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Everything posted by friendlyHunter
FAC - Fan Art Competition 10: Castlevania [RESULTS]
friendlyHunter replied to atmuh's topic in Competitions
Nice theme choice, and congrats! I've already got a pretty decent idea, hope I have time to get it done this time. -
Yeah, those three are pretty obvious, but in Smash Bros. they're clearly much different than they originally were. Link's spin attack is different because he spins so many times, and doesn't seem to really swing his sword - but I'll admit the goofy spinning like a top looks much more fitting when Link's in the air. Samus' charge shot in SB is so completely different from anything in a Metroid game, I won't even go into that. Mario's cape - they can make Link spin like Mario on steroids, but somehow Mario just does a lame little swing? The original cape damaged/killed enemies, and never reflected projectiles back (though it did deflect them into oblivion...). Ah well, who cares =P
Paper Mario as a character! =D And yeah, Kirby will definately get the Samus hair (if the move he steals is indeed a Zero-Suit-only move). MAN that would look weird.... but not as weird as "Cloud" Kirby, or "The Moon" Kirby. Quick, someone photoshop up a Moon Kirby! And now, my little (big) rant on clone characters: Let's consider Pikachu as a character in the Pokemon game and cartoon series'. He can do several different things with his electrical abilities - let's say 20 things. To turn him into a SB character, what you want to do is take a bunch of those things which are representative of the original character, and turn them into around 4-12 Smash Bros moves (B-moves, smashes, throws, etc.). Now you want another character: Pichu. What you want to do is start this process over from the beginning, picking things that Pichu does in specific, things that make Pichu special (note: I know very little about Pokemon). Now why on earth would one take the moves from Pikachu's character?? Time and money constraints, it's lazier, "because I can"... the list goes on! When I critisized clone characters here way back when, I got several responses saying that that aspect of character development was NOT rushed, and they did indeed make the best choice. I roll my eyes at you Melee "fanboys"! :roll: I'm not saying it was an awful choice (it's still fun, and there's more variety, etc.), but it defeats the purpose of fighting as specific characters when their moves have nothing to do with said characters. Now lets use another example: First you want to design Captian Falcon, a character who's potential fighting moves can come only from tiny tidbits of information given in a few racing games, and a character from a TV show. I'm glad to say they did an awsome job (though my only knowledge of the show comes from that awsome Falcon Punch video ^^). Anyway, now you want to make Ganondorf, who's got nothing do with the Cap'n. Yet all his moves are exactly the same for some reason. Major corner cutting? Definately. Fun? Yep. Ganondorf? Well, he looks and sounds like him, and he's got some purple stuff....? but it's not Ganondorf, really. How would everyone feel if Sonic was in Brawl, but he only had Captain Falcon's moves? I dunno, I'd think being a cheap clone would be worse than not being included at all. The main problem is that moves that fit in SSB's or Melee's fighting style may not fit in Brawl's. Others (Mario's cape swing, Peach's exploding butt thing) seem to have come way out of left field and don't represent the original character AT ALL (correct me if those two particular moves are actually in a Mario game, I'm a little curious ). I'm hoping they come up with all new move sets for the B-moves - all of them should be either replaced, or tweaked to fit both into Brawl's fighting style AND the original material. Some moves, such as Peach's vegetables and Samus' screw attack, fit very nicely into both the gameplay, and honouring the previous Mario/Metroid games - I couldn't complain if they kept these virtually the same. On the other hand, there are moves like Link's sword spin and Samus' charge shot - they're practically EXACTLY the same in SSB and SSBM, and yet you don't do anything close to that in any Zelda/Metroid games. Seems they've become Smash Bros. staples, but I won't be sad to see the spin attack and charge shot axed (or even better, changed to be a lot more like a Zelda/Metroid game). Call it whining (because it is, really), but I think the characters should get their moves from the games they came from. Bottom line: I want to play with mostly new moves, not the exact same ones from two other games. Online play is yet another reason to do this: If Brawl's moves are all the same, pro Melee veterans get to use all their insane Melee skills in Brawl, and Melee newbs would come into Brawl unable to have a chance of winning a match. You can't have massive skill gaps in online play, unless you have a really good skill-matching system. Granted, I don't have a DS so I don't know what I'm talking about here . Same thing applies for single player - leveling the playing field by having new sets of moves will give single player a LOT more potential (won't be way too easy or way too hard). Sorry to bore you all. But c'mon, whining and being opinionated - that what this thread's all about, right? [Edit] Meta Knight's got a lot more than just a mask (and he has wings too, I think?) - even I'd be able to easily tell the difference ;p
Fan Art Comptition 9: Metroid [Results]
friendlyHunter replied to The Lone Gunman's topic in Competitions
.... results soon? [Edit] And have there been a lot of votes yet? -
does anyone know what he just said? I honestly don't get it. im not going to wet my pants because someone doesn't like my favorite game, but when you say it sucks for some reason that makes no sense at all, i just want you to clarify a little. just pick any one of the thousands of ssbm vids on youtube and show me where the graphics detract from the gameplay. Ah, sorry, looks like my rediculous sentence was too unreadable. Here it is in point form: Characteristics of the players that make them difficult to follow: - they are often a very small size on the screen - they change colour a lot (on fire, punched by gannondorf, etc, etc) - they often change direction suddenly and move very long distances in a short amount of time (dodges, rolls, jumps, a lot of moves, getting hit, etc) - fast camera movement (zooming/panning) contributes a bit too Things the characters are often behind, partially or completely blocking view of them for varying amount of time: - flashing white smoke thingies (you know, the ones that appear whenever anything happens) - fire and explosions, etc. - the score display (damage percentage and number of lives) I am genuinely curious: am I the only one in the world who has a problem following the gameplay when I play? I'm often losing track of which character/flying object I am, causing me to fall off the stage just often enough to make it really annoying. I also find it difficult to tell which way I'm facing in mid-air, and whether I'm "stunned" after a hit. In the original SSB, you could clearly tell when you were spinning and could not do a double jump, which direction you were facing, and whether you still had a B-up move left in you. In Melee - I haven't got a hot clue half of the time. The high falling speed in Melee accentuates this problem a lot - I have trouble playing with Falco, and surviving on the DK stage (the one with Cranky, and without the DK rap). Actually, my problem with that DK level is mainly because of the camera - the angle makes it difficult to tell exactly which part of the ledge you can grab onto, and it's hard to see the platforms that players aren't on. Anyone else notice ANY of this stuff? Anyone? I'm definately not saying SSBM sucks because of this - I am however saying that I liked the original a lot better in that particular aspect. And it looks like the developers have caught on - the Brawl videos seem to have that non-melee "feel" where the characters actually have some weight and girth, and don't keep zipping around huge distances like deranged mosquitos. Or somethin' Also note, little I say here is completely serious - don't over-dissect anything I wrote!
Heh, I remember when I made a post saying many bad things about Melee in a SSB thread - many a Melee fan's pants became wet. (wetter?) I must say I don't agree with much of what Iggy said. I have high hopes for Brawl - I loved every gameplay element they showed in the video: the stage size, the characters' speeds, jumps, moves, hits, umm, dodges too maybe? And I can't complain enough about how Melee's graphics, especially compared to SSB's simplicity, are insanely cluttered and distracting (characters that are no more than a dozen pixels high, changing colour and suddenly appearing in different places all the time, behind a wall of flashing white smoke thingies, fire, explosions, AND the scoreboard - I just can't follow it. I must have the opposite of ADD... or maybe I'm drunk. Sometimes drunk?) Well, I'm glad to say Brawl looks to have SSB's simplicity back - now with good graphics! Full-bodied paths of smoke that last for more than half a second, awsome light trails behind swung blades, nice tight stages that don't zoom out the camera and turn the players into tiny dots, actually being able to manuever around small platforms without accidently jumping off the stage.... looks like Brawl has it all! Or, rather it awl.....?? lawl?
Fan Art Comptition 9: Metroid [Results]
friendlyHunter replied to The Lone Gunman's topic in Competitions
Something to keep in mind in choosing a theme: the people who HAVEN'T played the games. Since System Shock 2 is such an amazing game, I once considered choosing it as the theme. But many who have not played it would research into the game, revealing major spoilers and such. Then the art would spoil plot details for anyone who votes (or the poor souls who see the art without voting). SS2 is one of those games that EVERYONE SHOULD PLAY. The fact that not everyone knows what it's all about, and that none but those who've played it know anything about the plot, is part of what makes it so awesome and mysterious. SS2 has the kind of story that you actually need to experience - you can't feel the full depth and magnitude of the story unless you play it. Preferably alone, at night, in the dark, with headphones. From what I've read, Shadow of the Collosus was kind of the same deal - you need to PLAY it to know its power. Having not played the game myself, the contest gave me little motivation to delve into the plot details and really appreciate the game and the experience of playing it, thus I was not very appreciative of the art =( Same with Ico, I suppose. I wish I had a PS2.... By the way, SS2 is a PC game that is now free (completely legal to download), get it now!! It's also old (bad graphics ahoy!), so it can run on ye olde junk computer. If everyone on OCR beats SS2, then we can have it as a contest theme Maybe if Bioshock is a big hit, we could have that as a future theme =D Earthbound? I'd say enough people have played it for it's awsomeness to be appreciated. Castlevania? Contra? Kriby? MGS? Chrono seris? Katamari damacy? Half-Life? Same story, I think; wide enough audience for a good compitition. Warcarft? ehh-- TOO wide an audience. Blizzard's FIRST annual art contest alone had enough Warcraft art to choke an orc - the world doesn't need any more -
Fan Art Comptition 9: Metroid [Results]
friendlyHunter replied to The Lone Gunman's topic in Competitions
Voted. Great stuff this time! Anyone have ideas for future months? I'm thinking Mortal Kombat would be fun =p -
Sad face? 'Cause you didn't notice it and then tell everyone your "crazy" theory only to have it come true making you win 600 dollars from everyone who bet against Pit being in Brawl, and you save up the money to buy 10 copies of SSBB and then you get really good with Pit just so everyone who plays with you sees you playing with Pit and is reminded that you said Pit would be in Brawl before it was announced? Probably. I'm hoping that there aren't any clone characters and moves (even Mario & Luigi with different moves would be great), it kind of defeats the purpose of, you know.... having a bunch of different video game characters. I totally agree, a Zelda with light arrows (and no Sheik) would be great, as would a completely new Ganondorf with moves from the games (big energy ball thing that you can hit back and forth!!). Hmmm, has Ganondorf ever had Ganon's trademark trident weapon in any games? From the videos, I'm heavily impressed by what the gameplay looks like, but I can't remember seeing any projectiles in them... I'm hoping projectiles for characters like Samus become an important part of their repotoire - a B (or even A) move that shoots a weak very-short ranged beam would be, for lack of a better term, freaking awesome! Samus needs some rapid-fire shoot'em up action!! [Edit] AND a decent amount of morph ball action. If they make suited Samus CRAWL when you crouch and move at the same time, I'll cry. Not because of that, but I'm bound to cry about something one of these decades.....
Fan Art Comptition 9: Metroid [Results]
friendlyHunter replied to The Lone Gunman's topic in Competitions
Turns out the uncoloured pics look horrid, so instead of showing the unfinished comic I'm just gonna enter a couple of the best panels (spliced together into one image). I'll finish the comic eventually though... maybe I'll end up submitting it to Newgrounds or something? -
Fan Art Comptition 9: Metroid [Results]
friendlyHunter replied to The Lone Gunman's topic in Competitions
Wowww, lots of submissions :nicework: !! As for mine, I'll have to submit it unfinished. Half of the panels will look like ugly uncoloured sketches (mostly because they ARE ugly uncoloured sketches), and a whole section (at the ending) will be missing. With any luck, you'll be left saying "IS THAT ALL????". But I should have no problem finishing the whole thing before the voting is over =) -
Fan Art Comptition 9: Metroid [Results]
friendlyHunter replied to The Lone Gunman's topic in Competitions
Well, I probably won't have time to finish mine - that is, unless I cut some corners. Many, many corners. Hope eveyone likes insanely fast sketches that are badly coloured, I know I do! How's everyone else who hasn't submitted yet doing? Any chance for a deadline extension? (I always though the 23rd was pretty early...) -
Fan Art Comptition 9: Metroid [Results]
friendlyHunter replied to The Lone Gunman's topic in Competitions
You're right, they're not any clearer - but the multiple angles and such reveal volumes about their shape and stuff. Thanks!! -
Fan Art Comptition 9: Metroid [Results]
friendlyHunter replied to The Lone Gunman's topic in Competitions
In my blind fanatisism, I'm hoping (though very sceptically) that they'll have SA-X as a character in Smash Bros Brawl (either that or Dark Samus). Or even in a sequel to Metroid Fusion. WHEN WILL THEY MAKE A SEQUEL TO METROID FUSION????? I'm guessing it's gonna be so awsome, they haven't yet been able to put together a team that's awsome enough to start it. Still gonna do that? ;] If you don't have time for it, I totally understand. Actually, I've managed to extract some hidden quality from that fuzzy inglet picture I found. But a clearer sketch or screenshot would definately be nice =D And here's a progress update why not: I've drawn a sadly low number of panels, but I'll try and pump out a whole ton in the next couple days. I've also got all the Flash stuff going smoothly. Ooooo excitedness!! -
I'm sorry, I have to deduct some marks because you can't spell or count to 5. Sorry, I'm being mean, aren't I. Just returning the favour
Fan Art Comptition 9: Metroid [Results]
friendlyHunter replied to The Lone Gunman's topic in Competitions
I was making some practice drawings, and I'm glad to say one of them was too kick-ass to not put in my comic. It also means I'm completely changing the style of how I was originally gonna do it - it's now gonna be in my "chaotic lines all over the place" style that seems to repel votes like... vote repellant. Well I'm gonna have a lot of fun with this anyway, and the result will not dissapoint =D I'm also happy to see that others are interested coughBEANcough, looking forward to some great stuff! Any "progress" on the Inglet screenshot, or the sketch? The deadline approacheth... -
Fixed I didn't see the movie yet. I'm not the type to overanalyze movies (unless maybe I like them), so I'll probably enjoy it for the goodness that it has. (And where was that "profit" thing originally from anyway?)
Fan Art Comptition 9: Metroid [Results]
friendlyHunter replied to The Lone Gunman's topic in Competitions
Aw, I'm regular, this post doesn't count =( Just out of curiosity, anyone else started yet? I've planned out the panels and written the script, so I guess that counts as starting, sort of.... Now I'm all ready to start drawing (but I still can't draw any inglets yet =[ ) [Edit] Anyone out there strapped for ideas? Here's one: Samus shooting a barrage of missiles at a Gamma Metroid. -
Fan Art Comptition 9: Metroid [Results]
friendlyHunter replied to The Lone Gunman's topic in Competitions
Yay, thanks! -
Let's find fanart that's actually GOOD
friendlyHunter replied to sephfire's topic in General Discussion
FOUR IMAGE LIMIT MY A- Ahem... here's two more: This one's a 3D model, not a drawing: -
Let's find fanart that's actually GOOD
friendlyHunter replied to sephfire's topic in General Discussion
Why, WHY does it log you out and erase your post?!?!? Here's some stuff from Blizzard art contest they held. http://www.blizzard.com/inblizz/contests/artcontest2006/ I'm afraid your "About the best piece of Warcraft fanart ever" isn't very good compared to these (and a whole lot of other stuff in this thread, in my opinion). -
Fan Art Comptition 9: Metroid [Results]
friendlyHunter replied to The Lone Gunman's topic in Competitions
Alright, I need help. NO, not phychologically - I need a reference pic of an Inglet, those little eye-on-a-stick guys from Metroid Prime 2. The internet seems to have ONE picture of one (and it was very hard to find), but it's incredibly blurry. I found no drawings of it either. Don't search the internet for it yourself, I already checked!! If anyone can take a screenshot or make a quick sketch of one (so I know what they actually look like), I'll be VERY happy. The alternative is playing through a huge chunk of MP2 for the fourth or fifth time - and I don't think I have the time or patience for that while there's Twilight Princess to be played -
The third one remids me of one of the minigame songs from one of the first 3 Mario Party games, but that's probably not it.
Fan Art Comptition 9: Metroid [Results]
friendlyHunter replied to The Lone Gunman's topic in Competitions
Anyway, here's what I originally wanted to post: My Metroid Prime 2 saved games mysteriously dissapeared from my memory card, so currently I'm unable to make my entry (which was gonna be a short comic strip based on MP2). I need either: 1) Close-up screenshots of certain things in the game, which I highly doubt exist. Perhaps there's screenshots database of all the scan data somewhere? 2) Some kind of gamecube emulator and MP2 ROM with a save file (I haven't looked into this yet). This should be 100% legal since I own the game. 3) Another good idea for an entry that's within my limits of time, ability, and patience. 4) Ummm.... guess I'm taking requests now, I suppose? I don't do good photorealism unless I have a great source photo/picture/thing in front of me, so don't make me. I'm screwed, aren't I? =[ Guess I'll go looking for those screenshots now..... [Edit] 5) I could make the style so insane that it doesn't matter WHAT the original stuff looked like. Same goes for the story. Could be interesting, but I'd rather base it off the original.... -
Fan Art Comptition 9: Metroid [Results]
friendlyHunter replied to The Lone Gunman's topic in Competitions
Seeing as how this is a game music remixing site... we could request they have the competitions section changed to music and game competitions?