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Everything posted by friendlyHunter

  1. Yeah, at least now I can't possibly be dissapointed with how Samus looks =) Don't mean to argue or anything, but... who says the thing in the trailer is called "hyper beam"? If the name comes from some very reliable source, I'd be willing to bet that's her final smash. The Hyper Beam from Super Metroid (the one you get during the last boss) would be an AMAZING final smash. Unimited super-powered shots for 10-20 seconds! Even if you can only shoot it in 1 or 2 directions that would be amazing. Or they could do a similar thing with Ice Beam - or a limited ammount of missiles that you can fire off as fast as you want =D Or an even better idea: the Missile Tank could be an ITEM =o 5 rapid-fire missile shots, available to any character!!! Imagine the stategy! The dodging! The adventure! The romance! (Well, maybe not the romance.....) ...By the way, I've never really liked the "generic blue circles" they have Samus shooting all the time... what is it supposed to be anyway?
  2. Ah, you're probably right. On that note - perhaps the fact that you can charge up your shot is reason to believe that once again they'll be no fast-firing beam. =( Although they could easily make it work like the charge beam in Metroid games: press B to charge, release to fire. Tap it quickly to fire quickly... quick like a FOX.... a fox named Fox, y'know, firing a pistol quickly, like Fox does.......... That would actually be pretty nifty, EXTREMELY nifty if I may say so myself. Rapid-fire beam AND charge beam - it's like two moves for the price of ONE!! However, you'd have to let go of B and fire off your charged shot before you can use B-up/down/forwards - an interesting stategical thingy, no? Ah well, one can dream...
  3. Fun with colour theory! Here's a screenshot after I tweaked the colours quite a bit to make it look somewhat similar to Starcraft's palette: I'd be pretty happy if SC2's colour scheme ends up looking something like that. And here's the original. AHH, my eyes!! The goggles do nothing! I don't mind the overpowering blue lighting over the whole environment so much as the piercing cyan/blue glowing Protoss crap everywhere. On a non-colour related note: some of the SC2 models look quite WC3-ish (that chunky low-poly feel) when they're VERY up close, like the Protoss unit pictures in the "Features" section of the site. However, they'll never be shown that close in the game (we can only hope, lest it start looking like WC3 =O). One thing that bugged me though is that the units' voices, to me, sound very WC3-ish. They also sound pretty lame and say pretty lame things (not unlike WC3) and have bad effects over top. I'm sure they'll come up with better unit voices later though...
  4. It's... so.... shinyyyy... can't, look..... away!! =O (That's your prize. Your guess was so close it made the suit really shiny.) From that one sentence on there, one can guess Samus will probably have the same B moves again, but improved. That last pic is probably the grapple beam, but here's hoping it's actually Ice beam....
  5. Hmm, that list there would be a whole lot more accurate if you exclude "profit"... And now I also have some random stuff to say: I think Ridley as a playable character isn't a great idea, and I highly doubt he will be playable, but I'm not having too much trouble imagining it. If you take his wings (and tail) out of the picture (say if they're slightly smaller, often folded behind his back, or you simply can't hit them) then he's not actually that big. Plus, all the flying he does in the original games is in places with weak gravity, right? Not that that really matters, but I wouldn't see it as a stretch to make Ridley's flying ability finite (like Kirby or Jigglypuff, but more flight-y). If a ton of his moves involve flying and diving, then he wouldn't appear land-locked at all. B-up would obviously be an aerial move, B-down could make him hop around on his tail, B to breath fireballs, and B-left/right for some kind of flying dive. He could temporarily hover/jump for a lot of his A moves, and also for dodges. Heck, all of his grabs could incorperate flying - he needs room underneith him for some serious tail whacking, and a Kirby-like suplex move would be awesome. (Note: I thought all that stuff up on the spot, don't think I've been thinking about Ridley all day!! ... or typing this post all day, for that matter.) Dark Samus seems like a SMALL possibility, but I highly doubt it. (Note, this character wouldn't be a clone at all: I've never seen Dark Samus do ANYTHING that Samus does. Try and prove me wrong if you feel like it.... no, "shooting" doesn't count). I would LOVE to see playable SA-X though. Ice beam, umm, Super Missiles, some other stuff.... I dunno. Heck, with SA-X as a character, you don't need an armoured Samus anymore, right? Right??? ...I'm just praying they make suited Samus a little bit accurate and give her some decent beam moves, you know, use the arm cannon as something other than a blunt instrument. The morph ball also has tons of potential for interesting and fun aerial attacks - now THAT's a blunt instrument that fits Samus perfectly. As for the beam: at least SOME short/medium ranged moves that involve shooting would be nice. Samus without shooting stuff everywhere is like... Mario without jumping on things. That reminds me: Mario needs an aerial "stomp" move - badly. HA! That is all. ...I also thought the Ridley song was mediocre. =(
  6. I think the biggest issue is not so much about exploits like wavedashing, but about how similar the game plays to Melee. If Brawl plays too similarly to Melee, then some people online will have not "a dozen" more hours of experience behind them, but YEARS of Melee experience. And you might say that "if 95% of players are casual, what's the chance of playing against one of the 5% online?". It would be VERY likely, since that 5% would play 50 times more than the other 95%. That's what worries me... BUT, it appears that while the Brawl characters' moves do look very similar to Melee, all the Melee "subtleties" that Melee pros have engraved in their brains will be thrown out the window, and Brawl will play, to them, like a a whole new game. Learning will begin from square 1 for ALL players. It also appears, from the videos, that Brawl's gameplay is just plain better. It's almost as if they're trying to level the playing field - moves are faster, jumping is tighter - no more penalty for not knowing exactly what you're doing, for not thinking 3 or 4 moves ahead. It becomes a whole new game - let's just hope there aren't any dumb exploits in it. What I'm also getting at is that the similarity between Melee's and Brawl's moves, from the looks of it, are mostly aesthetic. They LOOK the same, but chances are the subtleties and stuff that pros care about will be completely different. Heck, to the casual Brawl gamer, that little bit of casual Melee experience could even give you an advantage over the pros - you say "hey, I remember those moves", and use them the basic way you might have used them in Melee, or in Super Smash Bros. Heck, I always tried using my favourite SSB moves in Melee - they all got nerfed and became useless, but at least it made it a little easier to remember what moves NOT to do =p But why then are the moves so aesthetically similar in Brawl? I think it's simply because HAL fell in love with the moves from SSB and Melee - hell, they're the guys who came up with them in the first place. I, and it seems a lot of us (or just a vocal bunch of us?) here would prefer new moves, ones that have more to do about the original games the characters came from (no, NOT SSB and Melee!). I mean, Smash Bros. DK is slow as hell and can't even roll... not the agile rolling-around guy I know from DKC =( And don't get me started on Samus and Mario again =p One more tidbit: the new items seem to be aiming (pun not intended) to make the casual gameplay experience new and more interesting. Those who choose to play without items can forego that new element of the game. Everybody wins! [Edit] They should be (and it appears are) making the game more fast and exciting WITHOUT annoying little tricks (or maybe there are new annoying tricks that make it even MORE fast? =P). That was Melee's main downfall in my opinion - not being "fast and exciting" enough for the casual player.
  7. You're gonna draw up another masterpiece this time, right Atma? ;]
  8. Your implied defenition of "education" ingruiges me... Anyway, I'm up for speculating about certain specifics, certainly surrounding speculative stages and sizes of said stages, speculative Super Smash spectator sounds, and specifically speculating a spontatneous spill of special Super Smash info surrounding a specific and special member of a certian small spiney species, Sonic. Also certain speculation surrounding Samus' space suit will certainly suppliment said thread, but I sorely fear and dread towards being intellecually dead this thread does head. That's it, I'm outta here.
  9. Heh, I've already got a funny idea - now to figure out how to do it as fast as possible between homework...
  10. Let me answer your question with a question: Shut up. While what you're suggesting is possible, it's neither an intuitive nor a confortable control scheme. After all: Well, maybe it's not THAT tough to tilt the control stick with great precision in the heat of battle, but... do you really want to be inadvertently aiming up every time you jump? You'd think you'd want to aim DOWN when you jump: using up for jump could be a major design flaw (for that item). I'm also pretty sure it fires automatically, which would make fully tilting up/down while holding A (or it's equivalent) a possibility, as Imagery suggested. The only reason I'm wavering on this issue is because they MIGHT just take the "easy" way out and leave in a few control scheme flaws here and there. After all, it's not like "wavedashing" or whatever is easy to pull off, but it's in Melee anyway. We'll know everything in a matter of months... until then, let the utterly pointless chaos continue!
  11. What is this game? I have not heard of it. Can you provide a link to the Supper Brothers website?
  12. Here's some cud to chew on like the SSBB-info-cows you are: It appears maybe you no longer jump using the control stick (or direction pad, if that's what you use). I approve. Also, has anyone seen a screenshot or part in the movie where a player uses their shield? I don't think I have... but I'm pretty sure Pit does the traditional shield-dodge thingy in one of the movies, only without the 'shield' part. I also approve of "no shields", if that's what they're doing - shields made a lot of projectiles pointless in my opinion...
  13. Well, it's looking more and more likely Samus will actually have a decent Beam weapon this time =) And by "decent", I mean fun as a gamplay element and an important part of Samus' arsenal, not nessesarily powerful.
  14. uh oh, it looks like Jig- OH NO JIGGLYPUFF DON'T SING, DON- NOO, run! The music notes, they're everywhere! AAAA- ..zzzzzz... That would be the best move Jigglypuff could possibly have. Of course then they'd need to get rid of her regular singing move, and the resting move too... but those moves both sucked! Everybody wins! =D [Edit] "Rockin'"? Well, I suppose it is better than "psi happy". Just think: they could have each Ness player enter the name of the smash move, so it could say it on the screen when you unleash the move. Either that or ness could just say "PK *mumble*" like he does in Melee, and you can pretent it's whatever you want! I still think Ness saying "PK Flash" in Melee sounds exactly like "PK Praust".... I hope he stops saying "PK" too.
  15. Totally agreed. I interpreted "once" as "once per life". So, say, Suited Samus does the move and turns into Zero Suit, right? When she dies, I'm guessing she'll come back as Suited and be able to do the move again; same story for all the other characters. The only thing I'm woried that they MIGHT screw up is the appearance of the item. Will it go hidden off-screen for minutes like items in Melee that only CPU players can see? Can it appear under your foot as you land like explosive items in Melee? Will it shine blinding rays of light over the entire map and play a catchy theme song? Do do, do do do, do dah dah dooo - um, nevermind.
  16. I didn't expect the winner would be! Congratulations,! [Edit] That's a good idea. One announcement with both the winner and the new comp's theme, to save time and space. [Edit] Woah, WOAH! I just re-read Ninja-san's post and realized it made no sense! "get forum in the Annoucements"? "competion"? My mind is being boggled!
  17. Clearly you are able to move around AFTER you get the item but BEFORE you do the move (or at least Mario is). I'd imagine with Link and Kirby, you'd need to physically hunt someone down before you unleash your TERRIBLE FURY- or your, um, cooking pot That proves my theory 100%. (Or maybe not...) HOLY CRAP WHY ON EARTH AM I HAVING MAJOR DE JA VU??! Anyway, it calls it an "item", yet it is not in the "items" category on the site. It almost definately won't appear on the normal "Item Select" screen thing, but rather as a completely separate option. Not that I actually care about tournaments or their rules.... Oh, oh, me too! I'm pretty confident they won't screw it up with any "shake the Wiimote" or "push buttons repeatedly" crap. stab stab stab stab stab stab stab stab stab C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!
  18. If you click on a tiny, tiny screenshot it'll show you a tiny screenshot. Try it, it works. My theory about the website: once they get at least one thing in each category, stuff will start to flow in quicker. First he'll post few more minor things like the gooey bomb - they'll say little about specific details, but they'll make subtle statements like "We're throwing out the old items that suck and adding good new ones that make for a fun and balanced game". Then he's gonna "reveal" all the characters we already know about, then others from Melee like Bowser and Zelda, and THEN any third party characters. I'm optimistic about Sonic myself, but Megaman just doesn't seem too likely right now
  19. Awww, if my computer hadn't have broke, my awsome drawing would've completely won =( Now I owe you guys TWO unfinished entries, and I haven't been able to touch them for weeks and weeks (and counting...) Alas, mine goodly work sadly doth remain unscann'd! Woe, etc.
  20. I don't think it's possible to have a song that's not much better than that one. Eh, I shouldn't say that, it's not that bad... it's just an "oh no I got this crappy song stuck in my head" kind of song, and, not good. At all. Bleh, just ignore my ramblings ^^
  21. *item fanfare* Watermelon Beam Acquired. Press A to fire seeds. Link could use his seed shooter from the GBA Oracle of Something game. Pit could shoot the seeds out of his magic bow thing somehow. And Wario - wait, maybe I won't say that one. And I totally agree, the choice of SSB stages in Melee was very poor. The only thing wrong with Hyrule Castle I think was that you didn't get a kill if you hit your opponent into a tornado to kill them. And the tornados were a little annoying - but they could've nerfed them, or just gotten rid of them in Melee. Oh well... The MK level was great fun, but they probably decided against it because there were already two other 8-bit NES Mario levels. Pokefloats was just bad, and I think the Kraid level and bonus F-Zero one are a little too annoying (especially when the camera doesn't pan low enough to actually see where you want to land, which is most of the time). It looks like the Brawl stages, with all their destructableness and such, have a ton of potential. I'm sure they'll come up with stuff as good as/better than SSB's, and specifically suited to Brawl's style of play.
  22. Oh, definately =] Since it's no longer a contest entry, I'm gonna add music to it too. Heh, after midnight, and look what day it is now! But seriously, my post says the truth. Or does it????
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