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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. Just got my physical copy today -- the presentation and artwork are excellent, and the CD remains one of the best I've bought in a long time. Thanks for the postcard, btw -- handwritten notes ftw.
  2. Has anyone else seen the Melodyne DNA preview? Someone showed it in class today, and it simultaneously wowed me and made me very scared for the future of popular music (because not enough things are faked in the studio already). What does everyone think? I'll say that the instant shifting from major to minor (or other keys / scales) is pretty slick. Note: my thread about this in Gen Disc was closed because it was "already being discussed" in this thread. I didn't see anything about this particular piece of software after reading the whole thing, so I'm posting it again here in the hopes of being less intrusive.
  3. Has anyone else seen the Melodyne DNA preview? Someone showed it in class today, and it simultaneously wowed me and made me very scared for the future of popular music (because not enough things are faked in the studio already). What does everyone think? I'll say that the instant shifting from major to minor (or other keys / scales) is pretty slick.
  4. For those of you that aren't a part of the group "Videogame music doesn't get enough credit", they are encouraging everyone to change their profile pics to something VGM related on May 1st. Does anyone here have an OCR pic that would work for a Facebook profile? It'd be neat for all of the crowd here that's going to support this to have the same (or at least all OCR related) pic for the day.
  5. The HL2 gameplay isn't nearly as smooth or comfortable on 360. TF2 you'll get by okay, but if you want to play through the single player stuff, you'll like it much better on the PC -- it just feels like it belongs there. Note that this assumes you can run the Source engine games without a lot of lag etc. Edit: PC version also gets the new maps, mod support, etc.
  6. I continue to be especially impressed with the high number of lurkers / infrequent posters that have contributed. Keep up the great work!
  7. rofl at sha-dow man, he speaks japan......ese you've made me giggle, which is a victory.
  8. ^Agreed -- I'd be happy to buy these if we could get a link. If that's not possible, then a PM with other means of getting them would be extremely welcome.
  9. Ordered -- all sorts of good music has been coming my way in the mail recently! This will be the 3rd CD I buy directly as a result from the Ourstage competition, having already gotten Antigravity and Hero of the Grey Area...both of which I'd highly recommend of you're a fan of zircon or sgx's music. It's nice to hear what they do with original compositions, and I'm sure I'll say the same thing about Origins once I get it.
  10. You should refine the chord changes a little, maybe add in a rhythm section (or not -- I think this could stand on its own with smoother transitions), and work this up for the site. This place could use unique sounds, and your playing is obviously up to the bar. Maybe posting this in the WIP forums would help get a few more opinions if you're interested in the idea -- again, IMO you're definitely capable of it if it's something you want to pursue.
  11. I like the way it picked up at 2:30 or so. Also, the very rapid strumming at 3:17 was impressive. My only critique is that the transitions between variations (if you will) are abrupt -- you could use more transitions between them. Still, it sounds amazing!
  12. I didn't see any new media on the site, unfortunately. Hopefully we get a concrete release date soon!
  13. This remains the best in-joke I've seen on the site. Thanks again, chumble spuzz for making this, and thanks to amarriedmegaphone for bringing it up again.
  14. This is getting more badass by the hour -- keep up the great work, everyone!
  15. Definitely illegal to "run code that wrecks the user's machine" but you could certainly make the game not function (assuming that this is possible in the first place).
  16. Forgot to check specifically, Hausdog. Nevertheless, the pattern does get a little old...except for the fact that the text is awesome.
  17. Despite the fact that iambic pentameter gets very annoying, this FF6 Epic was well done -- especially the last bit.
  18. ^Unless you count popping open a console and tinkering with things directly...
  19. Happy birthday, Coop! Also, happy birthday to the other ISU forum goer, !Nekko! Are either of you doing anything exciting or different?
  20. This is awesome -- I love the vocals. It could use a little variety in the drums, but I'm no good with them either (someone here will have a way to change it up). In any case, try taking it to #ocrwip and seeing what a few others think before you submit it. Really great stuff here!
  21. I'm headed to the University of Minnesota next year. It's one of the schools where I didn't get accepted, but my fiancee's offer was so good that we couldn't turn it down. It's very likely that I'll be able to take a few classes in the spring term, so I'll only be a semester behind with my own graduate work.
  22. It's the flavor of the day with game-buyers too -- the great, innovative games flat-out don't sell as well as standardized gameplay with graphics we've come to expect. Look at the sales figures for Beyond Good & Evil and Psychonauts...both of them are great games, but consumers are just as wary of risks as publishers; until this changes, we're going to be stuck with the type of game this guy is ranting about.
  23. What are your character names? I'm on about once-twice a week, and you're more than welcome to join me -- I'm a level 15 monk/necromancer named Aeryn Tavalon.
  24. I'm on top of the world today -- I beat Ikaruga! Had to use continues, but it still feels awesome. Here's hoping I can get a replay up fairly soon (levels 4-5 are unfortunately still destroying me without continues). Prototype mode (unlocked by beating the game) is certainly interesting, btw. Also, is there anyone here crazy enough to have a workable solution for level 5's snakes in Dot Eater mode? I can't think of a way to stay alive without going all-out offense (killing them before they kill you).
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