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Jillian Aversa

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Everything posted by Jillian Aversa

  1. 10:00 on Friday is the time we had last year, and it worked out really well for us. It's at the very beginning of the three-day event, so everyone is pumped and looking for a great way to kick things off. The only real disadvantage is that we won't be able to advertise before the panel itself. But hey, I think it's cool they gave us a big block of time. And yeah, we'd probably be starting more like 10:15 or so; give people a chance to file in.
  2. Strange... That is the main theme I sang for, but the version up on this teaser site sounds like the MIDI choir - not us. Either they used that temporarily until the real release, or they mixed in our vocals to the point that the words are indistinguishable. We did have real lyrics. I think it's just the MIDI choir, personally. They're probably saving up the good stuff. EDIT: (July 15th) The real recording is up at the above address! It's a little lo-fi, but that is the main theme I was a part of. Don't know how I'll get my hands on the solo recording, though, unless I buy Civ IV *and* BTS. ...Or if Michael Curran is nice enough to give me a copy. ^_~
  3. Nuts: Kroze was in charge of compiling the sigs, but he had to leave for the VGL carpool very early in the morning. He probably missed your PM (hence why we thought an email acccessible to multiple people would be a good safety). Anyway, no harm done; Andy saw it and we can always edit late sigs into the card. :> Speaking of which... Kroze, bustatunez, Escariot, and his girlfriend all came to visit at the hospital this morning before heading off. It was really nice!
  4. SirNuts: Did you email your thing to zirconcard@gmail.com? I don't see it in here.
  5. Thanks so much, everybody! I just showed him the card and he's speechless. Kroze put everything together up until he had to leave this morning, and there were still a few that came in after that. I added everyone's since 11:55 am today - Fusion's was the most recent. You guys are awesome! EDIT: Here's the final thing! http://www.soundtempest.net/jill/ocr/zircard.png
  6. jmr: Yes, it's the same card. All the sigs so far will be on there! We're just trying to get more people, faster. ^_~
  7. Not much more to be said. It really is a terrific arrangement, but it desperately needs some element of human performance. There are a lot of talented guitarists in this community, for starters. I'm not sure how many of them can play in this style, but I'm willing to bet tekcoh_top's classical training would encompass Spanish music. May I suggest you try to collaborate with him? Better brass samples can be found, and castanets as well... But DrumUltimA is also a great percussionist in the community and perhaps he could lend a hand if you really don't know where to start with the production. Love the time signature changes and creative flair here. Keep us posted if you decide to round up some others for more of a live feel. The WIP and ReMixing forums could also be helpful if you're looking for production tips. Good luck! NO PLEASE RESUBMIT
  8. Hmmm... Sorry, guys, but I think your band needs a good deal more practice. It's pretty cool that you're actually taking on an arrangement like this- some great soloing ideas. I'm sure it's not easy to get things really tight ensemble wise, but I can't let that knowledge influence my vote. Probbles: - The brass notes really clash in the beginning. Larry already pointed that out. - Drums and bass aren't locked in. Just from observing my friends in jazz practices, I've learned that the first step to tightening the ensemble is getting those two instruments synced. Everyone else should fall into place if you do. Maybe practicing with a metronome for a little while could help? - Piano notes sometimes clashed with other things going on. - Flute solo sounds really cool, but a little hesitant and unsupported. Let it go, girl! I like that you guys are having fun. It shows! Just a little too sloppy for my standards at the moment. Please do resubmit again. Practice makes poifect. NO PLEASE RESUBMIT
  9. Sounds like you're just learning how to use your music program of choice. The production isn't bad, but that is probably largely due to the fact that there isn't much to produce at this point. Texture is very thin, and arrangement straightforward to the point where it's actually a simplification of the source tune. We have pretty high standards when it comes to reinterpretation (as well production). As Larry said, just take your time to familiarize yourself with the bar here, and keep learning and experimenting. NO
  10. Everything here sounds really lo-fi, to the point where there's literal distortion happening under headphones. The brass sample isn't half bad, but it's surrounding by really tinny snares and strings. Rock and roll percussion is a cool idea for this theme, and I like the way the arrangement picks up there, but the instrumentation is still thin in places. Needs more parts! A couple quick points: - At 2:23 the percussion gets really loud all of a sudden. - At 3:18 something weird is happening transitionally, and the cymbal crash at the end burned my ear drums. I think you're headed in the right direction, but it sounds like you could benefit from the WIP forums here on OCR. Production tips especially. NO PLEASE RESUBMIT
  11. Hmmmm... I'm not really hearing too many drastic changes since the last submission. I'm glad you took out the repetitive guitar riff in this version. And the key change at 0:58 is good in theory, but I think you could find a way to execute it more smoothly. It's a little jilting atm. Maybe partially because it's arrive too soon? Most songs don't modulate until later on, if at all. I still feel like the soundfield is cluttered and rather muddy. I suggested you reduce the reverb and up the panning before, but I'm not noticing much of a difference. The percussion is still bland as well. I think Larry's "sluggish" description basically sums it up. The backing synths are kind of hypnotizing - not necessarily a good thing if you want to keep your listener awake and alert. ^_~ Keep at it - you'll get there. NO
  12. I was a little worried about the arrangement aspect of things right off the bat, but thankfully that was a premature concern. I do wish the lead synth weren't so ear-piercing. Sounds kinda lo-fi, so the higher frequencies are really popping out. Four on the floor... A little old school/generic, but it definitely suits the UT universe. Ending definitely felt abrupt, but it wasn't bad per se. I guess I just wish the whole mix were further developed. Under 3 minutes... That's on the shorter side for a remix of this genre. However, I really don't have any production gripes other than the piercing lead synth in the introduction. Lots of nifty ideas floating around in here, and you've done your homework. Very enjoyable - solid work! YES
  13. That's good marketing!
  14. I think it's flattering. We're that internet famous? You know what they say... Any publicity is good publicity.
  15. I did! This morning! It's the zircon waveform logo.
  16. 34 minutes left to buy Antigravity on Andy's birthday! (Tomorrow is fine, too...) ^-^
  17. Hey, Escariot! Read your PM's. :>
  18. Today marks zircon's 20th birthday. Thank you for all your contributions to this community - musically and otherwise! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 XD XD XD XD XD XD
  19. I don't know what makes you think that doing something in a "Freezepop" style automatically means the lyrics will be farcical. A lot of Freezepop songs are actually quite serious, and feature mature themes. (And yes, they have love songs, too.) Funky Monkey Love is downright pornographic... That's definitely not what we're going for. I have had in mind to do the vocals from Saria's point of view. If that's not what you're looking for, we'll just submit the remix to OCR as initially planned. Not exactly dying to wait a year or more for it to be released anyway. However, I think it might help to clarify some things if you edited your first post (and possibly even thread title). Describing Link as a "pimp" who has all the "ladies of the Legend of Zelda" lusting after him isn't the most serious language, and would probably explain why so many people have been suggesting silly ideas... Tingle and all. XD
  20. What's wrong with a cheesy love song? You said you're looking for love songs of all styles.
  21. Hehe... Actually, Dyne, The Unsung Plumber included it in the first response to this thread. ^_~ But thanks!
  22. Fishy and I have actually already been talking about doing a Lost Woods collab (in the style of Freezepop) before you posted about this project. Would that fit the bill? He's gotten a good start on the instrumentation.
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