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Everything posted by friendlyHunter

  1. Yeah... perhaps some kind of sticky thread for contest discussion, or something. Or a thread with a list of all the current contests with their status (current theme, deadline for sumbission/voting etc.). ...Scratch that last idea; too much unnessesary work. Alas, the battle for attention continues... OCR's front page has some Announcements and Community Discussion threads displayed there - perhaps the contests forum should have the same thing?
  2. I thought the rule was so it's more fair to people with limitied time. But also so people who'd want to do two will instead put more effort into one, therefore resulting in higher quality stuff. I've got a question though. I was thinking of making a comic, and I'm wondering if I can use Flash to navigate through the pages/panels. To take that a step further, can I add animating stuff, kind of like the stuff in this [link - may contain long loading time] ? The only interactivity would be changing the pages (click a button), and there'd be no sounds either. Whadda'ya say?
  3. I knew Metriod would come up eventually - that's one reason I didn't choose it myself. The other is that I've got no idea how we're gonna top some of the absolutely amazing Samus art that been done. I'm hoping we'll get lots of amazing stuff that's not just Samus As always, I already have an idea - but I'll probably end up starting half way through the month anyway =/
  4. Gah, it's a lot tougher to find the PM button in this new forum thingy.
  5. You can only play so much Resident Evil 4 before you can hear a loud motor and screams coming from someone's backyard without certain irrational conclusions jumping into your mind. True story. But things I've actually done as a result of video games? Can't say there are any situations that I can think of right now, although playing too much Warcraft 3 (or was it 2?) has, on at least one occasion, made me try to "click" and "order" around "things", I can't even remember what.... yeah. And that "stacking tetris block" thing, that happened to me bigtime with some game, but I can't put my finger on which one it was... might've been killing orcs in LOTR: Return of the King for Gamecube (that game had an addictively strategic score system), or playing Kirby's Ghost Trap. Games always penetrate into my dreams, often in the form of sequels that are combinations of several games - but that's another topic altogether. Here's a little story that's kind of interesting: back in the day I used to play "Custom Maps" online in Warcraft 3, games and such created by WC3 players. Anyway, one day, after playing a particular map, I felt extra hyper-ish for no particular reason, like some kind of huge addrenaline rush that I never get from a video game - I was literally shaking. The map I was playing was no more intense than any others, so I had no idea why. Then I remembered - sometimes your character's legs would get slashed, and endless gallons of blood (mind you, bad-graphics WC3 animated blood) would gush from the character's lower body, slowing their walking speed until they were killed. Never knew the sight of so much animated blood could have that affect, but apparently it did. Funny how no amount of Starcarft's or RE4's blood explosions (or any other game for that matter) ever did that to me... (Sooo off topic, sorry!)
  6. D: No number of shocked sad faces can express my shock and sadness. Well, maybe 43...
  7. Votin' time? Maybe after the voting starts, I'll make a new banner, get us a little more visible...
  8. Just thought I'd let you know, I'm gonna finish my entry soon (less than an hour) so don't shut it down quite yet! [Edit] More than an hour later... PM'ed to Atma. OOOO can't wait to see all the entries tommorow morning, it's like Christmas! And I don't even like Pokemon ;]
  9. What's with the arguing?? And why on earth am I reading it...? Nobody's telling anybody to play a certain way (but if you really are, then DON'T!!), and they can't force you to play a certain way from all the way on the other end of the internet tubes, so who cares? I'm scared to see what kind of dumb debates will spring up online in Brawl *shudder* But to add to the debate (ACK, what am I doing??!?!) - while the chess analogy is pretty damn good, it's not solid. Here's a sports analogy: Imagine a game of pro soccer where barells would randomly appear on random players for no apparent reason. And if the player happens to be kicking the ball when a barrel appears on them (and it often does), they explode into a massive fireball reaching 10 meters into the air - and are subsiquently too injured to play. Is that fair? NO! Is it fun? MAYBE, if you have some kind of sick yearning for random chaos and injury. People have different tastes - but in a tournament, there's no reason items should be manditory. Evening the playing field for competition calls for rules, and often, elimination of unfair randomness. (Rant time!) And I seriously hope barells/boxes/capsules/ exploding those things can be individually turned off in Brawl... actually, I hope they're not even in the game (OH NOES I'm hoping to limit the way everyone else plays SSBB =O !!). Hey, here's an idea: the default items in Brawl could actually be good and fun, but there could be an option to turn on the "classic" items and exploding barrel-death-traps-of-doom for those players who can't let go of the past. It's my opinion that the items and their attrocious containers (coupled with dumb AI) ruined the single player adventure/classic/allstars/whatever modes... you can't "adapt" to things appearing in front of you after you start a move, and killing you before you finish it. BTW I suck at SSBM, and I very well may never have played it without items (what can I say, they often make it more enjoyable)
  10. Less than a week, hm? Well, I've gotten a head start (e.g. thought about starting) and managed to find a great sprite website. Link
  11. In Donkey Kong 64, you could unlock some really old old "Jetpac" game, in which you collect fuel that falls from the sky onto the unspecified planet/moon to refuel your ship, only to watch your fully fuelled rocket run out of fuel on the way up and come back down countless times, sometimes replaced by a newer, broken ship. And the fuel says "FUEL" on it. VERY addictive, very challenging (even a bit unfair), great replay (infinite levels of laser-shooting and flying madness). I don't know what it was made for, but each 16/16 square of pixels could only have two colours in it at once (black and another colour), and everything made little clicking or blipping noises. I've gotta look that game up. And while I'm at it.. I kinda liked the rest of DK64 too..... [Edit] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jetpac 1983?? Written by one guy!? Wow I take that back, that game is NOT crap, not in the least. But I still love it ^^ And the wikipedia entry even has some images with a humourous caption - this game made my day... or at least the previous two minutes of it....
  12. Consider this: It's very likely none of the previous FAC contests got this much attention so far before the deadline.
  13. Ummmm... no? Read the first post, please =) and have a nice day! Can't believe this hasn't turned into some kind of "flame war" yet ^^ Well, let's continue the thread... How about the "Trogdor" game on homestarrunner.com? It's utterly bland and unfair, but sooo addictive!! You waste minutes upon minutes just so you can see "Fry 'em up, Dan!" one more time.... It makes fun of its own crappiness like no other game can.
  14. Arg, I can't decide if I should forgive you for using extreme and subtle sarcasm, or hate you because that's not sarcasm and you actually are an idiot. Seriously, it is FREAKING HARD to detect sarcasm in written form whilst the internet is rampant with so many ignorant morons. For the sake of this thread, if you use sarcasm, put a "sarcarm tag" or something on your post - I mean it! With that out of the way - see "An Inconvenient Truth". Or if you're too lazy, look at the chart on the above post, and have some faith in what 100% of the world's scientists agree upon.
  15. Nice! Not all that funny, but you've gotta respect them. As for "not making light(?) of the situation"... I think most of look a lot more pissed off than we actually are, due to extreme lack of smiley capabilities and other stuffs and/or foodstuffs. YOU'RE the one who should lighten up >=[ (Just kidding! We need some new emoticons - FAST!) I'm also curious why they keep calling it a "hoax" - they weren't meant to be interpreted as bombs, they were just (very) unconventional advertising, and that was the point. Misleading news titles aside.... I've got nothing else to say. ..... so how 'bout that movie?
  16. If by "on the front page" you mean the ones accompanied by pictures on the right - those are the newest ones on the site (top one is THE newest). As for everything else, they're not being featured specifially (most recent reviews, and 100% random ones). But if you are indeed talking about the very newest ones: everyone has different taste, and somewhat different opinions of quality. Do what the previous guy said - read the reviews to find out why they got accepted =] [Edit] Ooops, ignore the first half of my post... =/
  17. DAMN I hate these awful quoting capabilites! Anyway, sounds fun be their laywer - trails like that could make a career in law totally worth it ^^ And I hate to say this, but the qustion mark boxes were a lot more "bomb-like" in appearance - they could have ANYTHING inside. These signs, however, there's nothing hidden, you can even see the freaking wires... Guess the city better start taking down all their signs, you never know when another bomb scare could happen..... And the people (person?) saying "it was just x distance from the 911 hijackers" .... how is that even relevant??? Or is being reminded of 911 somehow justification for rediculous judgement? These people (person?) need to use logic. The dumbest part is that the ones who caused the actual problem (the city) are blaming those other guys for it. And that guy who posted about where they got the tip from - very fishy indeed, a lot more important than punishing those poor guys for others' decisions and actions... But I guess even they can't be blamed, they were just being cautious. They probably never would've guessed their call could blow out of proportion like that.
  18. I don't watch the show, but I thought the trailer was pretty good. The articles mentioned that the light things were up in several other cities as well for several weeks without causing any bomb scares, or even warnings. Who's to blame now - officials from those other cities who were so uncautous as to not assume that lights are bombs, and failed to warn the culprit not to do it in other cities? If not them, then who? Somebody's gotta be blamed - and punished, FAST! (insert eye rolling thingamajig) I think the only reasonable punishment would be for the company who authorized the "stunt" to get fined, solely to reimburse the city's arguably foolish waste of money. I mean, after they find out one of them isn't a bomb at all (and in fact has a TV character on it for an upcoming movie), why would they separately shut down and investigate all the other locations around the city? What the light-board-guys SHOULD've done is used "non-sinister-looking" neon lights, or glow in the dark material... or maybe not, they'd probably think it's radioactive and call in the Hazmat team......
  19. Fixed! MORE CHARACTERRRRRS! [Edit] I mean, I needed more characters to reach the min character limit to post...
  20. I didn't read most of the thread, but I totally agree with you. My concept of "good graphics" might be a little different than most - I consider 16 bit games like Cave Story, FF6, Super Metroid, and Earthworm Jim 1&2 to have very good graphics. They use the sprite medium to the highest potential, and each has a unique and coherent style. These graphics will be good forever, especially Cave Story's. On the other hand, early attemps at more realistic stuff (the original Quake, Doom, N64 games, etc.) have aged horribly. Will today's "realistic graphics" age the same way? Yes, just not quite as much. Just look at visual effects in movies: many 10-20 year old movies' effects are pretty bad by today's standards. Now movies are at the point where, with enough time, money, and effort, it can look extremely good and extremely realistic, but of course not all movies have the resources (or need) to go this route. Same thing with games - the future will hold games with more realistic graphics than we've ever seen, but definately not all will make that choice. Just look at the variety of graphical achievement on the GameCube - Metroid Prime managed to eclipse most other gamecube graphics of its time, and MP2 eclipsed that (in terms of visual quality, but not nessesarily style or atmosphere). Tying into the previous discussion, visuals have the potential to look much better with more graphical capabilities - the developers and artists are not as limited by polycounts, texture quality, etc.. But at the same time, greater potential leads to higher expectations. Yeah, that's about all I have to say...
  21. I just typed two big ol' rants, only to get logged out when I try to post them. Maybe it's better they'll never be seen again... but I still can't believe nobody posted these yet. METROID - amazing game, revolutionary, a GREAT challenge, frustrating, unpolished, buggy, repeatative - that game had it all. It was the one of the first games people might call "creepy", and although it was often more of a struggle than it was play - but it's awsome (in my rant I had made an analogy about the painful yet satisfying feat of climbing Everest). It's a great experience because it's so hard, not because of good graphics - ironic how that's the polar opposite of Metroid Prime, which had very immersive graphics, and MP2, which had even better (but less immersive) graphics. One could argue it doesn't need immersive graphics when it has such great music. But is it a bad game?? Just look at it's sequel, Metroid 2 - it's much better (in my opinion), but somehow doesn't get nearly as much love... Well whad'ya know, my metroid rant v2.0 turned out longer and completely different than the first one. I'll try and make this short (Hah!): WIND WAKER - the long and increasingly boring travels I didn't mind so much - but the fighting was AWFUL: boring, monotonous, mind-bogglingly easy (pause it and select the right item, then target the enemey and press the correct button!!), and no new enemies for the last two thirds of the game (note, I haven't finished the game yet, 1 triforce shard to go). Every fight was like the "hit me 400 times before I hit you 3 times" guy, expect enemies took 1-3 hits and you took 20 (mind you I took slightly less, as I'm not getting any heart containers from bosses.) So what did I love about it? Those insane little details: the characters in the first town, the battleship guy (and his island-ridden counterpart), etc.. Sadly as the game goes on, those details get less and less frequent, and it gets monotonous and looks increasingly rushed (not unlike this rant). The dungeon design sucked too - while they were beautiful, they weren't up to par with all other Zelda dungeons. And the sheer number of islands is dazzling at first, but then it just gets repeatative, and again, their design looks rushed. Am I the only person who thinks the game should've been shorter (again, not unlike this rant shoud've been shorter)?
  22. Three years is awfully short (from my experience), but I suppose a lot has happened... plus I really have no idea how realistic these goals are (especially the music related ones) Nobody has time for both! ;p NOW you're pushing it. That's like 3 full time jobs! THAT'S THE LAST STRAW!! Well, good luck with whatever you choose to do =D
  23. Wow, crazy list. Someone like me could never finish that in 3 years (hell, I only read until #20 something before I gave up). Here's my suggestion: Make it a very high priority goal to do every last one of those things before midnight of new years eve 2010, film it, and turn it into a low budget movie. Seriously, I'd watch that. Especially if you change time zones on the last day just to get a few more hours to finish the last couple things.
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