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Everything posted by BlueMage

  1. I forgive you for not realising this all sooner solely because you admit to not being a fan.
  2. Oh dear, can't believe I'm arguing this particular point, BUT: All attacks - IRL and made-up - come down to energy transfer. If I punch you in the face, I'm transferring kinetic energy from the ground, up through my legs to my shoulder, down my arm and into your jaw. That's it - energy transference. Kamehameha does the same thing. ... excuse me while I hang myself for even arguing this.
  3. C'mon, the fight at the party was hilarious. Also, itt Dragonball gets taken srsly
  4. It is to my shame to admit I have not played Phantom Hourglass .... though this gives me a great excuse to do so.
  5. A) Without fail, it is the superior platform. And given that this philanthropist is so kindly, I do believe I'd spec up an i7 machine with some sweet sweet SLI'd loving.
  6. Doublepost lol I swear, you can't play her as an offensive character - you have to treat her as a counter-offensive player.
  7. Ken, in SF3AU. Same basic kind of moveset as Ryu and Akuma, yet different enough that I just can't find the same rythym. Dan, on the other hand, dresses like a pansy (or a breast cancer supporter) and is somehow awesome in my hands.
  8. You sir have made my day.
  9. "YES! Lead evil by example, and one day we'll need not put the boot to those who stray from goodness into the muck and bile of villany and track great, bloody footprints across our lily-white tiles! BOO WILL HAVE CLEAN WOODSHAVINGS YOU EVIL BASTARDS!"
  10. She's still here? Oh, and happy belated birthday Dyne.
  11. New what?! Who on earth could top Raul? NO-ONE. Mostly because he's dead
  12. I understand mate - all of what you've said is true. I would add further that my thoughts on using a CSP would be it doesn't power a single unit, but a collection of units
  13. That commercial was bloody brilliant. I almost rushed out and bought the game, er, again!
  14. Oh ho ho ho, I see what you did there. An inspired idea, but solar panels may not necessarily be the best option. Has your friend considered CSP (Concentrated Solar Plant) as an alternative? Good ol' Stirling cycle engines and the like?
  15. Sneaking, Mini-nukes and Vengeance. God I love that laser.
  16. They're not. WIndows 7 is Windows Vista 2.0, just a different name so as to avoid the (ignorant) bad press of Vista. UAC isn't useless - were it linux, you'd be typing a password every time. And as a non-administrator user, you DO type a password every time. Vista's security - out of the box - shits all over any version of Windows previous. They've actually thought about the design of the OS with security in mind this time. Performance .... well, run it on the appropriate hardware and you'll have wonderful performance. I know I do. I don't have what would be considered a top-end beast anymore. As for compatability, the reason for incompatability most of the time is that previously, the Windows system folder and Program Files system folder were whores - open to everyone. In Vista, they're prudes. Which is great from a security perspective. Unfortunately, software developers didn't want to change the way they've always done things, so things broke. That, unfortunately, is the name of the game in marketing. It's all one-up-manship and me-too-ism.
  17. Wow .. I get a Passing of the Blue Crown vibe from this. This is a very very good thing.
  18. Can I just say I'm intrigued by the prospect of Lufia rockings.
  19. Experimental mini-nuke cannon? I have not found this yet, and am therefore feeling left out.
  20. Congratulations to the both of you. I'm sure you'll be happy together, and I wish you all the best.
  21. That's what I'm going to do next. Fuck this being nice shit, I'm going to be an evil cannibalistic ninja. With boobs.
  22. So Fallout 3 is awesome and all. It just crashes on me worse than a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 1.001 install. But it's still awesome.
  23. So I'm told Fallout 3 is essentially Oblivion with guns and awesome. You had me at "with"
  24. There's a simpler reason to not get the X360/PS3 verion - they're consoles. And this looks to be pretty FPSy. FPSs bite on consoles.
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