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Everything posted by Vig

  1. Wow...verbulation. apart from that, what stands out is that the harmony lacks the subtleties of the original. the gigantic bass is overpowering and muddy. it just rolls over everything else and makes the mix to crowed. NO
  2. what is going on in the first minute of this song? it's not done particularly well as far as ambience goes. there is some dissonance between the harmony and melody... a lot of the instruments sound muddy or muffled. the drums especially dont sound very good. there is very little flow to this mix, and the string harmony is one dimensional. the segments dont flow into each other, they just die then boom, onto the next idea. the end segment isnt bad, but there's too much verb on the piano. muffled and chaotic. NO
  3. as far as i can tell, the last three lines are Dracula kumbaya rastaman
  4. YES I understand all the issues. i agree that it could change up a little bit more, but it's solid, i like the power tools, and it's not long enough for me to want to die of repetitive listening injury. it's not an allstar, but it's no benchwarmer either.
  5. hmm...seems to me you missed a few spots. with the polish, that is. first of all, I think the flutes are too dry. They sound...not good. I'd say that i wasnt happy with the sample quality, but i really think the problem could be solved with some reverb. another issue; there are some dynamic anomalies going on. the most noticeable of which are that sometimes the strings will jump in way louder than they ought to, and there are some moments where the strings release in an unnatural way, such as at 2:10. the drums are wierd. it sounds like they could be flipped, like the groove should have started a beat earlier or something. i think the groove comes in at a bad time, because the same structure repeats just with the beat. it doesnt melt very well. also the limbo at 3:30 is akward because the drums keep going. i say take out the drums here. It's not up to GL's usual standard, i think it needs more work. NO
  6. OW MY EARS THE DRUMS ARE TOO LOUD>>!>!!>! really tho. it pounds. maybe my ears are just sensitive. i'm not terribly impressed...this is fun, but it does repeat quite a bit, and a lot of the sounds are really harsh. the arrangement is simple, but rather effective. unfortunately....it's still repeating, and it hasn't pulled any new rabbits out of the hat for quite a while. the ending is no different from any other segment of the mix. too repetitive. NO
  7. i dont think we should be passing mixes that are simplifications of the original unless there is a significant change in style or feel. NO
  8. the first thing i notice is that the piano patch is lacking. the second thing i notice is the horrible harmonic choices made throughout the entire mix. i dont need to say anthing else. the chords killed this mix. NO
  9. i hear what dan is saying about the conflicting keys... wow. the orchestra stabs are really ugly. you need some new sounds. the remix is really jarring and quite ugly, although you have some very interesting rhythmic play going on. it needs better sounds, some reverb, and perhaps some soft pads. who knows. the ending is half assed, and the remix never really escalates at all. the intro is great, but the intro isnt a remix. chop off the remix, develop the intro and call it an original. the remix attached just isnt that listenable. NO
  10. 1. clipping. 2. Akward as a whole, this lacks flow. it stays on a phrase for too long and leaves too many melodies out in the sun with no harmony. 3. only 2:20. this isnt the radio, lets get some substance, please. 4. poor ending. 5. NO
  11. colloquialisms are for schmucks. you aren't a schmuck, are you?
  12. Allright, coop, you keep getting better...this isnt as mono as your previous mixes, but i still think you could be doing more panwork. the arrangement is good. but i think it's time for a sample upgrade. Yes
  13. I agree with what has been said. a lot is expressed here, the arrangement is very good, if the samples arent great. YES
  14. This is a really heavy mix, and yet it isnt crowded. i like the bass, i like the sparseness of the mix. my complaint with this mix is that it's too short. way too short. it needs more development. i'd like to hear a resubmit, longer and with more ideas expressed. it's trance, for gods sake. it should be at least 4 or 5 minutes long. NO
  15. yeha...the guitar is recorded poorly, although the playing isnt terrible by any means. it needs more bass, it needs reverb, and it needs to expand more than just a repitition of the melody. decent playing, but it needs work. NO
  16. yeah...this is an intro, this is too short, it doesnt develop, etc. and i have some problems with the piano encoding in the turnaround. Basically, this needs more. NO
  17. First off, the title should be "have you forgotten?" this gets a NO for poor grammar. actually, the no is for the fact that the more techno or atmospheric elements arent developed. it sounds like this ought to be more moody than it is. there isnt enough reverb, and the sounds arent as dark or menacing as they ought to be.
  18. Yeah, unfortunately this is suffering from a case of GM. The arrangement isn't bad, but this is just really overshadowed by all the SoR remixes we already have up with great samples and cool effects. work on samples. NO
  19. is it just me or does the recording sound distant? like it was thru speakers then miked? i think the arrangement is fine, but i want to hear it recorded better. if you can do that, it's an easy YES, but for now, i'm undecided.
  20. why cant anyone record guitar anymore? i remember back in the day when we had these things we called "reverb," and "mid-to-low end." what we have here is a thin, trebly mess, plus it's the same as original. NO
  21. i understand the gripe about the sample quality. but the arrangement is good, there's variation, and at least it's not GM. i think. regardless, it's not so bad as to reject it for the sound quality. YES
  22. out of key, it's the original with a drumbeat, there's no harmony, save the conflicting melodies. NO
  23. I'm going to go with Matt and give this one a NO i'm suprised prot gave it a yes, first of all, because it's less than 2:30. the arrangement isnt bad, but it isnt that different. i agree with matt that by 130 i'm feeling the repetitiveness. for such a short mix it really does repeat quite a bit. the guitar playing is good in some places, and the solo has some chops, but no flow, and no rhythm. the lines die in places they should continue. but that's a relatively minor point, seeing as how we pass mixes with lesser guitar playing. I dont really see the draw. the intro turned me off, the ending is terrible, it's short, it's repetitive, and it doesnt vary too greatly from the original.
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