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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. What was the quote again? Good artists imitate, great ones steal?
  2. This could be a good compromise. If you want your remixes removed, you must request it during a specific period of time. A "spring cleaning" of sorts.
  3. Olivier, I reserve your services. Whatever the theme is, I want to have a kickass sig made by you.
  4. Voted. I believe that any band deserves a chance at more exposure, and well, since I don't know anything about the other bands and I was told to vote for these guys...
  5. Maybe its because they are written by a japanese guy...
  6. If you actually read Pit's info, you'll get a clue that the gameplay may have somewhat changed: "The arrows Pit's bow unleashes shoot out like beams of light. Players can control the curves of their trajectories."
  7. I guess you relate to useless character.
  8. June is DJP month. Every sig must djp. Can you djp? The judges can.
  9. Mario Pikachu Samus Kirby Link Fox And possibly Pit, Metaknight, Wario, and Snake.
  10. Please, every version of Spiderman is so emo, it feels guilty when eating steak.
  11. Well, maybe they dont wanna spoil too much of the game. I hate buying a game and knowing everything there is to know about it
  12. Please, we saw some aspects of the battle within, but nothing really important. And what was up with the complete lack of guilt about killing an innocent man after learning the guy he killed in the first movie may not have been the killer.
  13. Fucking daily rep quests. I just want a fucking sword for my rogue because dagger is not fun anymore....
  14. Peter should have kept the suit until the end of the movie, leading into a fourth movie.
  15. The whole getting up scene may have been long, but it was... perfect. There was something tragically beautiful.
  16. If you assume 20 characters, you will have at least 20 stage. Since you have an end credit song for each character, that alone is 40 songs. You might have extra stages (like the final destination stage and the event stages) that's about 5 stages, and 5 songs. You have the main theme, the menu theme, the "trophy room" theme, and the minigame theme. 4 songs. Easily 49 songs with 20 charaters and 25 levels. Since this seems to be an all-star game, it could be conceivable to have 1 composer from a specific series to at least be credited for the character's theme, and at the most be part of the team that composes the new version for SSBB.
  17. I was tempted to call the movie: Moulin Spiderman. It felt like a musical. I'm not saying it was a good movie, or an accurate portrayal of Venom, I'm just saying the suit influenced him differently. It didn't drive him psycho stalker because the movie had to be kid accessible. A good rendition of psychostalker Peter would have been closer to Venom, but unacceptable for a younger audience. And who did Kirsten Dunst sleep with anyway to get that pointless song at the start of the movie?
  18. Yay, now I can try and get a sword for my rogue. I have a pretty good blue (Ced's carver) but I am finding the dagger style lacking now. I kinda want to move back to swords but none seem to be equat to Ced's
  19. ... I still wonder how the hell did Katamari Damaci made some kind of sense. I believe that people like Jack Thompson would have their heads implode ib the presence of anything cho aniki related.
  20. Isn't there a rule kinda like the Godwin's Law concerning the use of VGcats or Penny Arcade as part of a debate? It kinda feels like there should be one. Edit... this is looking like a Benford's Law of Controversy situation. Anyway, I can assume that they could make the control schemes use motion sensing. Like move your controler quickly up for a jump, down for a jump down, left or right for a dodge/roll move...
  21. Again, the guy who gave me this information would know about that, he was in the marketing aspect of the company. Deciding to bring back the GC controller would be something he would be well aware of, since almost every issue from putting an item back on the market would be known by him. These issues would also have been known back in october, when I spoke with him. Sadly, my lack of a tape recorder (I was there to win a Wii and not interview marketing people about information concerning a videogame that was far off.) means that I cannot replay the exact discussion, but I remember him clearly stating that brawl would use the Wiimote. And again, the guy was there to give 10 Wiis during a 30 minute lived television show dedicated to the Wii. They did not send Jimmy the coffee boy to do that distribution. As far as I know, at that point in time, they were sure they were gonna use the Wiimote. Unless something dramatically changed, I don't think the game will force people to buy GC controllers or classic controllers.
  22. I will personally disregard your theories. Nothing against you, but I prefer to listen to what an official employee (high ranking too) of Nintendo said than to go into the speculation realm of things. Even if I am wrong and you are right, I believe that my information as of now has a semblance of credibility. Your theory is just that, theory.
  23. ... As I have often stated: A NINTENDO CANADA HIGH RANKED EMPLOYEE STATED (the same night he gave me my free Wii) THAT SSBB WOULD USE THE WIIMOTE. I even questionned his answer stating that what I heard online was classic controller or gamecube controller. He repeated: "It's a Wii game, it's gonna use the Wiimote."
  24. Is Smash becoming the "In" thing in videogames? Some kind of project that people wish to be part of? I mean, that list is something. Old rivals working together. When you think about it, to have people like Kojima "beg" to be in this game, and then you see such a list. I think this game is gonna be one of the most memorable of this generation if they manage to get an all star cast like that for all aspects of the game. (although we know more about music related people than about "lead background animation designers"... oh well.)
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