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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. First of all, why does your Christian faith effect your videogame playing? Perhaps that's a topic for a different time and place... Second, Metroid Prime Trilogy will take you a very long time to finish, and it's incredible.
  2. Coop, no Crusader of Centy on your list makes me sad.
  3. Jimmy, I'm good for L4D2 if you're still looking for a 4th person.

  4. Chadly: the latest installer is very friendly, and not scary at all. PM me / find me in chat and I can walk you through the details easy. All you need is an SD card.
  5. I'd agree with the general sentiment that less bitching at other players would be good. However, unless Saatana (what's his forum name anyway?) makes a regular habit of pissing multiple people off, I can't agree with a decision to boot him. Look at it this way: if DarkeSword banned everyone that has ever pissed him off on the forums, there would only be like 10 people around.
  6. Assuming that I lose my current Ebay auction, I would do the 4pack deal again. I'll know after the weekend is over.
  7. I maintain that if the developers don't want us backdooring, they'll code around it. Until then it remains a viable tactic -- especially useful to turn around what can seem like a defeat. In any case, Tensei's pest is getting really scary lategame -- pest is an amazing carry.
  8. Looking at zirc's new list, I think that swiftblade and magebane should both drop a tier, while Valkyrie should move up one tier. Swift is probably the best firstblood char in the game -- but his utility is relatively limited in teamfights, and eventually (around 15) his whirl does LESS damage than his regular attack. Magebane will deserve the spot after the next patch (he's being redone), but currently his high movespeed is the only thing keeping him relevant. Valk needs to be one tier higher because not only is she relevant for the entire game (rare among the cast), she excels at the vast majority of it. Her leap ability scales very well, giving your entire team the equivalent of Slash's extra damage and movespeed for free...and her arrow allows her to help gank from half a lane away. Finally, I can't decide which tier they belong in (probably , but both Zephyr and Wildsoul should be in the same tier group, as their playstyle is VERY similar -- farm Mock ASAP, then destroy the team before any high DPS carries get their stuff.
  9. Brawl+ is awesome, agreed. Anyone with a homebrew capable Wii should at least try it once.
  10. Christopher Tin's album is absolutely incredible -- I don't think I've ever heard a disc with such an intentional flow (that works) before. If any of you guys have the slightest interest after hearing the previews and haven't ordered a copy yet, do yourselves a favor and go spend the $15.
  11. Compared zircon's tierlist to Glorify's: Biggest difference: Magebane, three tiers separate. He's being reworked anyway, so it's irrelevant. Puppet Master is tier 4 on zirc's list and 6 on Glorify's -- the same disparity exists with a number of heroes: Scout, Moon Queen, Predator (all 3/5), Defiler, Swiftblade (2/4). Other than those, everybody is within one tier comparing the two lists. Not bad for some relatively new players to the game, assuming that Glorify has a good idea of what he's talking about.
  12. Diablo II still continues to rank among the most purchased PC games -- it's still making money for Blizzard. That being said, a new patch isn't going to increase the number of people buying it by a significant amount...but when a title has been in the top 10 for more than 5 years, you've done something right. Seriously. There had better be a HUGE secret they haven't shared yet, considering how hyped this content patch was. What a joke, blizz.
  13. I've discovered that I rarely have a good time when I get heroes I don't play often / don't like. Therefore, I'm going to play less SD -- I feel that a lot of the frustration lately has come from having to make the best of bad draws. RD and AP alt-pick ftw.
  14. Does anyone else get 3 soulscream rings / bracers on certain characters? Especially playing Valk, I've found that 3 rings really helps more than two, and makes her viable without expensive stuff a LOT longer.
  15. I love valk -- I think she's tied for my favorite char to play with Wildsoul. Calling a shot from max javelin range, and landing a 7 second stun feels great.
  16. Find Another Soundscape, Bahamut, or myself ingame and we will add you battousai. My account name is RTBardic.
  17. The changelog (and test client) are both available from the HoN IRC channel, #hondev at irc.s2games.com. Not posting the full thing here because we've been asked not to....couldn't resist posting that awesome heart pic though.
  18. Arek (and everyone else): The latest patch on the "beta" beta client has more new items, and changes to "traditional" DotA heroes (Magebane in particular rocks out now). It's definitely starting to be its own game...which is good.
  19. That's zircon who loves the WATAAAAHHHH, not DS. Same sorts of reservations I'd imagine though. SF3 characters being added would ROCK, in any case. Add in Makoto, Ibuki, and Yun and I will be happy. Let's keep Final Fight characters in the Alpha series, as much as I'd like to have Guy ingame.
  20. You deal 10% more, and all weapons add an extra 10% -- it's worded poorly atm.
  21. Have you guys seen this yet? The "new" new Heart:
  22. Icefrog is NOT making DotA for Starcraft 2 currently -- the only "version" of DotA that is making a jump to a new engine is HoN. (Legends doesn't count IMO -- too different) We know that last-hitting and denying is important to the metagame -- the question is SHOULD it be, and WHY it was implemented in the first place. Bash's universal cooldown REALLY hurts chronos until very lategame now. It's not just that you can't permabash -- currently, you can bash only once every 5 seconds or so. Magebane is honestly better until around level 16 or so -- even with chronosphere. Orb Effects _do_ stack in HoN, and Chronos doesn't get backtrack chance per orb, but per swing. You can have manaburn, life drain, Sange&Yasha cripple, and chain lightning all on one character and they will ALL trigger. Link: http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?t=2044 ^That also makes magebane better, as his manaburn finally stacks with life drain and shieldbreaker.
  23. Make it so neutral creeps you do have to get the kill for -- this allows for epic Kongor steals by ganking the other team, then finishing him yourself. Remember that we can separate "creeps" and "neutrals" into two separate classes as far as code is concerned now that there are no engine limitations. (not that S2 is going to do this anytime soon, but hey ) In any case, last hitting and denying is dumb for XP. For gold I'm okay with it, as I don't want gold given out on a DPS basis. Denying is great for tactical purposes, as Hemo mentioned. Why does this have to be tied into xp?
  24. Tensei, do similar lane theories exist for the other two maps?
  25. Bolded heroes (Magebane, Madman) need to drop a tier, underlined heroes (valk, puppet master) need to move up one IMO. As far as the new heroes, Maliken ranks a B (slightly better than Accursed...but not much), Ophelia B (beneath Glacius as support), and Soul Reaper C (ult that's basically only good for kill stealing is not credit to team).
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