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Everything posted by Vig

  1. i really like the sound of this mix. it's very rich and full. unfortunately there are certain aspects that dont measure up to the rest. the lead synth sucks. it just sucks. its weak as hell. i think a square lead would have been more appropriate. the piano is a nice idea, but it sticks out as very dry when it is played over the techno beat. i'd suggest trying a more feedback-y piano sound, or adding hella reverb and delay. the other problem is that this is too close to the original. and the ending is half-assed. you folks should know by now that i demand an ending with a big full round ass. er...maybe i'm getting off subject. NO but this has potential.
  2. i'll contact him today and see what the deal is.
  3. yeah...the more i listen to this, the more the clipping bothers me. before this gets posted, can we contact this guy and get a version without clipping?
  4. first of all, your ending sucks. what you have here is alright, but it's anything but complete. here we have a melody, two mediocre piano solos, and another melody. first of all, if the song is funk, you might want to consider using a different piano sound. a delayed grand does not fit. try maybe a rhodes elp or a hammond organ. jazz/funk is constructed thusly: -a melody/head. -repeat chord progression about a million times. this structure does not work automatically. it isnt enough to play a head, play a piano solo, play a head, play a piano solo, and play another head. it is boring, and it goes nowhere. here are some elements necessary to make jazz/funk work: -solos on different instruments expressing different...feels, if you will. -an engaging rythm section that plays off the soloist, plays quietly and sparsely when the solo is as such, and loud and busy when the soloist is loud and busy. -same as above but in one word, Dynamics. this mix lacks. on the surface it sounds like funk/jazz. it has the great bassline and groove, but it really has no soul, no personality. this needs lots of work. NO
  5. this mix could use some serious quantization. the off-rythms are particularly noticeable in the intro. it sounds really sloppy. there are also a lot of sloppy harmonies. there are a number of moments where it seems that some instruments forgot to shift to a major key with the rest of the song. i also agree with dan that the mix has a supermarket-jazz feel. not good. its just sloppy. NO
  6. the other judges make good points, but they are kind of underemphasizing the major problem in this mix. the beat is okay, the sounds are nice, but the mix is too spaced out. it is too long. there are some half decent ideas, but there is way too much dead space in between them. this mix could be condensed. think tang. go for half length. the other major problem, which is really a symptom of the aformentioned issue, is that it doesnt escalate. the ideas are separate, and they dont flow into one another. build them into each other, increase the overall depth, and this could be kind of cool. NO
  7. First, the volume level is way too low. this is very well played, and the piano sounds wonderful. the problem, i think, is not in the harmony, but the structure. the unconventional harmonies didnt bother me at all. the playing sounds vaguely like keith jarrett. and while you are obvously a strong piano player, as far as improvised structure, keith jarrett you aint. this doesnt escalate, it doesnt even flow. work on continuity. great playing, tho. NO
  8. not the best sounding remix, but the arrangement is good, it doesnt get monotonous, there are lots of layers, and good dynamics. borderline, but YES
  9. i really like this how it is, but i think it could be a lot better. teh remixer tells me that he has an updated version. i'll hold my vote till i hear that.
  10. way too repetitive for such a relatively short mix. way too repetitive, and it really doesnt go anywhere. doesnt build on the original, and the harmony is oversimplified. NO
  11. beautiful. yeah, i wouldnt call this jazz, i'd call it kind of soul-blues. this reminded me of how sweet the pilotwings soundtracks is. i might have to do something pilotwings now. some issues, the organ comping is rythmically simple, and i dont like how every instrument has the same delay. hrm....now that it's over...i think this mix could have been a lot more than it is. oh well...it's certainly nice to listen to, if not completely realized. maybe i'll just have to satisfy my imagination sometime in the future by doing my own remix of the track. YES id like to hear the mixer get rid of the clipping
  12. YES this is well arranged. a bit repetitive, but it's well played and exciting. but man are the vocals bad. the singing is off key, the singer cant reach the notes, cant sustain the notes, his/her voice cracks and scratches all over the place. but the rest of this mix is pretty sweet.
  13. your bass is doing cool things. keep that. the problem with this mix is that right now it's very bare-bones. the synths are dry and unoriginal. and there are only 3 instruments. you should add texture by adding softpads or strings or something. (unrelated note) holy cow johnny damon just got run over by a truck look around for some synths that are more pleasing to the ear, and add harmony and texture with more instruments. NO
  14. this mix has no escalation, no resolution. it sounds like an outtake from a larger piece. it is too short, and it has a repeat. what's here is allright, but it needs to be bigger, more ambitious. NO
  15. its kind of nice. it's a very chill mix. i'm not familiar with the original, and they may be melodies, but the multiple "solos" (i'll call them that until i hear otherwise) are kind of uninspired. the whole mix lacks movement. there's no escalation. it doesnt go anywhere, and the solos could make the mix more interesting if they had a greater dynamic range. and there's a cheap fadeout ending. this mix just feels like not quite enough effort went into it. NO
  16. the lead synth is incredibly weak, and in the beginning it sounds flat to my ear. interesting percussion and sound effects arent enough to make up for the mediocre arrangement and god-awful lead instrument. NO
  17. schala. okay. the initial synth is up there amongst the most irritating sounds i've ever heard. the percussion is done well, the dynamics on the whole are pretty good, but this mix is very straight-forward. it has nthing unique compared to the other schala mixes that come thru here, except that synth, which makes this a NO
  18. your sig makes me want to vomit. but in a good way.
  19. i'm not sure why, in retrospect, but the intro had me dreaming of a wonderful magnetman techno mix. this did not become that mix. the arrangement is pretty much the same as the original. it's just repeated several times with different synths. it's like someone put the song on loop and changed the synth for the parts at random intervals. this song has literally dozens of synths (none of them very bassy, by the way), and virtually no arrangement to speak of. NO
  20. okay. imagine the MK theme from the MK CD. Play it at double speed. Eliminate that whole "harmony" problem by never playing more than a total of 3 notes at a time on the lead, bass and drums. Strech to 4:30 by adding lots of interlude sections and repeating all of them. Add voice sample of curly going "wooop woop woop woop woop woop!" (or is it mel gibson?). You are now imagining this mix. maybe this is enough to please some techno fans, but not me. it needs more. more harmony, more depth, more mood, more ambience. NO
  21. i'm with everyone else. the percussion is good, the sounds are great, but the music just isnt there. it's like a big thanksgiving dinner with no turkey. keep working on the musical aspect of this mix. NO
  22. This is a groove song. meaning, it's prettymuch all groove. it is very repetitive. it doesnt build up too much. the sound effects work maybe half the time. but the most common sound effect, the squalk, then pound effect, is ever so slightly off-rythm, and it's just annoying. its groovy, but it just isnt going places. NO
  23. Damnit, you just had to go and make a lower Brinstar mix that sounds EVEN LESS like the original than mine, huh? This is really great stuff. Everything melts. it's wonderful. dont know what else to say. some of your best work. love the square synth. this makes me really want to finish that guitar solo for you. btw, you said this was maridia, but i heard brinstar 2. WUT?
  24. yeah...from the second this thing started i knew it was a remix from a rare game. this is the cutest damn thing i've ever heard. unfortunately, the arrangement doesnt really improve on the original, it just repeats. and it's way too short. NO
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