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Everything posted by Harmony

  1. Might not be a FL thing. I'm in Sonar and as much as I want to love Enigma and the presets, I've stopped using them because to me it's easier and faster to just clear everything and setup the controllers manually.
  2. Are they trying to make the class sound harder than it possibly could be? All signs point to yes.
  3. Meh, "basic things" are all relative. I could happily continue making music without a PRV entirely, but a well-oiled uber-capable PRV is your lifeblood. For that reason, I can't imagine a better sequencer than FL Studio for what you do, but good luck hunting
  4. "Ripped off" is such a dirty term. Let's just say Cakewalk "borrowed" the piano roll from FLStudio...no, wait...Cakewalk was "inspired by" the piano roll in FLStudio. Yeah, that sounds a lot better.
  5. What the hell!? This is pure awesome. I'm so gonna cop this style for whatever I do next. The jamming potential is endless!
  6. *poof* no more crackle (hopefully) http://www.zzounds.com/item--MDOAP2496
  7. love love love it.
  8. "Hey, check out that guy's Joe Cam fan club t-shirt. Sweet, I wonder who's selling them?"
  9. one day, when I find some of that "extra time" that I've been hearing so much about, I'd love to sit down and d.i.y. an fx plugin or two. Looks like you've got a pretty good start there analoq.
  10. Good stuff ABG. I thought things got a little reverb/delay heavy around 2:10-2:35, even for the genre, but everything clears up nicely afterward. I agree with finn that the extended build up here is absolutely required to put one in the proper state of mind for rocking out Doesn't feel too long to me at all, BUT, since this mix is only 4:35 my biggest gripe is that the mix feels too short! When the claps drop out at 4:14, I want it to be a break before another build, not an outro. But it is what it is, and what it is is completely enjoyable. Nice work again.
  11. A few more members and we won't fit on the jamspace stage. They'll have to let us on the main stage next year!
  12. lol, nice one.
  13. Gah! I missed meeting Hale-Bopp!? We need bigger name tags next year where everyone can write their names and handles HUGE so no one can possibly miss it. I'll let someone else correct our group's name (although as written, the description fits ). Otherwise, awesome shot man, thanks! Is it just me, or am I doing a spot-on Dave Matthews impression?
  14. My amazement at the mashup is damaged but still mostly intact.
  15. omg, that was frickin sweet. Someone should have recorded it
  16. Geezus peas, that was awesome. I want to know what his recording/mic setup is; sounds pretty sweet.
  17. LOL, fun times. Apparently, BGC didn't get the memo
  18. bustatunez bustin' movez The crowd at bLiNd's set
  19. I was having way too much fun with everything else to get lots of photos, but I did snag a few. I'll put these up on the Facebook page too. Pizza time Pixietricks and Zircon rocking out at bLiNd's set bLiNd = awesome The one and only mazedude 'bout to bust a backflip
  20. Wow, that was really more fun than I could have imagined. It was great seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Everyone who put in blood, sweat and tears to get MAGFest off the ground this year, you have a HUGE thank you from me. And a special shout-out to fellow members of quite possibly the best band ever, B.T.S! Taucer, audio fidelity, yodaisbetter and bustatunez, you all rock
  21. Nice interview djp Even though I don't get to hang around nearly as much as I'd like to, seeing stuff like this that highlights how awesome and renowned OCR is becoming makes me incredibly happy to have been in any small way a part of that. Man, I love this place.
  22. Very slick Mazedude, especially that phat beat -- it drives this mix beautifully.
  23. Thanks for the comments KogeJoe, but don’t you think it’s kind of weird to throw out a blanket statement about not liking when things are added to a song that weren’t in the original when you’re on a remix site!? If remixers only used what was in the original song, then we would all do super-conservative covers (a.k.a exact copies) and this would be a very boring place. I find it even stranger that just about every time someone has given me a comment about never liking lyrics in songs, they qualify it with “but I liked your lyrics” or “I thought these lyrics were a cool addition.” What’s up with that? In any case, I’m glad that I’ve had the chance to help a number of people re-examine their preconceptions about lyrics in songs (even if they don't know or admit as much). Hopefully, future remixers will hear a few less “I hate lyrics in remixes” comments as a result. In fact, tearing down all musical preconceptions is one of my favorite contributions of OCR to society at large. Gotta love this place OverClocked ReMix -- Obliterating “I hate [blah] in music” comments since 1999.
  24. Hey SGX! Happy (sorta late) birthday, representing for the College Park crew!!
  25. Eh don't worry about turning the big 2 8. You know what they say these days: "28" is the new "27" (happy birthday)
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