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Jillian Aversa

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Everything posted by Jillian Aversa

  1. Haha, thanks José. No cake or candles today, but my friend made me bread pudding instead, and it's tasty!
  2. Now that's a birthday to celebrate! Congratulations. She looks adorable - teach her well.
  3. Hehe, you're not crazy. I tried two different site designs I didn't much like before I finally settled on this one, and I love it. This has been the look since October actually; the only change I made recently was the addition of this forum. :> (And don't worry, no more changes! I plan on sticking with this for quite some time...)
  4. Thanks for the link, Siamey! That's awesome - hope I get it soon, cuz how convenient would that be? You're nuts, Harmony. Your voice is as silky smooth as Seal's... or any seal in general. They're smooth too. No special plans for the day as of yet, but this weekend's Distant Worlds concert was treat enough for me, and Andy seems to have another gift in store this coming weekend. Thank you all! XD
  5. Laaaaaaaaaaaame. This is great, though, guys. Thanks for all your questions in my "The real Jill?" thread! Don't be shy about starting your own introduction as well. ^-^
  6. Yeah, Andy has a late birthday though (June). I'm not actually two years older than him! (But boy am I gonna feel old when we're really old...)
  7. Yeah, I was starting to realize there's only so much you can do with a regular website. I always crave more "hanging out" time with the people that stumble upon my music.
  8. How many new ways can you guys come up with to wish me a happy birthday? You're too much.
  9. Happy birthday, twin of a few more years!
  10. Thanks, guys! (If I don't see a post on my new forum from you Larries, I'm coming after you! kbye)
  11. Hey guys! I wanted to let you know of a brand new addition to my personal website: a discussion board! This forum will serve as a more interactive way to stay in touch about various happenings (or not-so-happenings) such as my album release next month, and I'm very excited about it. Believe it or not, I probably want to know just as much (if not more) about you as you do me. Questions, requests, fun topics of discussion... all are welcome, so please come introduce yourself! Even if I already know you from OCR, it would be great for some of my other listeners to read up about you as well. Now, I know some people might think it a little unnecessary for an artist of my status to have their own discussion board. Believe me, I didn't start one because of some deluded sense of grandeur. ^_~ I just think it's the best way to really encourage ongoing communication with listeners. It may take a while to get a lot of activity going on, but you can certainly help by stopping by! Also, it's mah birfday... so you know you wanna grant me my one birfday wish and make a post! >_> ...
  12. (Damnit, Larry! ) Yeah, the fadeout was purely due to time constraints, but I think we can convince Andy to write a more conclusive ending before handing Uematsu his stuff in person! Awesome, awesome mixeroo.
  13. Awesome idea. And yes, you may butcher mah stuff... but only cuz you're Daggu!
  14. (*worries Luke make have gone a little looney..*) It's not April yet! Too early for trickery. ^_~
  15. Where's sephfire? Get him in here.
  16. Andy already edited the post above, but just as a note... I'd love it if you guys could use my real name, Jillian Goldin, as opposed to pixietricks if you decide to add me. I'll be uploading some remixes to that profile, but it's also going to be a resource for the original music on my upcoming album. :> http://apps.facebook.com/ilike/artist/jilliangoldin
  17. Agreed. You're better than you think, Shonen!
  18. Hey guys, just thought I should point out that collaborations will not be accepted due to the nature of the contest. They don't mention it either way on the website, but I talked to Tim for clarification.
  19. I also love this thread. Keep 'em coming!
  20. There's a little more to it than that. It's not just that revenge is bad, consumes you, and you die. The musical is a social commentary on the nature of the justice system for one thing, and that the movie did keep in tact. But it's also supposed to show you how easily anyone could be drawn into the vicious cycle. Without... a) The chorus opening the show with their whole number (look up the lyrics) Anthony and Johanna's innocent love to keep things at bay, and c) Toby's ending monologue ...the message is lost.
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