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Everything posted by BlueMage

  1. Oooh, I'm liking this. So far, captures Mr Brandon's original quite nicely. Builds up well to my (untrained) ear. Like whatever those are that come in around 2:56, flesh things out nicely they do. overall, it does sound repetitive, but given the source track, I won't say that's inappropriate. I'd also be keen to hear your other Deus Ex stuff - it just doesn't get the love it deserves.
  2. Atma's ban makes me sad. In pants. He's a cool guy Also, OCR - We Know Drama.
  3. So, I'm not the only one. Good. Also, everyone, stop bitching about dubs. Full Metal Panic is a masterful display of dubbing done RIGHT.
  4. I'm going to have to agree with superjoe - there's an epic feel here that the original didn't quite convey. The fact that a remix can is quite impressive. I've never actually been one to listen to the Ice Cap themes, because for whatever reason, most of them rubbed me the wrong way. Not so this one. Sure, flogging the dead horse, as DJP said, but it's a good flogging. I really can't think of anything else to say at this point, save that it'll be going into my Top Rated playlist.
  5. Don't worry none, all these distros have well-written tutorials that'll walk you through what you need and what you need to do to get up and running. Puppy and Vector, in particular, have very friendly communities with a "No-RTFM response" mentality.
  6. Nope, appears to be running fine now. Forums too.
  7. Amazing, how could I have not reviewed this? This piece is brilliant, combining arguably two of the most expressive instruments in use (guitar and piano) into a seamless mix. Intro and outro has a bit of a novel feel (and makes me think it's related to either the Black Market segment, or Hawk/Lise's arc - obviously, it's time I started SD3 again). Guitar is rocking. What else could it be from Sixto? That's right, NOTHING else. The piano adds another element to the mix that would otherwise feel ... empty? Not sure. I love rockfests, but this feels more complete with the piano segment. It softens the mix. Yes, that's the wording. Sixto proves he can consistently make the awesome musics. Another worthy addition to the 5-Stars.
  8. If you're not download-quota-limited, go for Ubububu - it's easy enough to understand, just slow as dog shit. If you are download-quota-limited, get the version I posted, which is a small linux environment built entirely around providing GPartEd functionality.
  9. Onto another 80GB hard-drive Now, assuming PartionMagic isn't working for you, you can also look into this. Runs as a LiveCD, and should allow you to resize your partitions without destroying data on there (I've resized several partitions using it without losing data, however, they were ext3 and resierfs partitions, so you may have issues on an NTFS partition)
  10. Well mate, assuming it does, my considered opinion is that it would be worth the wait. Even if it means you filthy console-playing peasants get to enjoy what we of the PC-gaming master race have long since moved on from
  11. Puppy comes with AbiWord as standard, but yes, can be upgraded to a Chubby Puppy, either by way of getting it straight up, or by downloading OOo as a DotPup or through PET. Yes, the puppy analogies continue throughout the OS. And it's made by an Australian bloke. It's awesome. Saved my sanity in Dubai
  12. Above all, however, get rid of your D-link.
  13. I'll be surprised if you ever get Crysis on PS3. It's a PC exclusive thus far entirely due to control-complexity (because, yes, I know, PS3 can do all that crazy graphical stuff a high end box can)
  14. Get yourself a liveCD. And in particular, a low-spec distro. DSL and Puppy both come to mind (both are small, lightweight LiveCD based distros, and both can also be placed on USB stick for a take-anywhere-plug-in PC) however, if for some strange reason you're not fond of either, a few others you could try include Wolvix and Vector Linux (which is my personal favourite of those listed). These both have a LiveCD version. Now, the reason I'm pushing liveCDs here is simply because they don't need a hard-drive. Same with the USB-based ones. No hard-drive required! However, given the supposed age of the hardware, I recommend you start at DSL and work your way up. Yes folks, I know I could have said ubububu, but screw that, I don't like gnome
  15. Ah, the lulz continue. I love living in this age, where every day brings me new comedy to laugh myself sensless with.
  16. thats terrible youre terrible
  17. Are video games still fun for me? Hells yes. I still get out Sonic 3 & Knuckles from time to time. And Crysis has definitely put the spark back into it for me. Nothing quite like killing Koreans on 1680*1050 at Very High graphical settings, on Delta. Fuck yeah, I rock.
  18. Only a single box running now (and not a quad-core beast - that's reserved for Crysis-averting) but hey, every little bit, right?
  19. We have the same due to being a uni club - we have to share gym time (where the dojo is situated) with other classes. The head-sensei is also the Course Coordinator for Mechanical Engineering, and was my early mechanical subjects lecturer. As he's a little Asian guy with a distinct accent, I had an edge on everyone else in the class if understanding what he was saying As for weapons, I only fool around with 'em, don't actually train, but one of the advantages of Shorinji is that the movements can be adapted very easily to be used with weapons, so when I train with my bokken (either one now - girlfriend got me a hefty black one for Christmas) it's essentially practicing my Shorinji Kempo routines.
  20. Granted, the latest macs now leech a bit of the security inherent in unix-like environments, but programmed for security? I think you're confusing what's been targetted with what's targettable. And to echo what's already been said re: virii - I run Vista, with only default security settings. I haven't had a crash (aside from those caused by poor videocard beta drivers - however, I choose to blame nVidia for that) and if I do have virii ... well, maybe my beast is so powerful I don't even notice the slowdown. The Macbook Air is intriguing, I admit, but a Mac for me would just be an exceptionally expensive toy. An Asus Eee on the other hand... Might still be a toy, but for nowhere near the price
  21. No Bahamut, OCR is definitely geeky. That's not a bad thing though. Ok, obviously in some aspects it is, but that's what the thread Maha set up is for.
  22. You're installing the latest version, right? That could be the problem. First of all, uninstall both Flash and Firefox. Then, clear all registry entries concerning them. Then, reinstall Firefox, and install first Flash 7, make sure that works (it should). After that, try the latest Flash 9 version. If that causes problems, you'll know that for whatever reason, the latest version doesn't work.
  23. Hey guys, can I be a ct playin nigga too? I mean, I know I'm not black and all ... BUT I HAD A REALLY DEEP TAN ONCE! That's gotta count, right?
  24. A fun little diversion. And about one of the more interesting characters.
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