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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Wily 3's boss is a beyotch. Also, Wily 2's boss is original but there is an annoying part of the fight. Not gonna push it for tonight, a friend of mine is coming over to try it. I hope he sucks as badly as I did.
  2. THat's what your supposed to do? My plan is simpler (anyway I think): _| ____3 |2 _| _|1_ 1 I jump on spot 2, on 2 I use the jet to make it to 3 and climb a ladder.
  3. Clown Meat addiction. It's tragic, but funny in a way...
  4. Yeah, this should be move in community. And Atma, you might as well make it an image... at one point the thread will disappear...
  5. You will love them. I lost 7 lives on one part of the fortress's first stage. 7 lives. Then I made it to the boss and yelled in pain as I went from 0 to continue.
  6. Ok, you force my hand, of the movies I remember this year: Dark Knight Wall-E Iron Man Hancock - Speed Racer Hulk - Hellboy 2 Deathrace Yes, I have two ties. No I will not argue with you, this is my opinion.
  7. Took me a while, but I have Concrete man, Jewel man, Hornet man, Galaxy man and Magma man down. Also, they mixed things up a bit, in Plug man's stage, you have to not be mechanically timed for the blocks, or else you will fall... often. And they ain't playing nice, but they are playing fair with this game.
  8. As the 8 bit console. Also, it's slightly harder than megaman 2 from where I stand.
  9. 30 minutes to go. First new mainstream Nintendo game in about 15 years, this should be more of an event than what it is now...
  10. I think they become claws during zombification.... A little retarded dude that pops up and spouts non-sense not realizing he is being made fun of. This would confuse the foe leading to self lobotomy. I'd call it the mauve bull gun of deathliness.
  11. It was one of those rare movies I dare call perfect. It accomplished everything it was supposed to, and did not do anything that felt beyond the scope of what it was presented as. It was funny, witty at times, entertaining all the way, and by god, that last 15 minutes had me on the edge of my seat. And I don't do that often, it was that enthralling.
  12. I think you can'T for some retarded reason...
  13. The organisation is called STORM... they may be the ones causing the "disasters". At least, that's what I got from the synopsis...
  14. Man, I hate these games with weird plots. If only they could all make sense like having a plumber go down pipes, or a hedgehog fight an eggshaped man not called Eggman.
  15. Super Mario RPG 2. With the new Blowjob and VR attachments.
  16. It's not true. His weakness is NOTHING. Well, maybe chuck norris... I never used top spin, for obvious reasons...
  17. Buys, the movie about BATMAN, a guy who fights criminals at NIGHT, using FEAR as his weapon was too DARK. It was hard to see in the DARK. Also, the SONAR that allowed us to see more in the DARK was TOO MUCH. I hate things that are TRENDY or POPULAR because I'm HOT SHIT or something.
  18. For movies maybe. The joker is a psychopathic creep who kills on a whim. He's always been twisted, funny, dark and freaking smart. I mean, it was even seen in the Justice League episode where he plants bomb all around Vegas. He outsmarted the league, and came close to winning, and he planted bombs ALL OVER VEGAS!
  19. FF4... FF6 started the sad trend of "I am a martial artist, however, I shall use magic because frankly, quick ultima ultima is pretty cool...!"
  20. Played it on the GC, I loved it. Could not be bothered to sit down and play it again afterwards... some games a good but annoying like that. (Also ship combat: good idea, poorly implemented in some moments. And just way too long)
  21. Last fight with the Axem Rangers. I actually dread this moment in this new playthrough.
  22. Bleck and Gray got married in vermont?
  23. Except maybe pop culture... They refer and infer to multiple elements of pop culture, like Gadgetzan and mad max, or Linken with Zelda. It's not "culture" but hell, once, a long time ago, Mozart was pop.
  24. I still love FF7, it's not a master piece, but Ilove it with all its flaws.
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