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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. If only because it can erase Elektra from existence.
  2. With having the protoss revive the three brothers and allowing Diablo to raise an army again and the ally with Sargeras as one united front while facing the Lost Vikings on a Rock'n Roll track?
  3. I am pretty sure you can push one of the stones to modify the hole pattern.
  4. How about a supercharged mega thunderbolt that he does once in a while due to a lack of a good idea on how to get rid of team rocket by the writers?
  5. I think I remember hearing it was.
  6. "Smash Fest" mode. Hmmm.... That would feel like a FF8 GF only game.
  7. Primary source beats no source at all.
  8. His friend's cousin's neighbour is Japanese and he read it in some Japanese newspaper's wanted ads.
  9. ... Sanity has not been seen in quite a while here.
  10. It took me a lot of time to figure out how I felt about this song. I wasnt that much into Wolfenstein 3-D as a kid. And frankly, I found the Hitler samples disturbing. Even with no knowledge of german, I could feel the power in his voice. It never made it to my permanent mix rotation until recently. I'd like to think I matured a bit from the first time I heard the song. Now it is one of my favourite remixes here because the song itself seems to grow out of the videogame music genre. It is a powerful song which include quotes from a very influencial leader. Great work, and even though I took a long time to come around to liking the song, I really enjoy it now.
  11. SSBB Character rooster. Yes, this is speculation. Those we know are in: Mario Kirby Snake Link Fox Samus Pikachu Pit Metaknight Wario Out of those, we also know that some had ennemies that were in the previous installements: Bowser Gannondorf Out of the original list, we can see Pikachu still being in. We can also assume Jigglypuff will be left in due to his status as a twice included "joke" character. So far. we have 10 confirmed and 3 possible. Mario Kirby Snake Link Fox Samus Pikachu Pit Metaknight Wario Bowser Gannondorf Jigglypuff You can add to your list, but you need to have a "logical" reason to do so.
  12. By getting videogame companies to pay for the ratings. It's the same thing as the ISO9000 scam. A bunch of people invent a standard, they make it seem like it is a good thing to have. And then they impose it on companies, who willingly pay to receive an arbitrary classification. As soon as the standard becomes popular, they set it up better and then companies, who fail to see how the ISO standard was establish, start paying like gullible fools. And us, the consumers, are not in anyway better. We see ISO9000 certification and we assume that it actually means something important.
  13. OMG characters attack using the same patterns. they are all copies of mario... Wait until you see him in action. Even clone characters can be fundamentally different. Do I need to point out Gannondorf?
  14. And two swords. No shield. No bombs. No boomerang. A possible multiple jump/glide Yeah, I see the resemblance. He's also Marth and Roy with wings.
  15. ... Too late... Unless you're a republican in Florida...
  16. Not really. Nothing has been original since Babylonia. Everything is a retelling of the Epic of Gilgamesh.
  17. June is Videogame Summer month. Anything that feels like summer from videogames. Like volleyball, or summer themed villages and monsters.
  18. He is so excited, and it does not help that I picture Hiro Nokamura (from Heroes) when I see a japanese guy writing these posts.
  19. I vote that Thin Crust changes his name to "The Wizard" and that he is forced to use this smily in every post:
  20. While it is true that the original mission of OCR may have been remixing older songs using modern means, it has expanded beyond that purpose. Newer music is as interesting to interpret and in fact it may be more challenging. I believe that no matter the source, the one thing that truly matters here is the end result, both as a reinvention of a videogame related song, and as a stand-alone work.
  21. Not that I want to have a name change, but I was wondering if it could be possible that at the end of this year, you would collaborate in my annual "name change" vote? It would be the third year I would hold such a "contest" and I would only do it once a year if I could secure your collaboration.
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