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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. ^Agreed. If I could get Earthbound, Seiken Densetsu 3, and Bahamut Lagoon working perfectly via homebrew, then the VC would be dead to me.
  2. Civ Revolution sucks because I can't save. I don't have time to play DS for hours straight...and even if I did, my wife doesn't. As a result, my DS time is taken up with FFTA2 instead (having already beaten TWEWY, which was awesome).
  3. What time does the shop channel update? Mine wasn't earlier this morning...
  4. I'm also low 40's to finish at my best -- damn, that game is awesome. I'm around 1:15 minutes to finish Castlevania: SOTN -- anyone else here play it a lot?
  5. It's not _actually_ playable on the NES, but it's incredible looking nonetheless.
  6. Games I play too often: Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Seasons Megaman X4 DKC series (especially the first one / tournament ROM) Super Metroid Castlevania: SOTN The only modern game to come close has been Ninja Gaiden Black, which I played almost daily until NG2 came out. If I still had lots of people to play it with, I could play UT99 or UT2K4 every day very happily also. Quick mention to longer games that get a ton of replay from me: Metal Gear Solid 2&3 FFVI Seiken Densetsu 3 Little Ninja Brothers (fun as hell with 2 people) Hiryu no Ken III (the unreleased sequel to Flying Warriors)
  7. Of the 8-bit titles, methinks 3 is the best. After replaying 7 a few weeks ago, I have to concede to Atmuh that it has the best music. I'm still biased for 2&3 in that regard, but if I didn't have any nostalgia factor, I'd agree with him.
  8. MM2 also has a sweet fan-album arrangement, courtesy of The Megas. One of the tracks from that CD is on the site already.
  9. At this point, it's highly unlikely that a mix would pass the panel by next week, unless it was bumped to the top of the queue for the specific purpose of having a mix up before the game was released. Still, have at it! I'll be the last to complain about more Megaman mixes...
  10. Short answer: It's not OCR's end that's causing this. Long answer: Clicky.
  11. I'm under the impression that the last.fm preview is at a lower bitrate and therefore doesn't take as much bandwidth as someone downloading the mix every time they want to listen to it. It's the same reason everyone is encouraged to use the torrents for old material -- bandwidth costs money, which will always be a finite resource... Until some millionaire decides to give djp massive permanent funding for the site, anyway.
  12. Do we know for sure that this is legit? I've only listened through Concrete Man's stage because I want to save most of it for when I play through it (hopefully soon!)
  13. I mentioned it in off-top already, but I get to see Great Big Sea tomorrow, which should be fun.
  14. Congrats on such a good review, zircon! I wish I was going to be home to hear the mix, but alas (heh), I have 6th row seats to Great Big Sea tomorrow night.
  15. ^this. Also, Seiken Densetsu 3. If either of them would come out, I'd be happy to throw money Nintendo's way.
  16. Except for the west coast folks, it may be cheaper for you to drive than fly if money is going to be an issue. I found that it will be cheaper for me to drive from the southwest corner of Iowa (halfway between Kansas City and Omaha on I-29) than it would be to fly. Something to consider for anyone still trying to find ways to make it work etc. Looking forward to meeting everyone there!
  17. Does anyone remember which video makes the FFX Yuna vs. FFX2 Yuna comparison? I'm trying to find it and am not succeeding.
  18. Happy birthday to both of you! Also... ^a great idea
  19. ^^The composition assignment from hell...
  20. I wasn't impressed with the demo, especially at a $15 price point. Is there anything later on to distinguish it from the millions of Final Fight clones I already have available via emulation?
  21. Overcoat, if you haven't tried the Kingdom Hearts games, they're non-random action-battles that you may enjoy. Also, the Gradius III/IV disc is one of the only good ways to play Gradius IV easily if you like shooters.
  22. My crazy solution to 4 balls -- the "spitter" concept offered by my wife when I got stuck. This is great fun btw -- thanks to the OP!
  23. I'll bring my mandolin -- I own it but don't play, so anyone who can is more than welcome to. Full-on acoustic sounds like a blast...I'll be playing my nice tenor recorder, and hope to jump in for something from Chrono Cross or Secret of Mana.
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