feedback. But the lot of you can't seem to understand that without million dollar budgets, most movies would look like what he's doing. He don't need no praise, but all of you seem to need to step on people's heads to feel tall.
  17. I think the point that pushed me over in the "like it a lot" camp was when you get the master sword. You walk underground, in this hall surrounded by stained glass windows. And all the stained glass feels like what you are playing is not a cartoon, but a stained glass Link. It gives a nice feeling, and while it does look cartoony, is you see the stained glass, it also looks freaking epic. What I would love to see is the Twilight palet and shapes, with the cell shading, to see if they could have a less cartoonish stained glass style.
  18. Read it this week, will lend it to a friend next week, and hopefully I'll read it again the week after that.
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