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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. Happy birthday, and congratulations again on the engagement!
  2. As far as we know, keyboard is a must. The config app _might_ let you change it -- but because none of us can read it, we can't really mess with it (resolution is in the upper right, and you'll want to max that before you play).
  3. I'll play Monday nights and during the off-hours on weekdays -- other evenings I'm spending time with my wife (unfortunately, I don't think I'll get her to play!)
  4. Try listening with a quality pair of headphones instead of the crappy DS speakers.
  5. Where's the Rocket Arm? You can't search for it, presumably. And I'll try for the Proto Shield again later -- I can't seem to get the 2nd meeting in turbo man's stage still. Is it in the same location that it always was (off of the tall ladder through the wall)?
  6. That's badass. I haven't found it out due to playing TF2 with everyone tonight. I'll be finishing this tomorrow...and probably never play the 16-bit version again, except to compare. Edit: The 2nd Protoman location (Turbo Man's level) doesn't appear to be there. Also missing is Rush Search, which leads to things like the S. Adaptor upgrade not being findable (or buyable, since there are no bolts an no shop). The Energy Balancer is available, but not in the usual spot (spoilers) see Spring Man's stage where you punch through the wall for Auto's screw.. Hopefully someone figures out the missing two upgrade spots (one passive item remains unfound, and Proto's shield is the last equip slot, presumably).
  7. The lower left of the config menu appears to be a trainer / hacking utility, since it has spots for 8 powers checked, and the RUSH letters. Any other help on it would be great though -- it looks awesome and I can't play it because I don't know the controls. Edit: Z is jump, X is shoot, Q is menu, arrow keys move. Enjoy!
  8. Glad to have you joining the rest of the married folks here, djp! How did you propose etc.?
  9. Jam, can you tell me how to do that? Or where to find out? It'll be a blast in casual play here messing with people's heads.
  10. one bump for this, in the hopes of not having tickets go to waste. I'll let it die after this if no one responds!
  11. If this list is still being updated, I'm now married. The only negative is that I don't get out to the bars much anymore -- I'm living in a new place with no drinking buddies, and my wife doesn't really like going out too much.
  12. And away we go! My answers in bold.
  13. There are plenty of niches to be filled in music if you're looking for a job. You could become a full time music theorist, for example. I realize that it's definitely not a path for everyone (especially if you hate the idea of working at a university), but it IS a full-time job that not a lot of people compete for (compared to full-time composing, anyway). Also, those of you at universities looking for composing work: Talk with the computer science / engineering advisors, and have them drop your name whenever a student needs music for a project. Offer to do small projects here and there for free, just to build resume. It's at least a start, and if you want to work in games, having done a game already (even a cheap quick student game) is a plus. Bahamut, music education at Iowa State requires more credits than any other program except architecture (including all engineering majors). It's not even offered as a four-year degree anymore, and you're flat out told you'll take 5 to finish your undergrad. With that said, I think every major has those classes where you can't pass them unless you're insanely passionate about your degree program: While I understand basic programming and can do C++ and HTML, I could never pass the upper level algorithms class. At the same time, those of you without collegiate music experience would be equally unable to pass music history. ^That's awesome, and exactly what everyone who wants to compose should do EVERY time.
  14. I really like it! What's the translation of the Japanese? My only critique is that a few of the high notes with the vocalist come out squeaky. Other than that, it's good stuff!
  15. I'll do a quick conversion for you that you could edit the details into -- Finale will automatically do this type of conversion. PM me the file, and I'll hook you up tomorrow.
  16. I won six tickets to a pre-screening of Mamma Mia this past weekend (singing karaoke ), and because I'm basically brand new to town, I only have slots filled for four of them. Anyone from Minneapolis/St. Paul that wants to see the movie for free before it comes out, let me know via PM and I will give the details to the first two people that get a hold of me.
  17. agreed with everything. Especially watching PS3 crazies run around like the sky is falling...very entertaining.
  18. That sounds terrible -- I really hope that some uplifting news comes bLiNd's way very soon. I'll put in a good word with the Man upstairs for you!
  19. That footage is the coolest thing I've seen in a very long time. Any word on a release date?
  20. agreed -- we already have spoiler tags. Just paint the text white.
  21. "Many new characters?" I dunno....with the exception of some new Robot Masters, I don't want to see a bunch of useless chars (Axl etc). Is anyone here opposed to seeing old Robot Masters with new fighting techniques? For instance, Shadow Man from 3, but with a completely expanded set of moves?
  22. This would be incredible -- the last of Capcom's old series to get a revival...and the one that probably deserves it the most. Let's see how the original series gets connected to the X series (yeah right).
  23. As long as we eventually get a 3-d FF6 remake, I'll be happy. After that, I don't care what happens -- though it'd be nice if they'd bring new franchises to the consoles. TWEWY was brilliant...why not try a new idea like this on a major console?
  24. piano -- 9 years of lessons plus a year of piano class in college. Shouldn't have quit taking lessons...if I was still taking them, I'd still be playing Rachminanoff. tenor recorder -- finally got a nice tenor about 4 years ago...an upgrade from 3rd grade's plastic soprano. I'm actually quite good -- sat in with the university orchestra when they needed a soloist. cello -- 2 years...not very good here.
  25. 23 here, and I've got a 360 and a PS2 in addition to the Wii. Because I live in a fraternity house, Brawl gets a fair share of the action -- easily at least an hour a day average. Solo, I've been playing Lost Odyssey and Ikaruga on 360, and the Megaman X series on PS2 (including X8, which isn't as bad as people make it out to be). Going to run through all the MGS series this week before renting MGS4 to play on a housemate's PS3.
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