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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Well... Zelda Ocarina of Time would win in my case. I have it on the N64, and twice on the Gamecube thanks to two limited edition CDs.
  2. I've been wanting to play EVE again. I only played the trial and I liked the whole "oh, I'll plan my flight path, and go on auto pilot while I'm in the shower." It really felt like I was flying that ship. Dammit, you got me convinced. Okay, so, has anyone got a good plan just to startup? I really messed up when I played the trial and maybe if there was an introduction (like which skills and what type of character for what action) it would be nice. However, I think that the approach is a lot more forgiving than in WoW or some other MMORPGs where a single mistake means you have to either change character or change style of play.
  3. Well, you just HAD to look back as Unmod was deleted. Just be glad you were not turned into a salt statue or something...
  4. Actually, I finally see DJP's point. Even as a non-remixer I wasn't sure about the no removal policy, but as he said, the people who requests it, once every 10 week, are a minority. Even the once every 10 week is wrong, since there were "mass exoduses" in the past. Or some remixers having all their remixes removed. At this point, DJP turning down a removal once every 6 months seems almost more logical. Think about it, you mass produce a DVD, and 6 months later, someone wants his remix removed? Even worse, the very nature of bittorent implies that removing the file kills the filesharing since the BTs are different. Which means that the costs for the website will be bigger. Also, if we use a "not published" approach, remix 2001 will have a lot more time before being included in a torrent than remix 2000. The only fair and equal choice in this case is a flat "you wanted in, you stay in."
  5. I seriously hate the idea that "tournament gameplay" should be more important in announcements than casual gameplay. He is trying to sell the game to a casual crowd. And if you read the blog, you'll see that its exactly what it does. No wavedashing bullshit, words that casual gamers will understand, ideas that will be interesting for casual gamers, and nice screenshots. (BTW look at the images a bit. Its beautiful.)
  6. Dunno if its abandonware. but I have to recommend "The Incredible Machine."
  7. This was done by musicians of 4 different bands who worked for the first time together on that song. The whole idea was interesting from the start. Maybe we should have a competition like that. The 24 hour remix challenge...
  8. Any music can be manufactured. American Idol just revealed something that has been going on in the industry. What we get is what some suits decide is good music. Its only because of the Internet that this trend has begun changing. Before filesharing, many obscure bands had to either adapt to what producers wanted or chose to become popular off of tapes shared the old fashion way. In the pre-internet days, to be popular, you either had to sign a contract with a label (and conform to their demans), or somehow gain such momentum that the industry noticed you. Now, the industry hates filesharing not only because of "profits" being lost, but also because they cannot control the music industry anymore. Musicians no longer beg for visibility, they have it. They can share online reaching a bigger market than any exec would have given them on a first CD. Frankly, I like American Idol. It's a last attempt at the industry to manufacture celebrities while the internet is taking over their beloved industry in ways they could not foresee.
  9. I think this is gonna be a hit in Vegas.
  10. I hate that typos like that are impossible to correct now. If a mod could remove the superfluous letter, I'd be grateful.
  11. Simple, when you have the weapon it FIRES AUTOMATICALLY! "After you grab this item, it’ll rapidly release blast after blast of firecrackers that explode gaudily." So is it a big stretch to assume that the weapon will simply mean that tilting the stick will change the angle and pressing up entirely would be jumping. Like it is right now. Since you can tilt up to attack straight up.
  12. In the land of the Poutine, Ice Hockey, and Maple Syrup. Meaning Quebec.
  13. Logic hits Imagery It's extra strong Imagery is down. (Stop making it this easy)
  14. I have to do this: There's this TV show that discusses the money/corporate world. They decided to talk about music. It was a rather interesting show and they had a good idea: Get 4 artists to produce a song for 99$ in 24 hours (99$ obviously excluding the stuff provided for the production). The song is in French, and it may not be of your preferred genre, but I figured it may be interesting to throw in a little bit of the internet effect. Their goal is to try to make it a summer hit over here. Frankly? I like the idea of trying to artificially create a hit with such a simple song rather than some of the annoyingly complex songs that end up on the radio up here. I will spare you the navigation of the French-language website http://www.bandeapart.fm/fricshow/99sous.zip However, if you can speak read it, the website is http://bandeapart.fm/ I personally think the song is good, and like I said, I just wanted to push their idea one step further. Share the link, make it international. (And yes, I am extremely bored)
  15. Errr... It's a lot easier to aim if you use the nunchuk...
  16. What? Kefka is not gender confused. At least not as much as Kuja... He was a pretty lady.
  17. Logic hits Imagery It's extra strong Imagery is down.
  18. Who's Beatdrop? Sum Noob? Congratulation. Now if only I played DDR...
  19. ... World of Warcraft? ARTHAS IS IN SSBB!!!!! Red Shadow confirmed it. (And that's how some people behave in this thread...)
  20. Heck, I say Evilhead should go at the auditions.
  21. Speaking of which, anyone still on dial-up?
  22. I remember another "too expensive" and "not enough use" tye of technology from years ago. People said there was a market for about 7 computers in the world. Heck, the same thing happened to airplanes: "A nice toy, but nothing more." You have to realise that new technology always seems pointless at first. But as soon as a need is fulfilled, the technology picks up and people start using it a lot.
  23. Especially since EVERY STRATEGY has an effective counter.
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