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Everything posted by friendlyHunter

  1. Oh crap =( What if I make the sprites do things... things they were never meant to do in a game? Things that will BLOW YOUR MIND!!??! For example, would something along the lines of this be allowed as an entry? (MK vs. SF 3 fight) http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/377529 [Edit] Maybe that wasn't actually a good example - my idea uses sprites with considerably less frames, and does arguably more complex stuff with them. Like I said I'll make it anyway - I'm happy with a bonus entry =p [Edit] Or... I could maybe use sprites with a few frames and then make a huge amount of new frames for them? That'd get the best results probably... Or even give old sprites a complete graphical overhaul. It might axe the retro feel I originally wanted, but... let's see what happens......
  2. Is making a Flash animation using sprites allowed? It'd BETTER BE!! Even if it's not allowed, I'll probably make it anyway, my idea's just too awesome.
  3. Someone should put shpladoink's quote in their sig.
  4. =D Etch-a-Snake? Etch-a-Simon? Etch-a-Death? Etch-a-skeleton? Etch-a-Shredder? Etch-etch-revolution? Ummm, etch-a...ship-from-LifeForce?
  5. Ha! Indeed =) I know this is completely unrelated' date=' but that reminded me of Earthbound for a second. They should totally have a Moonside stage!!! =O It'd be the third-trippiest thing ever!!!! "If you stay here too long, you'll end up frying your brain. Yes, you will. No, you will...not. Yesno you will won't." ...Also, a Lost Woods stage still seems likely. It ties in with the OOT medley, and the lost woods in TP seemed like the perfect fit for a SSB level (lots of high up places and big holes). ...... I'm just hoping they don't start releasing assist trophies in the daily updates. There's so much better stuff to release, and having as many surprise trophies as possible in-game would be a good thing =) I'm wondering what they're gonna do for any new F-zero levels. It'd be interesting to fight at the same angle (relative to the track) as the Mute City stage, but instead you're standing on the cars.
  6. Woah, that one's WAY off. I think it's more like Corneria from Star Fox 64, but you're fighting on a bridge instead of flying in a ship.
  7. I think it's gorg- oh wait. I'm... not seeing any resemblance. In fact, the two stages couldn't really be more different. The terrain is flat. I mean, really flat. And the enemy leader, King Bulblin, makes cameo appearances. Occasionally, he uses bombs to blast holes in the stage. But don’t worry. The missing chunk will be magically transported via portal to fill in the gap. [Edit] Wow, every time I post here it seems to appear at the start of a new page. Coincidence? Or evil scheme to take over the world???
  8. Nintendo would be wise to release SSB on the Virtual Console.... and then add online multiplayer for the Virtual Console....
  9. Aha, a chance to revive that Contra animated gif I made way back in the day: http://img54.imageshack.us/img54/1636/fh8contrajt7.gif Yeah, I'll make something new too. Too bad I can't enter my 75% complete entry from the Castlevania competition =\ [Edit] Holy crap I should put that gif in my sig and have it link to this thread, henceforth saving Christmas. .... and possibly the competition.
  10. Mr. L from Super Paper Mario! Yeah, Mr. L and Luigi are actually the same guy - it took me several weeks to figure it out. They left JUST ENOUGH subtle clues, without making it the slightest bit apparent at first glance. Those clever developers! ...any ideas what Pit, Fox, Wario, Yoshi, Zelda, or Metaknight might do? I'm looking at you, Vidilian! Yoshi should totally throw bouncy eggs everywhere, like in Yoshi's Island. Would be great fun both to shoot and to dodge =)
  11. Indeed, Giant Invincible Bowser would make a great Final Smash. Straight outta Paper Mario, too =) [Edit] I'm still waiting for a Bowser's castle stage though =D
  12. Yep, I know that now of course - it's just that Zelda's B up move = Farore's Wind didn't quite click for me until that moment =)
  13. Here's a fun little story that's almost completely off topic: [Warning, contains minor Twilight Princess spoilers] So I was playing TP, I was in the Temple of Time, and I get to a room where all paths are blocked off by gates. I'm thinking "Hmm, there's a lot of gates in this dungeon... there's probably an item that lets you get past them." I turn around, and there's a shiny green diamond - could it be: Farore's Wind??! WOW now I'll be able to warp past all the gates - it probably looks exactly like Zelda's teleportation in Smash Bros.! Wow, now I completely understand what Zelda's moves are... are they including past Smash Bros. moves in future games now?! These items can't get much better! So, I try to get it, expecting the triumphant DA DA DA DAAAA!!! ummm, oh.... it's a switch to open the gates Luckily the item in that dungeon turned out to be even better than teleportation. =)
  14. I'd be willing to bet that all the characters Eulogic mentioned (except Capt. Falcon) will NOT be playable in Brawl. Some of those characters have had more than their fair share of the spotlight, others are silly clones who's novelty has worn off, and some simply don't fit with Brawl's updated character designs (e.g Young Link and Sheik). Did they work in Melee? Sure, if you liked those characters in tournaments, and didn't particularly care about the games they were from, or the fact that they were clones. I sure wouldn't mind seeing any of them go. Think of it this way: does Young Link make sense as an assist trophy in Brawl? I'd imagine most would say "No, Link's already a playable character!" Why on earth did they make Young Link and other clones in Melee then? Clearly, it was from a pure gameplay standpoint - clones offered varied gameplay for serious players who can actually notice the subtle differences, but showed some major carelessness (e.g Young Link shoots Fire Arrows, which do less damage than Adult Link's regular arrows??) that Brawl has so far not shown. Brawl's gameplay is bound to be much different than Melee (especially from a competitive perspective), so a new Young Link would play completely differently in Brawl, and the issue of whether Young Link and others were good characters in Melee becomes irrelevant.
  15. What the- I could've sworn I'd posted here today... So, voting done? Can't wait to see next contest - now that school's most likely over for all, should see more activity...
  16. Well, now I'm relatively convinced we'll see Ridley, King Dedede, Little Mac, a freaking ton of Zelda characters (Goron, Tingle (hopefully non-invincible), iron knuckle, etc.) and most characters from Melee. They might even have a playable Sonic, then throw Tails, Knuckles, Robotnic, etc. in as trophies! Characters (playable or otherwise) I'm really hoping for: Paper Mario Diddy & Dixie Kong heck YEAH a Golden Sun character! Megaman (though my hopes are low...) A Belmont The Bubble Bobble guys Grim Reaper guy from Kid Icarus (as a trophy of course) Metroids (would be the greatest assist trophy ever! Watch it fly at characters, forcing them to either run or hit it away temporarily, then latch on and watch the damage pile up..... ) It'd be pretty interesting if bosses appeared. Countless Megaman bosses! Tubba Blubba! Francis! Majora's Mask! Freaking Dracula! I'm sure we could compile a massive list, but what's the point...... .... [warning: Marx video contains spoilers for whatever Kirby game he's from]
  17. I just randomly looked at a thread, and I found this gem! Ha ha, hahaha!! Nice! But seriously, when it comes to RPGs, I LOVE challenge, and I hate "grinding", yet I obsessively figure out which items are the best to equip on whom (I found that to be quite fun in Golden Sun and Earthbound, and even Paper Mario 2). And, I often find myself being very stingy with the game's currency... never know when I'll need to go to a store and buy 8 of everything! And then when the game ends: "Aww, that was WAY too easy!" Yet only I am to blame! But I've never played FF1. I'll, um, be leaving this thread now... >_>
  18. Good is either better than new or as good as new? In other words, new is never more good than goodness itself? Sounds about right to me =) Rant time! I honestly don't get why some don't like the idea of Brawl being different than Melee. Want a game that's NOT new and different? I'll give you two: they're called Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros.! There, go have fun, you don't even have to wait 4 months to go play them! Seriously, I can't believe I have to spell this out.... why even care about Brawl if you think it's going to play the same way as Melee? (btw I'm not talking about wavedashing at the moment... though I'd greatly prefer that if it IS in Brawl, it's not a move that's difficult to do AND gives you any kind of advantage.) That is all...
  19. Yeah, seems Metaknight isn't twirling on the platform after all, he's either running or crouched-running. I tried doing that in Melee for a few minutes - somehow only ONCE I got the guy to land hard as if he's been hit, the other 100 tries were normal landings. I still think it's quite possible that metaknight is going through the platform - characters flip like that when they go through platforms. Mind you, I don't know exactly what teching is (it involves pressing L and down, right?). Ahh, too much speculation, not enough proof, I'm done here =p
  20. So I decided to download a Quicktime (.mov) version of the Nintendo World trailer so I could watch the fighting frame by frame (you can step to next/prev frame by pressing left/right) ... WOW! It's bind-boggling how much detail they put into every single animation and effect. It is, to say the least, beautiful. So don't worry about Brawl having bad graphics - it won't. The only flaw I noticed was the crappy physics for Samus's ponytail (it moves like a bunch of cans strung together end to end, and at one point it gets stuck straight through Samus' torso). Plus, if you think updates aren't coming fast enough... you can see tons of new moves that are impossible to notice when the video's played at a normal speed. - Wario does his 'turn upside-down' move at one point (and then gets hit by a Mario Kart immediately after, if I recall correctly) - Link's B up sword spin looks absolutely insane in slow motion. And he shoots high velocity arrows pretty darn fast. - In the shot where Wario does the potential wavedash, you can really see exactly what he's doing. He does not in fact "crouch" slightly until the exact moment that he touches the ground (I don't know enough about wavedashing to know if that's significant or not...). In this same sequence (a few seconds before Wario does it) Metaknight does some aerial moves and then lands the EXACT same way as Wario - sliding to the left, same poofy smoke and everything. Metaknight lands on flat ground, not a slope. And while Wario stays facing the same direction throughout, Meta does a neat little twirl - before continuing to do a fancy barrel roll off the edge of the platform (or through the platform?). - The moving clouds in several stages (battlefield, the castle seige) look superb, from the fleeting seconds they are shown in the movie. - Hell, the animation of the logo looks amazing - I'm not 100% sure, but it looks a LOT like Snake has a grenade move. In the shot where all the platforms break in the heavenly-type stage, right at the start - there is a grenade-like object falling straight down beside Snake. Snake appears to get hit by Pit from below, and the grenade falls on Pit and explodes. You can clearly see the explosion where the grenade landed, and Pit's on fire when he flies off the stage. At the very beginning of the 'wavedash' sequence, someone is exploding directly above Snake. It would appear that Snake throws grenades directly upwards. - Several characters clearly do a kind of 'shield-roll/dodge' type move, but without using a shield. It looks like characters, while doing this move, may not be invincible - every time it is shown, the guy is swinging behind his opponent so fast that he's already behind his opponent before the opponent attacks in the wrong direction. I'm pretty confident there are no shields, and also pretty sure that whatever Wario does is not the same as a wavedash from Melee (or at least not done the same way - Wario's and Metaknight's timing are both TOO perfect). ...we'll probably find out all that out in a few weeks anyway =P
  21. You don't need a fancy physics system to have characters with momuntum - It might be nice if when someone hits you, you kept some of the momentum you had before you got hit. That way, if you're running or falling towards someone quickly and they hit you, you may only slow down, rather than stop or change direction. As damage increases, momuntum would have less of an effect, and you'd go flying far no matter how heavy you are. But I'm perfectly happy with the completely unreaslistic physics =) Certainly a possibility for the bike move =D [Edit] Yeah, I mean a Zebes or Talon level where it closely resembles a particular room in Super Metroid or Metroid Prime, rather than an awkward floating platform in a giant cave that has little to do about Metroid :]
  22. Star KO'd? Watch the first 10 seconds or so of the Nintendo World trailer, you'll see kirby kick two guys up in the air, resulting in regular-looking KOs. Not sure if I'll miss them, they made for unnessesarily long breaks in the action. Also this could mean that some levels can be in more enclosed, possibly small cavernous spaces, say, deep underground inside certain planets. Now Wario has to do his WAHHHHHHH! every time he gets KO'd! ....it just won't be quite the same though
  23. On wavedashing: This seems likely, and also would be a VERY fun gameplay element. It would be almost like a wavedash that's easy for everyone to use! That'd be fun =D Or perhaps they are just making wavedashing easier to use. Or maybe it's neither a wavedash nor a roll - that's simply how players land in Brawl. They've introduced walking/crawling while you're crouched - maybe you do a kind of wavedash-like thing if you're holding down as you land. Whatever it is (unless it's similar to a wavedash in Melee), it looks like good fun. ... have we seen any aerial dodges in any of the videos? If not, it seems very likely it's not a wavedash. I'd imagine aerial dodges would not work well in Brawl, and it seems likely they've removed them: wouldn't it suck if you could dodge some final smashes (certainly Pikachu's) by pressing a button with good timing? Nice reading! Anyway, looks like some special moves (definately those two of Wario's) are gonna have big strategical implicaitons. Can Wario hop on his bike right now and quickly ride towards the Smash Ball? Do I have to beware of an impending explosion? .... I'm just psyched that Wario's final smash is probably gonna be even more awsome than both of those moves. It better not be another fart move though. I'm hoping Wario has a lot of attacks from the Gameboy Warioland games, especially the GBA Warioland 4. That game had some niiice moves, very Wario-esque.
  24. Heh, never said you were wrong - just that the other schemes may have more potential than it may at first appear (if the developers do it right). However, I can probably think of alternate schemes for the Gamecube controller that are better than any other controllers' possible schemes. I agree that MOTION sensing won't work well - but they might not go the weak Twilight Princess 'move the remote to attack' route. Instead they could use the pointer and the gyro thingy to sense position and orientation. I can imagine some will find that tilting the remote or nunchuck can be done just as fast or faster than tilting a control stick, and that some may possibly prefer that to a control stick. It's definately a plus when you don't have enough gamecube controllers, anyway.
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