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Everything posted by Shhteve

  1. A Xenogears project, eh? Time to keep a close eye out.. should be interesting.
  2. Wow.. you did an amazing job with this. I totally dig the FF5 tune you covered so well. Marry me?
  3. Here to put my two cents in. Congratulations, Jill and BGC! Help us keep the quality +1.
  4. I'll be putting this one on loop for a while. I found it really catchy, and it's funny how I can recognize just about every synth used in this mix. Great job Rellik!
  5. I was beginning to wonder if OCR would ever be graced with Grandia 2 remixes. This is a great start, and hopefully the remix to open the doors to more Grandia 2 remixes for the future.
  6. I feel you've both succeeded in creating the Mitsuda feel, and really blown this out of the water. Amazing job.
  7. Whenever I "remixed" this in my mind, it would always turn out to sound very much like this does. It's very awesome, and progresses to be very catchy. The element of mystery remains intact, if not tighter than in the original. The element of badass is higher than ever.
  8. It looks to me that FFMQ OST gets the much needed redemption it deserves with this track. Funky groovy in the greatest way possible.
  9. This piece really fits the time of the year, 'tis the season for wholesome piano scores! I couldn't help but let my foot tap out of control while listening along. Short but sweet, and most definitely brings a lot to the table. Hey, for a live recording, this came out pretty darn good! I hardly would've noticed a difference.
  10. I don't know about any of you others, but I thoroughly enjoyed this piece. Sometimes repetitiveness can be a good thing, and this is a fine example of how it should be executed (in my opinion). Good lounge stuff.
  11. There's some serious skill represented in this track. It brought a horde of memories of the game and 600 AD flooding back to my mind. It also shone some light on some aspects of the track that I never really seemed to notice before. C-Pac has expanded upon an already memorable track and done so in pianic grace. Good stuff here.
  12. At level 60, it's all about PVP and doing high end instances. It's either good or bad depending upon what kind of associates you're working with. At that point, the community is what makes the game.
  13. I got my XXL Hoodie. Have you?!
  14. If anyone can give an 11 out of 10 score on any track on OCR, it'd definitely be this one. Completely original, each aspect of this piece compliments one another. From the ambient piano to the haunting lyrics.. beautiful.
  15. I've heard this remix somewhere before but can't put my finger on where.. maybe it was in the WIP forums? I'm not sure, but I do remember that I enjoyed this mix thoroughly and wondered often why it was never officially posted on the site. I'm glad that the judges have passed this finally, good to see good stuff make it, even after all this time.
  16. I have to say that this is the best trance mix I've heard on OCR in what seems like decades. Very well put together mix, streams seamlessly together like fine woven cloth. I would dance to this in a shameless gamer fashion.
  17. Wow, this is a really nice track and one of my favorite S&K tracks. Good coverage.
  18. It took a while to progress to a point where I enjoyed listening to it (which happened at around 1:40 or so, not sure on exact time), slow introductions are usually a killer for orchestras (the bad kind of killer), but other than that I really dig this. I don't know about you guys, but it sounds very incomplete at the end.. did anyone else notice?
  19. Good mix, but I think it would have been better to have lyrics to go with it.. I don't know if anyone would agree with me here, but to add some significant lyrics to this track would really juice it up.
  20. I'm not really feeling this track.. as much as I like Megaman games, I just.. I'm not feeling this. Sorry guys.
  21. Mazedude has most definitely achieved the weirded out trip-funk groove that Earthbound is fluent in and has taken it to a much higher degree. You can't deny the funk!
  22. I agree with Grey, this is two thumbs up, quality work here. I dig.
  23. All I have to say is the following: RELM: THE MOTION PICTURE! Excellent job.
  24. Something OCR can never have enough of: Smooth jazz mixes. Especially ones like this. I think it's safe to say you've set the standard for smooth jazz pieces, and set it high, I might add.
  25. I always found the original track to be very obscure, and also assumed that no one would ever remix it. However, once again I am proven wrong. You did an awesome job with this track Sefiros, very epic yet entrancing.
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