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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. A few issues here: First, we don't need the public to appreciate only a few "great" artists -- movies have had this problem for a long time. Max Steiner, Bernard Herrmann, Williams, Elfman...they're all great composers, but they're individuals out of hundreds. Similarly, even though it might be easier to get people started with Jeremy Soule and Nobuo Uematsu, we need to continue to seek out new names to add to the collective list of what's "good." If you haven't heard anything by an older American VG composer, go check them out (Mazedude's American album is a good place to start if you're looking for names). Find a young guy that's only done one game, but done it very well -- play that music to people instead of the big names. Oh, and if you think playing VG music to friends and peers is difficult, try playing a track or two for a musicology (history) professor. He even grudgingly admits to me that orchestral music is moving out of concert halls and into movies/games, and as a result he doesn't care for much music from any entertainment media.
  2. ^Glad to hear it! Ask for help on the challenges if you need it...I want more people to have the achievement for beating them all!
  3. I (MasterTenor) am #1 on the BCR leaderboards for total challenge time. The only one I haven't finished yet is Final Exam (and of course, the stupid secret ones). Time I'm proudest of so far: Under 27 seconds on Forked Path, and I'll have under 25 after I add one more trick. If anyone needs advice, feel free to ask! EDIT: Final exam is completed -- yippie! I'm the 4th person to finish it.
  4. I'm an Iowa State (20 mins from Shawn Johnson's school) grad and wanted Nastia to finish ahead -- it's cool that both father and daughter have won gold now.
  5. I'm short one item in the main game: Does anyone know where the Database above the Purple Matrix is? It's the prototype weapon. <-- spoilers. Please either post it here or PM me...it's driving me crazy!
  6. Hey now -- if they'd try some mixups instead of just spamming his overheads, you wouldn't be complaning....
  7. Holy cow, yes. This is amazing -- the only problem is that the 360 version doesn't have netplay. That's overlookable though...considering that this IMO the best remake of all-time, and is one of the best XBLA titles available right now. The challenge rooms give the game much more replay value than Braid, which I loved...but won't go back and play it again for a long time. The best part is that they didn't screw up the controls -- it is the tightest control I've seen from a game in a while.
  8. Getting the stars is crazy -- if I wasn't at home doing laundry all day, there'd be no way I just let the game sit there for 90 minutes for the first one.
  9. Edit: I figured out the levels! The last world is crazy good -- I hope everyone else gets there soon!
  10. I realize that this is almost a week late for the game -- I've been on vacation and couldn't get it until late last night. I was very skeptical spending $15 on any XBLA game, but it's been worth it -- this is the neatest puzzle-based platformer I've ever played. For those of you who don't know about it, it's basically a Mario clone that's incredibly aware of that fact, and the game makes numerous allegorical references to the plumber. In any case, the gameplay is based around the idea that you can reverse time at will infinitely with no penalty (think Prince of Persia with no sand limit). This isn't a problem -- not because you'll need it, but because they do things with the time reversal (and fast forwarding AFTER said reversal) that you won't believe. The art style is also brilliant, but I'll wait for people to try the demo and let me know what they think. I still think the coolest part is that when you reverse time, the music also reverses -- and most of it is composed in such a way that it still sounds good.
  11. As some of you know, I recently moved to Minnesota after my college graduation. Of course, this means that I had to leave my fraternity buddies behind -- and all of them don't have legit copies of the game (most of them had the game installed for the express purpose of playing over the LAN). Does anyone know how to setup a way for my friends to connect to me so that we can still play Warcraft? There's no "Connect by IP" option listed -- will I need to make a virtual network somehow?
  12. Hahaha -- that was the best round on that map I've ever had, I like it when there's small enough teams we can leave all-talk on and just BS around.
  13. Thanks -- now that there seems to be a consensus, I'll record this afternoon! Just tell your family you need 20 minutes of quiet to record something for a CD; they ought to be impressed enough to give you the space you need. EDIT: My re-record is now uploaded -- hooray!
  14. Hey, it's because Kilik is good if you know what you're doing (don't spam the standard three-hits, etc), though I admit I'm trying to adjust to Zasalamel instead because of the abundance of Kilik scrubs online. I just got my Gold account, so feel free to challenge me anytime starting Monday -- my ID on the 360 is MasterTenor.
  15. The explanations given so far are correct -- reference your keypad. The reason to give numerical directions is quite simple, if you look at Ivy's Calamity Symphony throw: Using standard notation, one describes how to perform it as Down/Forward-Down-Down/Back-Back-Down/Forward-Up/Forward-Down/Back A+G. With numbers, it becomes 3214391A+G. Much easier to read, really. And whoever posted earlier about this being a big problem with SNK fighters is correct -- some of those desperation moves from the old days are damn near impossible to do.
  16. Levitation combos (including lightning!) on The Apprentice makes him crazy. Not to mention his 4B which just spikes ringouts like it's his job. Yoda's repeating infinite Force chains are a worthy contender though...
  17. Question about the guide .pdf: At the end of verse two, we have four syllables in three notes: the tuna in for-tu-na is only given one note, not two. Since it's a half note, should we treat it as two quarters? Which word and where do you want us to make up the extra syllable?
  18. Thanks for the links, but those are previews and it's actually out and available now, which is why I made the thread today and not months ago. That's not what I meant -- I personally just see things better in terms of absolute sheet music. If I offended you (or any of the million other FLStudio users out there) I apologize. Anyway, if you have a DS (and an R4), give this a shot and let me know what you think of it. I'm hoping to post a demo composition with pictures soon -- others with an R4 please post opinions here.
  19. Well, it's out in Japan, and being the entrepreneurial spirit that I am, I have acquired a copy. This thing looks like the real deal. The demo tracks provided give a good idea of what can be done. Sound quality is pretty meh, but for laying a track idea down on the bus, this is as close to FL Studio in the palm of your hand as you're going to get. I'd review in more detail, but 1) I'm on my way out the door and 2) I suck at these types of sequencing programs -- there's a reason I stuck with music theory and Finale. Any FL Studio wizards out there: give it a shot sometime for a laugh -- you'll be surprised what they've put into the tiny DS. I'll see if my digital camera is good enough to get quality pics of my DS screen, and put them up later tonight. Anyone else try this out yet?
  20. OA, I've sent you a PM with the link to my shoddy voice recordings. Good luck finishing the track!
  21. Cast Silence on his first form also. That plus Firaga on the 2nd form should make it an easy win. (Took me a while to realize you could mute him )
  22. I heard all the good things from DC13 last year, and can't wait to go this time around! I just wish it wasn't quite so expensive...
  23. Fixed. Fighting the MM2 bosses again puts 3 ahead of the rest of the crowd.
  24. I'm without equipment until August (the school's stuff opens up to me then). If you need a tenor really badly, I'll try to get something better than my headset up and running at home for you -- lemme know!
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