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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. For some reason, all of the text that I see (including this message as I type it) appear in italics as if an italicized font was suddenly the standard. Firefox no longer differentiates between this and this, despite the fact that only the second has italics for the rest of you. Did I screw up some setting somewhere? If someone could help me out, that'd be awesome -- this is really starting to get annoying.
  2. Does anyone here play with a 360 controller? I've found that I'm better with that than the mouse for some reason.
  3. Having spent a little time with all the characters now, I've decided that I don't understand Olimar. I'm not saying he's bad -- but I don't grasp what makes him good. Atma, care to give the rest of us some insight? The only thing I can think of is that it's hard to keep track of what's going on when you're fighting him...
  4. I just finished the SSE today, unlocking Sonic. Still need to unlock Toon Link and Wolf for some reason. In any case, Taboo was only hard until I figured out how to dodge all of his patterns (the Wii now has "red rings of death"...)
  5. I'm in Chicago today, so I won't be playing until tomorrow evening. Still, I'm definitely looking forward to it -- I have all of the ClanOCR people registered on my Wii, so I'll be sure to keep an eye open for you guys!
  6. Most tourneys are 3 (used to be 4) stock 1v1, which is much better. The first minute of a fight, both players could still be feeling each other's styles out....it's a waste. Edit (to avoid double posting): I think I'm going to give the Classic controller a shot to force myself to not think about Brawl in terms of Melee. Here's what I've got in terms of a control scheme -- feel free to give advice on changes before Sunday: D-pad -- Taunts Left stick -- movement (jump disabled) Right stick -- Tilts (not smashes) A -- Throw B -- Jump X -- Special attack Y -- Normal attack L -- Throw R -- Shield
  7. My store is Wiimote + Nunchuk -- the worst control scheme, IMO. That's why I'm not bothering -- I just want to get home and play.
  8. My copy of the album arrived today, and it's awesome -- I had to order it after hearing this track. All I can say is congratulations...it's brilliant work all around.
  9. hooray for sax players! Congratulations on a successful recital -- be sure to get those recordings up!
  10. I read a good idea on the GFaqs boards today -- why not record your first multiplayer match? Then you'll be able to look back and see how far you've come later on, and you'll be able to relive the first time you played the new game.
  11. You'll enjoy the end of AA3 immensely. In any case, I just went through AJ like I do a good novel: entire nights consumed by it. Still, it was absolutely brilliant writing, and I can't wait for the next one! The main heroes from ZX put in an appearance, but it's new heroes and a new Megaman model you play as. Still, quality gaming all around (I think there's 12 different bots you can eventually morph into, if you're curious).
  12. Have you guys seen this yet? iBand I noticed the article in the NY Times today. In any case, this is incredibly badass, and I think it'd be the ideal lunch break activity if only I had a few iPhones around. Discuss.
  13. So, when are we going to see all of this wonderful data be made into a blog post?
  14. Happy birthday! Any new projects in the works?
  15. Did you have to complete certain sections before others? I own Legacy, and remain thoroughly confused by it (though running around blind is a great time -- the platforming is solid, and the music rocks).
  16. Happy 22nd -- are you doing anything special?
  17. I just finished Apollo Justice, and I can't believe that I'm about to say this, but there was a GameFAQs review that got it right: "This is still Phoenix's story." The storytelling continues to be top-notch, though I must agree with whoever mentioned a quality gap between certain cases (the middle cases, as usual, are not quite as good). The new characters are all very cool, and Trucy is especially endearing (and not nearly as annoying as Maya). Gafgarion, take a look at ZX Advent -- it's even better.
  18. I recently started on R.A. Salvatore's Drizzt books, and they're awesome. The way he describes a combat scene is particularly good. The only problem is that there's 14 of them to read (assuming you don't read Sellswords or Hunter's Blades), which causes much the same problem as Dragonlance...
  19. Megaman Battle Network 4 was terrible -- loved the others though. Starforce was also repetitive and bad. Most recently, Super Monkey Ball (Wii) and Cooking Mama (Wii). The DS games were great, and the Wii versions terrible. Luckily for me, I traded both of them in for Geometry Wars: Galaxies on the Wii, which is awesome. My fiancee bought me Rayman DS, the worst game I've ever owned.
  20. Be sure to play ST until you get to battle -- the exploring is a completely different view.
  21. The problem isn't whether or not you made a good point -- the problem is that this topic has been covered in its entirety. Hell, I was needlessly repeating ideas when I posted about this six pages ago. For goodness' sakes, let's either move on or get the thread locked so we don't have to read about it anymore.
  22. I'm in the market for a nice set of headphones, and since I don't have a headset for gaming, I'm wondering if it's possible to buy a gaming headset (meaning with chat-mic) that has a quality level of sound. I could throw $100 at this -- any suggestions? If no one comes up with anything, I'll probably save up for the headphones djp is recommending and get those + an alternate microphone. Feel free to suggest headphones + a solution for ingame chat via monitor-mounted or desk-mounted mic , as long as the mic is both decent and cheap (I don't need it to record sounds/music, just get my speech across effectively).
  23. It's totally fine to add in references to other tracks in the game, especially if it's just for a few measures. I'm very much looking forward to hearing (and critiquing) the new version -- good luck completing this!
  24. I would really like to see a return of the ethnic stuff and vocals -- they would make an amazing countermelody to what's going on at the end. All in all extremely good work. It really does sound like a movie theme, which means you've accomplished your goal...congratulations!
  25. Nicole, this sounds great -- I'm really looking forward to the collab after Jill's album release this spring!
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