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Everything posted by friendlyHunter

  1. The 23rd of FEBRUARY?! I have a feeling we're gonna get a LOT of entries... or just really good ones. I'm not a pokemon fan (I've played one of the games many years ago, I'll admit it's somewhat addictive ^^), but I'll definately enter something this time. Just like when I said I'd definately enter last time. Oh wait... >_>
  2. Got a little carried away in Photoshop:
  3. ... you are sick, you know that? I hope you're joking, and I hope you know I was joking (yeah, the humour's a little sick if you look at it in a serious way for some reason...). But it doesn't matter to me what you think, because you're far off in -oh my gosh you're RIGHT BEHIND ME!!
  4. I don't know why, but that made me laugh, and still is. So I logged in to post this, and then posted this. But yeah, I feel sorry about the tornado.... what? No, I wasn't the one who caused it! [insert shifty eyes emoticon] fffffffffffffffffffffffff
  5. I'm pretty sure several terrible yet unrelated misfortunes happened to all the artists' soul mates, so they're all off to a far away land to defeat all the colossi and bring them back to life. Will they make it back before Christmas???
  6. Perhaps someone is bringing him a bunch of food...? Either that, or, we could take the poison theory one step further and say he's actually building up your immunity to the poison. That, and he's secretly part of the food mafia, and soon you're gonna have to pay him back for all the food favours he's been giving. If you say "I didn't eat any of it!", he'll pull the ol' midaeval witch test: take some poison - if you're immune you were lying, if it kills you, you were telling the truth. Oh, the possibilities!
  7. I'm considering sigging that. spoilers in sigs = AAAAAHHH DON'T DO IT!!! SERIOUSLY, THINK ABOUT IT!!!! I've spoiled way too much already just glancing through parts of this thread, don't want to be worrying about people's signatures in all the other threads.... =[
  8. So.... anyone started?
  9. I did that with Wind Waker, but it was too much trouble, because every time I died or got close to dying, my roommates would yell at me to just pick up a "f'ing heart container". Sounds insanely annoying =[ At times like that, it's time to use an analogy. Lets see.... How about "getting an extra heart is like saying you're going to win a game of chess blindfolded, and then you take the blindfold off part way through the game and leave it off." [Edit] But you'll want to think of a better one...
  10. Really? Maybe my first play through TP I'll try and beat the game without getting any heart containers - that's bound to be more fun and rewarding...
  11. YES!!! sweet Let's see a life-sized one!!! And about not having played the game - I've entered this thing 3 times for games I haven't played already. And even won for one of them. "Weren't there only three entries that time?" you ask? Shut up!!
  12. When you get there, make sure not to spoil it even more Seriously, I'm gonna play that game some day, if it's the last thing I DOoooOOooOooOooOOoooOoOo...! The voting for a yearly winner seems like it might be interesting. But I can already guess who'd win =p
  13. I haven't played either game, but I just watched all the movies and stuff at http://www.shadowofthecolossus.com/ (including a hidden "making of" video), and I must say, I'm very impressed. Not just by the game, but by the website design - very creative stuff. I think I know what I'm gonna do already. From the last contest, it seems OCR isn't a fan of the sketchy style of some of my entries =[ Well, time for something different then =D And there don't seem to be any rules about spoilers - how, if at all, will we handle this? Is it acceptable to depict the ending of a game such that it gives too much info to someone who hasn't beaten it? Or are these games old enough already? =p Anyway, this theme definately looks promising
  14. Gah, B-up I mean, B! I should be banned from the thread
  15. Yeah, different costumes like that would be great. I hope they have a "classic purple & yellow" costume for Wario too. And I hope Kirby-Wario gets the nose and moustache too... But you know what character I'm really hoping for that they probably won't add? Paper Mario!! Just think of the possibilities! And the giant hammering fun! Heh, his A-up move could be to catch a gust of air and get thrown upwards, then slowly float down.
  16. It is "Falcon", that must have been a typo (but he talks funny so it sounds almost like "Falco Punch"). I'm pretty sure they'll get rid of some characters though. I'm hoping they'll axe Dr.Mario, Pichu, and Young Link at the very least, and MAYBE Ice Climbers (or axe it down to one climber?), Falco, and either Marth or Roy (replace one with a more different Fire Emblem character??). But I'm sure if they were to keep Falco, they'd try and make his moves more different than Fox. And I certainly hope they can invent an all-new set of moves for Ganondorf =D But I'm REALLY hoping there's a second character from Metroid (like Dark Samus or SA-X!!!!!!), since it seems Samus will rely even less on projectile moves. And I can't wait to see what Kirby turns into when he sucks up Snake and Wario ^^ ... oh wait, I can. And am =/ Stupid waiting =\
  17. Hi, I'm an artist, but I can't take the time to draw much until half a month from now. But I CAN request that this guy gets in the album art: And I can also reccommend Bean =p Wait, by "artists" do you mean remixers, or visual artists?? I didn't read very much of the thread...
  18. First post in this thread, whee! (maybe...) I actually liked a lot of things from SSB1 better than SSBM, but looking at the trailers it looks like the Brawl fighting will be much better than either =D I also love the new "feel" of the attacks. I'm just hoping Samus' (in a suit) crawling turns her into the morph ball, it'd be lame to see Samus-in-a-suit actually crawl... Morph ball attacks would be awsome too (arial 'A' moves maybe, or even something similar to Yoshi's egg move!). I'd also love to see more faithfullness to the original games. I disliked how, for example, Samus didn't have any fast and weak shooting moves, and how all of Ness' and Ganondorf's moves (though I didn't play Windwaker) had little to do with the original characters. But it looks like this is going to be an amazing game anyway - unfaithfullness to the original (non SSB) games, and possibly too many clone character/moves are my only worries (and superficial ones at that). I'm also curious how the "trapped in triforce" and "kirby cooking people" moves will work... Ah well, we'll see. We'll see.......
  19. Clearly kamoh DOESN'T know what he wants, that's why he can't be more specific =p Fortunately, I have a bit of a sixth sense for these things. Here's yer logo, you'd better like it! [Edit] Hmmmm, doesn't look so good on that background. Here it is again:
  20. Don't worry, I did it really fast, it can still be improved. Hope you like it! And oh yeah, this is my first post in an OCRCL thread... hi! LOL there's a typo, oops
  21. I'm looking for the sound of a TV or monitor turning on and off. That's pretty much it...
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