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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. I just got the game, haven't started playing, but I wanted to say how I got it. A friend at work gave it to me as a "going away" present. She's really dear to me, and frankly, the only thing I hate about leaving that job is losing her. So this game is gonna have a lot more meaning to me because of this. I feel like such a dork.
  2. Happy birthday dude, and lets hope nature gives you a nice little gift rather than what you got recently.
  3. Ice to meet you. (Ok, my actual favourite line from a crappy Batman comes from Batman Forever: Holey metal island Batman!") I almost purchased the 75$ complete collection last weekend, thankfully my comic book guy told me they ordered some paperbacks, which are quite cheaper.
  4. I'd like to see a "travel agent" of sorts function, where you can see who lives around an area you are about to visit. Or an "OCR world map" type of thing.
  5. I managed to do it once on Sigma's final form. It was glorious, and well, only took out half his life.
  6. This is IT. This is what music looks like for me. Well pretty much, anyway. The hexagon (linked cells) sections when I'm passive, and sometimes the pianorolls if I focus hard enough. Not quite has accurate. Btw, very trippy to hear a song and "see it" and see it at the same tim so that you "hear it". My brain may be overloading.
  7. Hmmm, Huntress for the first 25% of the movie, throw in Catwoman at that point, and eventually Mandragora. By the way: DeVito = Definitive Penguin.
  8. IIT: Injin was wrong, and sounded like Alanis Morissette. Great movie, great joker, and well, too many people with opinions formed on characters they do not know. Third movie needs Clayface, Freeze, or Devito's Penguin.
  9. Pretty much how I remembered you. Meh, guess that makes me an old fart.
  10. Well, I'm pretty sure he'll be all right.
  11. Welcome back, person who has a name that sounds like an often neglected female body part.
  12. So, just to be sure: I can be proud of this even though mine is probably the worse? (this was not a bump, it was marsh gases reflecting venus' light.)
  13. You have to admit, Speed Racer was good.
  14. In the config, there are 3 resolution. Pick the biggest one. Not full screen but not too small.
  15. I want Man-Faye in the movie. And nothing will stop me.
  16. Hmmm... maybe I should go back to Ghost of Unmod's Past.
  17. Revised the melodies and decided to go with pianos, the felt more alive. Here are my melodies, from 1 to my 3 versions of melody 7.
  18. To think, I used to be called the Pimp God of Unmod. How the mighty have fallen, since they stopped going for desperate people...
  19. Good work, however you have one of he songs I hate the most from this game, so I can't really say I enjoyed it.
  20. I never played the game. I just like the name.
  21. Hmmm, everything feels too... centered. Try to play with panning and volume to create the illusion of different locations. Right n ow it feels as if the musicians are all sitting on each others' laps at some points. Even if you have a specific instrument playing the melody, it should be close to the other similar instruments. But I might be misshearing things. I've been kinda tired today, so my opinion might not be as accurate as I'd wish. Picture in your head where everyone would be sitting, and adjust accordingly... I think... Later on in the song I didn't get the same "stacked" feeling.
  22. Your name is fine. I'm thinking of changing mine actually... I started using Sleepless Dreamer on some places, not entirely different, but not as "videogame name" as this one.
  23. But 10 zombies to chop with the wiimote might prove as challenging as 100 zombies with a regular controller.
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